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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,240 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Maximizing Image Data To Minimize the Uncertainty of the Geological Model for Horizontal Well Fracturing
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Shale Gas/Oil Reservoir Seismic Characterization for the Mexican Eagle Ford in the Galaxia Project
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Advanced Methods to Build Complex Earth Models for Seismic Modeling
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Seismic Texture Analysis Applied to Unconventional Reservoir Characterization and Calibration: A Case Study in Central Pennsylvania, North Central Appalachian Basin
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Saturations of Migrating Buoyant Fluids From Invasion Percolation Flow Simulation Using Small-Scale, High-Resolution Geologic Models With Realistic Heterogeneity
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Reconstructing Surface and Subsurface Paleohydrology Using Evidence From Caves, Paleosprings, and Travertine in the Arbuckle Mountains, Southern Oklahoma, USA
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Geomechanics of Unconventional Carbonate Oil Reservoir, North Kuwait
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Quantification of Fracture Systems Using Fourier Analysis
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Development of a Deterministic Seismicity Potential Assessment of the Fort Worth Basin
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Impact of Geology and Geomechanics on Stimulated Rock Volume and Productivity in a Multi-landing Zone Development: A Case Study on the Vaca Muerta
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Basin-Scale Hydrogeological Modeling of the Fort Worth Basin Ellenburger Group for Pore Pressure Characterization
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A New Method for Determining Paleocurrent Direction Using Imaging Log
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Implications of Variations in Salt Geometry for Exploration in the Brazil Salt Basins
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Structural Inheritance and the Role of Basement Anisotropies in the Laramide Structural and Tectonic Evolution of the North American Cordilleran Foreland, Wyoming: Towards a Unified Hypothesis
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Impact of geology on development of the Niobrara and Codell resource play in Wattenberg Field, CO
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How to Illuminate the Reservoir from Surface Seismic Data? Integrated Deep Learning Aided Waveform Inversion
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Temporal evolution of reservoir permeability in fault damage zones: An experimental approach
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Mantle structure beneath the Alboran Sea from shear wave splitting
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ABSTRACT: Seismic modeling of Upper Cretaceous coal-bearing strata east of Drumheller, Alberta, Canada: implications for CBM exploration; #90007 (2002)
Willem Langenberg, Fran Hein, Sarah Richardson, Don Lawton, Rudi Meyer
Search and Discovery.com
... and Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) in existing well bores, have the potential of detecting anisotropy and fracturing of the coal beds. Finding areas...
ABSTRACT: Reservoir Characterization of the South Timbalier 26 Field: The Importance of Shelf Margin Deltas as Reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico; #90007 (2002)
Vitor Abreu, Phillip Teas, Thomas De Brock, Kendall Meyers, Williams Spears, Steve Pierce, Dag Nummedal
Search and Discovery.com
... changes in depositional anisotropy between two system tracts within the same sequence and even within a single system tract. Highstand sands would...
ABSTRACT: Preliminary Reservoir Simulation for Selection of a Pilot Site for CO2 Sequestration: Effect of Reservoir Properties and Operational Parameters; #90013 (2003)
Thomas A. Cloud, Yuanhai Yang, Craig W. Van Kirk
Search and Discovery.com
..., and degree of anisotropy were modified to approximate different types of gas reservoirs. Variation of operational parameters such as well completions, well...
ABSTRACT: Inferred fracture patterns within overlapping normal fault zones from shallow, high-resolution gravity, seismic, and laser altimetry (LiDAR) data sets: Neotectonics along northern Gulf Coast of Mexico, Louisiana, USA.; #90021 (2003)
Search and Discovery.com
... and complicate subsurface fluid pathways. We recommend 3-D seismic data seismic anisotropy measurements for P and S waves to test confirm subsurface...
ABSTRACT: A New Efficiency 3D Stochastic Modeling Method: El Furrial Giant Oil Field Venezuela; #90017 (2003)
Alain Laval, Gerard Auxiette, Brigite Doligez, Efren Solorzano, Carlos Uroza
Search and Discovery.com
... was used to perform simulations of the complex organisation of rock types. The two combined variograms allow to select two distinct anisotropy...
ABSTRACT: Reservoir Description Challenges of the Haltenbanken Hydrocarbon Fields (Mid Norway); #90017 (2003)
Allard W. Martinius, Philip Ringrose, Jan-Einar Ringås, Arve Næss, Christian Brostrøm
Search and Discovery.com
.... Stratigraphic reservoir compartmentalisation is therefore an important issue during modelling and fluid flow studies, but smaller-scale anisotropy is also...
ABSTRACT: An Integrated 3-D Surface and Borehole Seismic Approach to Better Understand a Complex Reservoir: Case History from West Kuwait; #90051 (2006)
Tarek Nafie, Will Gowans, Pradyumna Dutta
Search and Discovery.com
... geometric-spreading corrections and transmission -loss compensation factors obtained from the Walkaway data. Anisotropy corrections accompanied...