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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,325 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.
Abstract: Characterization of a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Using Multi-Component Seismic Data, by J. H. H. M. Potters; #90933 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Simple Models for the Stress-Dependence of Anisotropic Seismic Velocities in Fractured Rock, by Richard L. Gibson, Jr. and Kai Gao; #120034 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Compressional magnetic fabrics in the Jurassic-Cretaceous continental basins of the northern Central High Atlas (Morocco): geodynamic implications; #90137 (2011)
B. Moussaid, H. El Ouardi, A. Casas, J. J. Villalaín, T. Román, B. Oliva, R. Soto, S. Torres, A. Mahmoudi
Search and Discovery.com
... the history of strain fields in both basins and verify the origin of curved shape of the Ait Attab basin a study of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility...
Abstract: SS-wave Reflections from P-wave Sources in Azimuthally Anisotropic Media; #90187 (2014)
James Gaiser and Richard Verm
Search and Discovery.com
... to vertically fractured media. Although fast and slow SH1- and SH2-waves are not excited by conventional P-wave sources in the anisotropy symmetry planes...
Abstracts: Simultaneous Ultrasonic Measurement of Compressional and Two Directional Shear Wave Velocities With A Single Pair of Transducers; #90173 (2015)
Gautier Njiekak, Randy Kofman, and Douglas R. Schmitt
Search and Discovery.com
... and two orthogonal directional S waves in a solid media. One application of the new device is in the field of rock anisotropy studies. The new setup enables...
Abstract: Anisotropic Moment Tensor Inversion and Visualization Applied to a Dual Well Monitoring Survey; #90224 (2015)
Scott Leaney, Xin Yu, Chris Chapman, Les Bennett, Shawn Maxwell, Jim Rutledge, and John Duhault
Search and Discovery.com
... (Leaney et al., 2011; Leaney and Chapman, 2013) that makes use of anisotropic Green functions computed with a VTI ray tracer. In that work anisotropy...
Abstract: Spatial-temporal Boundaries of Shale Diagenesis Inferred from Magnetic Fabrics and Paleomagnetism; #90283 (2016)
Gerhard Heij, Doug Elmore, Jennifer Roberts, Alex K. Steullet, Devin Dennie
Search and Discovery.com
... and paleomagnetism of rocks can provide valuable clues to the mechanisms and timing of diagenetic processes operating in shales. Anisotropy of magnetic...
A Detailed Oklahoma Stress Map for Induced Seismicity Mitigation, #70198 (2015).
Richard C. Alt, Mark D. Zoback
Search and Discovery.com
...-anisotropy measurements from sonic dipole data provided by the oil and gas industry. These data reveal a very uniform ENE direction of maximum...
Reservoir Characterization by Integration of Outcrop Analog with In Situ Stress Profiling of a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir, #42033 (2017).
Jon Gutmanis, Lluís Ardèvol i Oro
Search and Discovery.com
... in stress regime and stress anisotropy with depth due primarily to this wide range in rock strengths and stiffness. A geomechanical zonation can...
Converted Shear-Wave Seismic Fracture Characterization Case Study: Pinedale Field, Wyoming, U
Search and Discovery.com
DENG Technology: A Proven Technology Applied to Enhance Geological and Hydrodinamic Models and Recovery Factor of Complexes Oilfields.
A. Ryzhkov, N. Raevskiy, V. Kolesnik, I. Ledovich, N. Zefirov, T. Davydova, P. Teatin
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
..., natural reservoirs (NR) heterogeneity and fields GEO properties anisotropy based on statistics, methods of stochastic processes (sequences...
Multiparameter full-waveform inversion addressing complex geological challenges in the Gulf of Suez
Amr Elsabaa, Denes Vigh, Arpana Sarkar, Khaled Abdelaziz, Khaled Hussian, Samir Ahmed, Haytham Abouhadid, Mohamed Maged
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... fitting, updating both velocity and anisotropy simultaneously. This workflow has provided fresh perspectives on the geology of the Gulf of Suez. 2000...
