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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,237 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Insight from keywords co-occurrence in SEG annual meetings: A bibliometric study
Changcheng Liu, Srichand Prajapati
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., shale's feature of anisotropy requires the modeling of wave propagation in HTI and VTI. In the aspect of nonseismic, the borehole geophysics, well-log...
The Use of Magneto-Telluric Surveying as a Risk Reduction Tool for Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Papuan Foldbelt
J. K. Bennett, M. Parish
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
.... The effect of anisotropy on MT interpretation is shown in the following examples of forward model ling of MT response, using a workstation-based MT...
Preliminary Studies on the Correlation of Index Properties and Engineering Properties of Malaysian Rocks
Tan Boon Kong, Chan Sin Fatt
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... rock properties such as the modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, dynamic properties (sonic velocity test) and studies on the anisotropy of the rock...
Seismic Imaging Through Gas Cloud Using Borehole Seismic Walkaway Technique; A Case Example From Offshore Malaysia
Teck Kean Lim, Gunawan Taslim, Amy Mawarni M Yusoff
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... The final image shows vast improvement over surface seismic image quality. Figure 7 shows the migration result. Thomson (1986) anisotropy parameters...
Exploration and Development based on RTH Technology and AI
Gennady Erokhin, Mariia Erokhina, Kirill Safran, Alexandre Iakovlev
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of angular anisotropy of reflection - Amplitude versus Offset (AVO) (Chopra and Castagna, 2014), acoustic inversion method (Tarantola, 1984), velocity...
Exploration of Vaca Muerta Formation in Southern Mendoza: First Horizontal Wells. Neuquen Basin, Argentina
L. Carolina González, Julián Fantín, Leonardo Rodríguez Arias, Cintia Ponce
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... psi/ft for the lower levels. A normal stress regime was estimated, with an Sv/Shmin anisotropy of around 30%. No significant contrasts were observed...
Folds and Folding: Part II
Rasoul Sorkhabi
GEO ExPro Magazine
... anisotropy between the layers play the dominant role (in other words, mean ductility is low to moderate); passive folding in which interlayer anisotropy...
A stable TTI acoustic wave equation
Linbin Zhang, Edose Ohen
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... et al., 2009; Zhang and Zhang, 2008). This allows the anisotropy to conform to the spatially variable structure. Because the qP wave and qSV wave...
Utilizing Image Log to Generate Fracture Density Map in the Pangkah Field, East Java, Indonesia
Anton Prakoso, Iman Firman Firdaus, Sigit Sutiyono
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... in the production section is not only important step to characterize fracture but also to study for other type of formation anisotropy, such as vuggy...
New Technologies and Integration for Optimizing Well Placement and Production
Bruno de Ribet
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... rock properties, anisotropy and natural sub-seismic fracture networks. To maximize production rates, criteria such as water saturation, hydrocarbon...
Supercomputers for Beginners: PART III: GPU-Accelerated Computing
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø, Børge Arntsen
GEO ExPro Magazine
... both data parallelism and FLOP requirements. More advanced forms of anisotropy will increase the model space, and lower the operations per memory read...
A case study using FWI to image pre-Messinian target in the East Mediterranean Sea
Jyoti Kumar, Marcus Bell, Tamer Darwish, Mai Ahmed, Mahmoud Ahmed, Moataz Ahmed
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... introducing anisotropy in the velocity model building for this layer as it is critical to get an accurate velocity profile before evaluating optimum anisotropy...
Extensional and Contractional Tectonics in Southeastern Papua New Guinea
Michael Swift, Hugh Davies
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... is true (from Eilon et al., 2014). Mantle anisotropy extends from beneath the D’Entrecasteaux Islands as far north as the Trobriand Islands but extends...
Geomechanical Characterization of Jackfork Sandstone
Nabanita Gupta
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... pressure coefficient anisotropy measurements for intrinsic and induced anisotropy in sandstone: Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical...
