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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,240 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Abstract: Azimuthal Simultaneous Elastic Inversion; #90172 (2014)
Jon Downton, Benjamin Roure
Search and Discovery.com
... with appropriate user defined wavelets, generating 3D volumes of the fracture parameters. HTI anisotropy, the lowest symmetry which describes fractures...
Abstract: Numerical Modeling of Shear-wave Splitting and Azimuthal Velocity Analysis in Fractured Media; #90172 (2014)
Zimin Zhang, Don C. Lawton, Robert R. Stewart
Search and Discovery.com
... mining. The purpose of the work is to study azimuthal seismic anisotropy, shear-wave splitting, and time-lapse seismic signals caused by vertically...
Abstracts: True-Amplitude PS Prestack Time Migration via 5D Interpolation; #90173 (2015)
Peter W. Cary, Albert Zhang
Search and Discovery.com
... the downgoing P-wave and up-going S-wave travel at different speeds and are affected by anisotropy differently. Some technical issues, such as velocity...
Abstracts: Determining Elastic Constants of an Orthorhombic Material by Physical Seismic Modeling; #90173 (2015)
Faranak Mahmoudian, Gary F. Margrave, P. F. Daley, and Joe Wong
Search and Discovery.com
...-diagonal elastic constants. Examining the P-, SV-, and SH-wave group velocity surfaces, we detected a mildly deformed type of elliptical anisotropy...
Abstracts: Shale Gas: An Unconventional Reservoir; #90173 (2015)
Search and Discovery.com
... reservoir. Nanoscale gas flow in Shale gas sediments has scope to cope with research on dry nanotechnology(smartfluid/nanofluid).Anisotropy in sediments may...
Abstract: Calculation of Amplitude and Velocity in General Anisotropic Media; #90224 (2015)
M. Malehmir and D. R. Schmitt
Search and Discovery.com
.... Some of the cornerstones of seismic data analysis for isotropic media are of limited use when anisotropy is introduced. In this paper, a unified solution...
Integrating Seismic, Microseismic and Engineering Data to Optimize Lateral Placement and Completion Design in the Eagle Ford; #80251 (2012)
Ross Peebles
Search and Discovery.com
...’s Modulus Bulk Modulus Poisson’s Ratio Differential Stress Stress Field Orientation Azimuthal Anisotropy Pore Pressure Facies (rock type, clay content...
Post-Stack Multi-Azimuth Stratigraphic Inversion Applied to Unconventional Reservoir Characterization: A Case Study in the Fort Worth Basin; #41120 (2013)
Mathilde Adelinet, Vincent Clochard, and Patrice Ricarte
Search and Discovery.com
... inversion workflow able to characterize an unconventional reservoir in terms of anisotropy, probably due to fracturing. In a first attempt, we have worked...
Anisotropic 3D Amplitude Variation with Azimuth (AVAZ) Methods to Detect Fracture-Prone Zones in Tight Gas Resource Plays, #41531 (2015).
Bill Goodway, John Varsek, Christian Abaco
Search and Discovery.com
... Ambiguities AVAZ interpretation for fracture attributes can be established by models using theory based on HTI anisotropy (horizontal transverse isotropy...
Effect of Stress Anisotropy on Borehole Failure Initiation and Extent: A Laboratory Experimental Observation, #42290 (2018).
Bailin Wu, Xavier Choi, Ranjith Pathegama Gamage
Search and Discovery.com
...Effect of Stress Anisotropy on Borehole Failure Initiation and Extent: A Laboratory Experimental Observation, #42290 (2018). Bailin Wu, Xavier Choi...
Acoustic Log Measurements in the Lower Eagle Ford Formation in Brazos and Robertson Counties, Texas and Their Implications on Completion Design
Richard Reischman, Scott Brooks, Trevor Willms, Tony L. Albrecht, John J. Walsh, Edgar Arteaga
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of URTeC is prohibited. Abstract Intrinsic anisotropy is known to exist in most organic shales due to their layered nature. Horizontal and vertical...
Marine Multicomponent Seismic – The New Issues in the Developing Revolution
Jason Robinson
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... the measurement of azimuthal anisotropy, eliminating strong water bottom multiples and provide lithology and fluid discrimination. Most surveys have...
