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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,240 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Improved Modelling of Pressure-Dependent Permeability Behaviour in Coal Based on a New Workflow of Petrophysics, Hydraulic Fracturing and Reservoir Simulation
Honja Miharisoa Ramanandraibe, Ayrton Soares Ribeiro, Raymond Johnson Jr, Zhenjiang You
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... work aims to improve the recently developed model by including multilayer and permeability anisotropy effects. A reservoir model with multiple coal...
Stress Directions in Cretaceous Frontier Formation, Green River Basin, Wyoming
S. E. Laubach, S. J. Clift, R. E. Hill, J. Fix
Wyoming Geological Association
... breakouts, velocity anisotropy, and strength anisotropy data support north-trending SHmax, which is consistent with predictions of previous studies. Other...
Fracture characterization at multiple scales using borehole images, sonic logs, and walkaround vertical seismic profile
Romain Prioul, Jeroen Jocker
AAPG Bulletin
... properties of fractures such as borehole images, sonic anisotropy logs, and borehole seismic anisotropy. The analysis is applied to a case study from a north...
Decoupled approximation of qP- and qSV-wave in attenuated TI media
Rong Huang, Zhiliang Wang, Guojie Song
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... to completely decouple the qP- and qSV-wave components in the TI media. Third, to describe the subsurface media's attenuation and anisotropy...
Extracting Meaningful Estimates of Rock Properties from 3-D Anisotropic Velocity Models Derived from Borehole Microseismic
Scott Taylor, Jeremy King, Ben Schaeffer, Todd Hibbitts, Lucas McGreaham, Khaled Ghuneim
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... velocity models. The authors present a study of a West Texas microseismic dataset, in which varying levels of anisotropy are tested through tomography...
Abstract: Inference of 2D and 3D Locally Varying Anisotropy Fields; #90187 (2014)
Maksuda Lillah and Jeff Boisvert
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Inference of 2D and 3D Locally Varying Anisotropy Fields; #90187 (2014) Maksuda Lillah and Jeff Boisvert AAPG Search and Discovery Article...
The Impact of Anisotropic Mechanical Properties on Stimulation and Wellbore Stability in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory, Australia
J Adam Donald, Thomas J. Neville
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... independent parameters compared to only two for isotropic media. It is more difficult to measure reliably the parameters required for anisotropy...
Semiautomated Lateral Landing Advisor for On-Time Decisions Utilizing Digital Borehole Sonic Services and Next-Generation Cloud-Based Fracturing Design
Edgar Velez, Juan David Estrada, Adam Donald, Romain Prioul, Ting Lei, Erik Wielemaker, Violeta Lujan
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., and dipole shear anisotropy from the wellsite using new robust algorithms. A multimode (flexural and Stoneley) physics-based machine learning...
Permeability, Porosity, and Shear-wave Anisotropy From Scaling of Open Fracture Populations
Randall Marrett
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...Permeability, Porosity, and Shear-wave Anisotropy From Scaling of Open Fracture Populations Randall Marrett 217 Permeability, Porosity, and Shear...
Abstract: Detecting Basement Reservoir Fractures on Vietnam’s First Ocean Bottom Seismic Survey in the Cuu Long Basin
James Keggin, Joe Zhou, Nguyen Lam Anh
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... reveals azimuthal anisotropy on both PP and PS data where effects can be seen in azimuthally varying velocity fields, shear wave splitting and azimuthally...
Abstract: The Geological Geophysical Dialogue
Leon Thomsen
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... the effects of seismic anisotropy? Can we narrow the uncertainty here with other seismic data, for example, shear waves? Questions like these, along...
Recent Experiences with Seismic Imaging and Velocity Analysis: Abstract
John L. Toldi, Nathaniel G. Tilander
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... or anisotropy) is large enough to have required complex-imaging technologies in the earlier exploration phase, these technologies are now being regularly...
Seismic Anisotropy Modelling and Fluid Substitution for Carbon Dioxide (Co2) Well Storage Project In Carbonate Reservoir
Pebrian Tunggal Prakosa, Thariq Guntoro, Ahmat Dafit Hasim, Okok Wijaya, Yulia Putri Wulandari
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Seismic Anisotropy Modelling and Fluid Substitution for Carbon Dioxide (Co2) Well Storage Project In Carbonate Reservoir Pebrian Tunggal Prakosa...
ABSTRACT: Selected Topics in Seismic Dispersion
Christopher L. Liner
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
..., attenuation, anisotropy, reflection characteristics and other aspects of seismic waves that show frequency-dependence. We will examine...
Abstract: Seismic Modeling of Kerogen Maturity for Source Rocks: Bakken Shale, Williston Basin, USA
Malleswar Yenugu
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... increases with maturity and over-matured source rocks will be in over-pressured regime. . The wave propagation, velocities, anisotropy and AVO effects...
Abstract: Seismic Modeling of Kerogen Maturity for Source Rocks: Bakken Shale, Williston Basin, USA
Malleswar Yenugu
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... increases with maturity and over-matured source rocks will be in over-pressured regime. . The wave propagation, velocities, anisotropy and AVO effects...
"Can Variograms Characterize Reservoir Continuity? [Abstract]"
Yuan, L-P.
CSPG Bulletin
... and can be used to quantify reservoir anisotropy. However, variograms cannot be used to examine a single phase. A variogram always characterizes an entire...
Solving Shear-Wave Splitting in PS Data Processing of 3D 4C OBN Seismic Survey Offshore Nunukan, Indonesia
Andreas Waluyo, David Tilling, Supriyono, Rio Sebayang, Agus Warmar Rasa
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...). This stress exhibits azimuthal anisotropy in seismic waves, defined as the dependence of seismic wave speeds on propagation azimuth. In homogenous...
Seismic Characterisation of Unconventional Plays in North America
Lee Bell, Mary Edrich, Alvaro Chaveste
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... understanding these plays. The anisotropy of of t hese plays and how to identify their sweet sweet spot attributes. An isotropic information P...
Bore-Hole Seismic Profiles in Ekofisk Field: ABSTRACT
P. A. F. Christie, J. A. Dangerfield
AAPG Bulletin
... from below the reservoir formations are evident, and a by-product from the survey is strong evidence for the existence of apparent anisotropy...
Abstract: Proprieties of Anisotropic Media Established by the Multifractal Formalism Revisited by the Wavelet Transform, by Sid Ouadfeul; #90082 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
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Search and Discovery.com
... produce a positive estimate of the anisotropy gradient even if the media is isotropic; thus it is important that this attribute be examined along...
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Search and Discovery.com
... of information, a suitable velocity and anisotropy strategy, and proactive QC. The success of the project can be evaluated by QC of final migrated gathers...
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Search and Discovery.com
... the geological model, to study anisotropy in such crystalline terranes, and to construct a velocity model that will be used for locating microseisms induced...