Imaging Solutions for Geophysical Challenges in South East Asia (Paper A13)
N. El Kady, Z. Mohd Dom, Y. Prasetyo, M. Bayly, G. Nyein, P. Vasilyev, N. Mat Don Ya
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... velocity (Vp) referenced in space and depth , also other subsurface properties such as Thomsen’s anisotropy parameters, dip magnitude and azimuth, faults...
NMO Inversion for Multilayer Subsurface with Horizontal Transverse Isotropic layers
E. Blias
Search and Discovery.com
... model with horizontal anisotropy axis is used to study fractured reservoirs. Reflection moveout in fractured media is usually used to determine...
Fracture Detection by Azimuthal Differential Residual Moveout
Juefu Wang
Search and Discovery.com
... implementation, we assume the target has weak HTI anisotropy and is embedded in an isotropic background. Typically, after NMO we observe systematic...
NMO Inversion for Multilayer Subsurface with Horizontal Transverse Isotropic layers
E. Blias
Search and Discovery.com
... model with horizontal anisotropy axis is used to study fractured reservoirs. Reflection moveout in fractured media is usually used to determine...
Fracture Detection by Azimuthal Differential Residual Moveout
Juefu Wang
Search and Discovery.com
... implementation, we assume the target has weak HTI anisotropy and is embedded in an isotropic background. Typically, after NMO we observe systematic...
Abstract: 3D–3С Full-Wave Modeling in Anisotropic 2.5D Medium; #90171 (2013)
A. Kostyukevych, N. Marmalevskyi, Y. Roganov, and V. Tulchinsky
Search and Discovery.com
... and transversely isotropic media. In this work is presented a 2.5D finite-difference continuation scheme for a medium with arbitrary anisotropy...
Abstracts: Synthetic Microseismic Files; #90173 (2015)
J. Wong, P. M. Manning, L. Han, and J. B. Bancroft
Search and Discovery.com
..., but no reflected arrivals. The ray-tracing method can approximate some effects of TTI anisotropy in the layers. Traces from FD modeling include reflected...
Abstract: Anisotropy-Preserving 5D Interpolation by Hybrid Fourier Transform; #90224 (2015)
Juefu Wang and Shaowu Wang
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Anisotropy-Preserving 5D Interpolation by Hybrid Fourier Transform; #90224 (2015) Juefu Wang and Shaowu Wang Datapages/Search and Discovery...
Burial History Modeling and Paleogeomechanics of the Barnett and Haynesville; #50807 (2013)
Kenneth E. Williams
Search and Discovery.com
... of the Layers 3) the Stress Anisotropy, among others Complex Natural Frac Network in Brittle Rocks /w Varying Present-day Stress Anisotropy Sh Sh Sh...
Visualizing Anisotropy in Seismic Facies Using Stratigraphically Constrained, Multi-Directional Texture Attribute Analysis; #120163 (2014)
Christoph Georg Eichkitz, Paul de Groot, Friso Brouwer
Search and Discovery.com
...Visualizing Anisotropy in Seismic Facies Using Stratigraphically Constrained, Multi-Directional Texture Attribute Analysis; #120163 (2014) Christoph...
Rock mechanics characterization using borehole images and far field acoustic measurements to optimize perforation in unconventional reservoir
Rajeev Kumar, Dai Guo Yu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... azimuth direction in low GR layer with stress induced anisotropy. The geomechanical data guided several critical decisions in perforation design...
Fracture reservoir prediction method based on AVO disturbance variance
Guangrui Xiao, Yao Li, Yuru Zhang, Dekui Xu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... difference effect caused by P-wave azimuthal anisotropy. Through analysis and statistics of the AVO disturbance variance, the anisotropic strength...
Key Aspects of Multi-Azimuth Acquisition and Processing
James Keggin, Ted Manning, Walter Rietveld, Chris Page, Eivind Fromyr, Roald van Borselen, Mazin Farouki
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... An added benefit of regularly sampled azimuth is the potential to measure and correct for azimuthal anisotropy. * ** BP Exploration Operating...