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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,240 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
ABSTRACT: Application of the Synthetic Rock Mass Discrete Element Approach for Fracture Behavior in Shale; #90122 (2011)
Nicholas Thompson and Rune M. Holt
Search and Discovery.com
...-scale test specimens (in particular anisotropy), and; 2) subsequent development of a meter- to tens-of-meter-scale analysis environment (i.e. potentially...
Abstract: Permeability Trends within Sandstones, Conglomerates and Mud Laminated Sandstones of the Viking Formation, Joffre Field, Central Alberta; #90174 (2014)
Blair Cann and Rudi Meyer
Search and Discovery.com
... of a variety of depositional and/or diagenetic parameters on permeability anisotropy of given rock units. Introduction This study aims to define, describe...
Abstract: The Elastic Look-Ahead Walkaway and Predictive Drilling Applications; #90213 (2015)
Scott Leaney, Alberto Malinverno, and Michael Jones
Search and Discovery.com
... inaccurate to reduce drilling risks to the desired level. Typical problems associated with surface seismic –derived velocities are: bias due to anisotropy...
Abstract: Correlating 3-D Seismic and Micro-Seismic Data for Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization; #90000 (2016)
Antoine Bouziat, Remi Moyen, Cedric Godefroy, Philippe Doyen, Simon Voisey, Gabino Castillo, Thomas Bardainne
Search and Discovery.com
... stimulation and for predicting reservoir stress anisotropy which may affect the orientation of hydraulic fractures. Studying the relationship between...
Abstract: A Summary of New Observations of the Lower Crust and Upper Mantle Structure beneath the Gulf Coastal Plain from Passive and Active Source Seismic Data; #90285 (2016)
Harold Gurolla, Jay Pulliam, Randy Keller, Kevin Mickus
Search and Discovery.com
..., respectively); and SKS measurements of the orientation of seismic anisotropy in the lithosphere. These new models have led to a better understanding...
Abstract: Basin Centered Geothermal in the Basin and Range: Using Outcrop Characterization to Better Predict Subsurface Flow Properties; #91208 (2024)
Theodore Morgan, Samuel M. Hudson, Brad Taylor, Cassidy Grover, Levi DeCrescenzo, Derek Ashliman, Madison Ramos
Search and Discovery.com
... eighty-two samples. Each sample was cored both horizontally and vertically to understand anisotropy of flow properties. To further constrain lithological...
Regional Distribution of Hydraulic Properties of the Palaeozoic Wajid Sandstone Group Southwestern Saudi Arabia, #50586 (2012)
H. Al-Ajmi, M. Keller, M. Hinderer, Sa'ed Al-Duair, J. Hornung, C. Schuth
Search and Discovery.com
... to analyse anisotropy. A column permeameter was used to measure intrinsic permeability under controlled conditions in a sealed cell. In general, both...
Multicomponent Seismic Interpretation and its Relation to Production Response in the Leonardian Drinkard Formation of Vacuum Field, by M.A. Raines and T.L. Davies, #90025 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
What are the Mechanisms and Timing of Joints in the Rockies
Search and Discovery.com
GC3-D Seismic Data in Imaging Fracture Properties for Reservoir Development, by Bob Parney and Paul LaPointe, #40098 (2003).
Search and Discovery.com
Impacts of Stress, Natural and Induced Fractures on Mechanical Properties of Organic-Rich Shales
Mehdi Mokhtari, Adel A. Alqahtani, Azra N. Tutuncu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... shale reservoirs since such reservoirs have extremely low permeability. In situ stress conditions, intrinsic anisotropy due to layering, anisotropy due...
Complex Electrical Conductivity of Mudrocks and Source-Rock Formations Containing Disseminated Pyrite
Siddharth Misra, Carlos Torres-Verdin, Dean Homan, John Rasmus,
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... to the conductivity of the uncontaminated host, and presence of effective anisotropy on conductivity and permittivity due to the effects of polarization...
The magnetic fabric of the Wolfcamp shale, Midland Basin, west Texas: Understanding petrofabric variability, hydrocarbon associations, and iron enrichment
Gerhard W. Heij, and R. Douglas Elmore
AAPG Bulletin
.... This work introduces anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) coupled with handheld x-ray fluorescence to define the origin of petrofabrics...
Analysis of Fluid Flow Constraints in Regional-Scale Reflux Dolomitization: Constant Versus Variable-Flux Hydrogeological Models
Gareth D. Jones,, Benjamin J. Rostron
CSPG Bulletin
... (seawater) boundary condition, the concentration of platform-top brines and critical hydraulic parameters (permeability and permeability anisotropy...
Time-lapse crosswell seismic monitoring of CO2 injection at the Nagaoka CCS site using elastic full-waveform inversion
Rie Nakata, Nori Nakata, Aaron Girard, Masaru Ichikawa, Ayato Kato, David Lumley, Zique Xue
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... anisotropy of the reservoir. We validate the anisotropy and deviatoric source excitation by waveform simulation and develop an anisotropy model. We...
A Workflow For Success in Shales
Ted Holden, John Pendrel, Fred Jenson, Peter Mesdag
GEO ExPro Magazine
... interpretation. Laminations cause polar anisotropy, distorting seismic data which must be corrected during seismic processing or inversion, and are also...
Advanced Imaging and Inversion for Oil Production Estimates in Unconventional Resource Plays
Greg M. Johnson, Paul Miller, David Phillips
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... anisotropy, ensuring accurate well ties during prestack depth migration. The prestack inversion portion of the workflow includes both azimuthal...
3D-9C seismic survey for direct S-wave processing and interpretation
Rui Zhang, Zhiwen Deng, Yuanyuan Yue, Yan Wang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... splitting to evaluate the subsurface anisotropy from the multi-component seismic data, which was applied on the multi-component VSP datasets (Li & Crampin...
Elastic impedance parameterization and inversion for fracture quasi-weaknesses and quasi-Thomsen parameters in fractured reservoirs with monoclinic symmetry
Wei Xiang, Xingyao Yin, Kun Li, Zhengqian Ma
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...) Summary Rocks containing vertical fractures in tilted fine layering can exhibit the characteristics of anisotropy with monoclinic symmetry. Here, we...
Abstract: A Ray+Waveform Inversion for the Potency Tensor; #90187 (2014)
Scott Leaney and Chris Chapman
Search and Discovery.com
... several advantages. Firstly, it contains none of the distorting effects of anisotropy, which may alter characteristic source angles and produce false...
Abstract: P-wave AVAz Modeling: A Haynesville Case Study; #90224 (2015)
Jon Downton
Search and Discovery.com
... equation derived for general anisotropy. Rather than dealing with this complexity, this paper uses a linearized reflectivity approximation derived...
Seismic Technologies for Unconventional Reservoir Characterization: Wamsutter Field Case Study; #110159 (2011)
Rosemarie Geetan, Brian Hornby, Ricko Wardhana
Search and Discovery.com
... of velocity anisotropy, AVO (Amplitude with Offset) and AVOAz (AVO with Azimuth) attributes calibrated to well data have greatly increased our understanding...
Calibration of Brittleness to Elastic Rock Properties via Mineralogy Logs in Unconventional Reservoirs, #41237 (2013)
Roderick Perez, Kurt Marfurt
Search and Discovery.com
..., velocity anisotropy, and well production in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin, Texas: M.S. Thesis, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, 105 p...
Permeability Anisotropy in Microsucrosic Dolomites
Perry O. Roehl
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
...Permeability Anisotropy in Microsucrosic Dolomites Perry O. Roehl 1989 11 35 Vol. 29 (1989) No. 9. (May) Archie, G.E., 1952, Classification...