Seismic Imaging and Interpretive Model Building in the Colombian Andes
Rob Vestrum
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... ANDES ROB VESTRUM TBI (Thrust Belt Imaging): 2300, 645 - 7 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada ABSTRACT Lateral velocity variation and dipping anisotropy...
Unconventional Play Fracture Characterization Through Orthorhombic Depth Model Building
Guy Hilburn, Amit Pendharkar, William Keller, René Mott, Jorge Peinado, Austin Jumper, Victor Kriechbaum
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and fracture orientation allows for the probing of reservoir properties through models of the earth’s kinematic anisotropy. Sound propagation is faster...
ABSTRACT: Seismic-Based Geomechaical Modeling Provides Attributes for Directional Well Planning; #90013 (2003)
Search and Discovery.com
... azimuthal velocity and AVO analysis revealed no essential anisotropy above the horizon B, while the rockmass below B proved to be distinctly anisotropic...
A Comparative Study of Organic Richness and Maturity Impact on Anisotropic Geomechanical Properties in Shale Reservoirs
Azra N. Tutuncu, Binh Bui
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... composition, maturity, amount of organic matter and clay composition affecting the anisotropy level of the geomechanical properties have been discussed...
Acoustic Velocity Modeling of Unconventional Reservoirs
Alessandra Simone, Lori Hathon, Michael Myers
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... maturity with acoustic velocities and anisotropy. However, discrete acoustic velocity variations associated with kerogen type and thermal maturity remain...
The Role of Wrench Faults and Fractures in Creating “Sweet Spots” in Tight Gas Exploration and Production at Rulison Field, Colorado
Thomas L. Davis, Robert D. Benson
AAPG Special Volumes
... (Figure 6). High fracture density is the main cause of S-wave azimuthal anisotropy as illustrated in Figure 7. Figure 5. Well expected ultimate recovery...
Abstract: This is the title of an example SEG abstract using Microsoft Word 11-point bold type, by Thomas L. Davis, #90067 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Application of Target-oriented VVAZ on Relatively thin Fracture Reservoir; #90174 (2014)
Stephen K. Chiu, Jack Howell, Jason A Stein, Samik Sil, and Jeff Malloy
Search and Discovery.com
... orientations measured from image logs in areas with high anisotropy. Introduction Fracture characterization is a key factor in the optimization of a reservoir...
Distinguishing Natural Reactivated Fractures from Hydraulic Induced Fractures using Microseismic Event Analysis, #41306 (2014)
Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, William Barker, Kevin Smith
Search and Discovery.com
... for hydraulic fracturing (Heidbach et al, 2008). Anisotropy measured in a crossed-dipole sonic log from a nearby well confirmed the presumed stress anisotropy...
Processing the KTK 3D seismic Survey for Azimuthal Information: San Joaquin Basin, California; #41649 (2015)
M. Lee Bell and Gary Myers
Search and Discovery.com
... horizontal velocity anisotropy (HTI) in both P– and S-waves (see slide 9). The velocity parallel to fractures, for example, is fast (see slide 10...
Experimental Assessment of Elastic Properties and Minimum Horizontal Stress in the Haynesville Shale-Gas Formation
Clotilde Chen Valdés, Zoya Heidari
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... formations is challenging, as the result of heterogeneity, anisotropy, and complex lithology. Although organic-shale formations are anisotropic...
Numerical Simulation of the Impact of Coal Anisotropy on CO2 Sequestration in Deep Mannville Coal Seams
Yun Yang, Christopher R. Clarkson, Hamidreza Hamdi, Amin Ghanizadeh, Michael S. Blinderman, Curtis Evans
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Numerical Simulation of the Impact of Coal Anisotropy on CO2 Sequestration in Deep Mannville Coal Seams Yun Yang, Christopher R. Clarkson, Hamidreza...
Well Log Data Conditioning Using a Rock Physics Modeling Approach: Examples From the Banyu Urip Field, Cepu KKS, East Java Basin
Shiyu Xu, Soman Chacko
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... section are also affected by washout, and by anisotropy where boreholes are highly deviated. Significant improvements in seismic/well ties were achieved...