Machine learning-driven rock classification to optimize completion and hydraulic fracturing design in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale
Jamal Ahmadov, Cristina Mariana Ruse
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... methods neglect the effect of anisotropy on completion and hydraulic fracturing design. In this paper, a new machine learning-based approach for rock...
Filling in the Blanks
Paul Sandvik, Ed Hager, Muhammad Adnan, Daniel Sturko, Polarcus
GEO ExPro Magazine
... transverse anisotropy (VTI) with a picked anisotropic ‘eta’ field. Did it Work? So, was it simply good planning and the power of the cloud? No, the good...
Modeling of Near-Wellbore Hydraulic Fracture Complexity
Christopher Sherman, Joseph Morris, Scott Johnson, Alexei A. Savitski
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... model, can handle full-3D heterogeneity and anisotropy, and can model multiple fracture propagation with arbitrary geometry. We have validated GEOS...
S-wave velocity model building using PP-PS tomography with dynamic warping
Terence Krishnasamy, Ronaldo Florendo, Aravind Nangarla, Carsten Udengaard, Prajnajyoti Mazumdar, Kevin Searles, Bjorn Olofsson, James Gaiser
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... nodes. To expedite the work, a legacy pre-processed downgoing wavefield image, Vp and associated anisotropy models were used as a starting point. Several...
FWI imaging of complex subsalt Mesozoic targets from land to shallow waters
Timmy Dy, Minshen Wang, Sabaresan Mothi, Don Dobesh, Shengda Ding, Oscar Andrade, Pablo Ortega, Alfredo Vázquez Cantú, Silvino Domínguez García, Gerardo López Leyva
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... velocity and anisotropy models and ran up to 8 Hz. We began running FWI with one OBC data set that contained the lowest frequencies, then gradually...
Daiyong Cao, Xiaoming Li, Wenfeng Zhan
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... types, strong anisotropy vitrinite reflectance, complicated chemical structure, and Yangshan coal-bearing, is relativity with tectonic environment...
3D3C seismic exploration for tight sand reservoirs: Case study in western China
Wang QinGeng, Hu Shanzheng, Zhao Rongrong, Xie Wanxue, Zhou Ming, Ren Cong, Jing Longjiang, Luo Ji
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... anisotropy. The production geometry used a 32 lines recording patch, with a series of shot lines orthogonal to receiver lines. Around ten thousands 3C...
Abnormal Pressure Evaluation of the Recent Pliocene and Miocene Gas Discoveries from the Eastern Nile Delta, Egypt, Using 2D and 3D Seismic Data
Philip D. Heppard and Martin L. Albertin
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... velocity information depends upon reflection quality, acquisition parameters including the cable length, velocity anisotropy within the rock section...
Simultaneous Acquisition of 3D Surface Seismic Data and 3C, 3D VSP Data
P. E. Constance, M. B. Holland, and S. L. Roche, P. Bicquart, B. Bryans, S. Gelinsky, J. G. Ralph, and R. I. Bloor
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... corrections from the surface volume into the 3D VSP processing flow. An ongoing facet of r e d with this dataset includes anisotropy parameter...
Marine CSEM Technology—The Luva Case
Mikhail Boulaenko,, Jonny Hesthammer,, Alexander Vereshagin, Peter Gelting, Roy Davies, and Torolf Wedberg
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... response is a result of resisitivity anisotropy in the reservoir section, which causes a weak contrast between the target and the surrounding rocks...
A Quantitative Application of Seismic Inversion and Multi-Attribute Analysis based on Rock Physics Linear Relationships to identify High Total Organic Carbon Shale - A Case Study from the Perth Basin, Western Australia
Y. Altowairqi, R. Rezaee, B. Evans, M. Urosevic
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... compositions and fabric anisotropy exhibited by these organic rich shales (Altowairqi et al., 2015; Altowairqi et al., 2013; Zhu et al., 2011...