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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,240 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Abstract: Sequential Development of Structural Heterogeneity in the Granny Creek Oil Field of West Virginia, by T. H. Wilson, L. Zheng, and R. C. Shumaker; #90995 (1993).
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Temperature and Pressure Anomalies Near the Red Fault, South Eugene Island Block 330, Gulf of Mexico, by F-D. Cipriani, D. Coehlo, L. Cathles, S. Roberts, and J. Nunn; #90986 (1994).
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Maximum Paleostress Orientation from Joint Shape, by A. Lacazette; #90986 (1994).
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A New Tool for Reservoir Characterization, by C. Rai, C. H. Sondergeld, and S. A. Morris; #90986 (1994).
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Abstract: Applications of Shear-Wave Technology in Southern Michigan, by K. R. Johnson; #90984 (1994).
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Abstract: Fault Pattern and Oil Migration in Huang Hua Depression, China, by G. Zhou; #90984 (1994).
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ABSTRACT: Pyrobitumen from Hydrous Pyrolysis of Oil and Bitumen: Implication for the Interpretation of Amorphous Carbonaceous Materials, by T. Minamidate, N. Takeda, N. Tsuzuki, M. Suzuki, Y. Kajiwara; #91020 (1995).
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Abstract: Angular Deviation in Grain Alignment Between Channel and Levee Sandstones Within a Submarine Fan Channel-Levee Complex Using Rock Magnetics, by D. Basu; #90955 (1995).
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Relations Between Sedimentary Facies and Diagenesis in Frenchman Formation (Maestrichtian) of Southern Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT
H. E. Hendry, G. N. Sutherland, S. J. C. Wing
AAPG Bulletin
... by the anisotropy of permeability; preferred directions of cement development are parallel with the trough axes of cross-bedding a d parallel...
Abstract: Untitled, by C. Gastaldi and L. B. Brahim; #90956 (1995).
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Origin of Subsurface Fracture Systems--Example from Altamont Field, Uinta Basin, Utah: ABSTRACT
Wayne Narr, John B. Currie
AAPG Bulletin
... trend. Rock mechanics tests on samples from the core indicate anisotropy coincident with the trend of microcracks. Timing of subsurface fracture...
ABSTRACT: 4-D Seismic Monitoring of an Active Steamflood, by David E. Lumely, Michel Bee, Steve Jenkins, and Zhijing Wang; #91019 (1996)
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Sedimentation and Diagenesis of Upper Smackover Grainstone, Jay Field Area, West Florida: ABSTRACT
Anthony J. Lomando, Jr., B. Charlotte Schreiber, Roy D. Nurmi
AAPG Bulletin
... permeability anisotropy produced by the inclination of the pore system. The characteristics of sedimentation and facies distribution in the Jay field...
Abstract: Fracture and Lithology Delineation Using Mode Converted P-SV Reflections, by M. Reinaldo, E. Ata, M. Gonzalez, J. Sierra, and J. Perez; #90951 (1996).
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Abstract: Morrow Valley Fill Sandstone Reservoir Characterization with 3-D, 3-C Reflection Seismology, by J. E. Blott, T. L. Davis, and R. D. Benson; #90952 (1996).
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Abstract: The Role of Spaced Cleavage on the Porosity and Permeability within a Reservoir Unit, by P. A. Thorn and D. R. Lageson; #90952 (1996).
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ABSTRACT: Predicting Macrofracture Permeability from Microfractures, by R. Marrett, O. Ortega, R. Reed, and S. Laubach; #91021 (2010)
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Permeability of Clay Shales: ABSTRACT
G. Mesri
AAPG Bulletin
... of fissile shales is expected to be highly anisotropic as compared to massive shales that have a more random fabric. However, permeability anisotropy...
Abstract: The Distribution of Hydraulic Conductivity within the Dolomite Aquifer of Southern Wisconsin and its Relation to System Sedimentology, by D. S. Cherkauer, D. A. Carlson, and C. W. Rovey; #90939 (1997)
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Abstract: Seismic Characterization of Upper Carboniferous Reservoirs by Means of Image Processing and Geostatistics, by C. Hellmich and H. Trappe; #90942 (1997).
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Abstract: Reservoir Characterization over Time: Improvements in Reservoir Management with High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy, by B. Robertson and S. Vasicek; #90942 (1997).
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Abstract: 4-D, 3-C Seismology and Dynamic Reservoir Characterization - A Geophysical Renaissance, by T. L. Davis, R. D. Benson, S. L. Roche, and D. Talley; #90937 (1998)
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Abstract: Measurement While Drilling With Multi-Array Propagation Resistivity Tools, by W. H. Meyer; #90937 (1998).
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Control of Lineament in Fluid Migration and Ore-Mineral Localization in Rifts and Rift-Faulted Basins: ABSTRACT
S. Bhattacharji, A. Rampertapp
AAPG Bulletin
... of fluids or hydrothermal solutions, and (3) orientation of fra ture pattern of preexisting anisotropy in rocks. Experiments show that changing property...
Role of Geologic Studies in Reservoir Modeling and Enhanced Oil Recovery: ABSTRACT
P. J. Ealey
AAPG Bulletin
..., carefully planned core analysis programs are required to measure th potential anisotropy caused by sedimentary structures and to determine accurately...