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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,240 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation of Borehole-Imaging Logs - Multiple Workshop Summary
Neil Hurley, Paul McDonald, Bruce Stubbs
... Resonance (NMR) Cased Hole Logging Fluid Saturations Anisotropy Reservoir Characterization The choice of a resistivity versus an acoustic imaging tool...
Sequence Stratigraphy of Walloons-Springbok Sections: Different or Significantly Different?
Iain Rodger, Mark Reilly, Zsolt Hamerli, Phil Hayes, Suzanne Hurter
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...) according to Table 1. The "real" model is homogeneous, but with a high anisotropy (Kv ≪ Kh). A vertical anisotropy of 100,000 was used, which is fairly high...
The 3rd Naturally Fractured Reservoir Symposium - Multiple Workshop Summary
Paul McDonald, Steve Laubach, Bob Hardage, Violeta Ivanova, Jack Pashin
... Pennsylvania,” held November 19, 1998, in Pittsburgh, PA (Appalachian Region) KEY WORDS: Horizontal Core Fracture Characterization Anisotropy Dual Porosity...
Oil Recovery From Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Field Studies, Modeling, and Analytic Methods - Workshop Summary
Paul McDonald, Steve Laubach, Bob HArdage, Violeta Ivanova, Jack Pashin
... Characterization Anisotropy Dual Porosity Microfractures Borehole Imaging Seismic Reservoir Characterization Natural Fractures In a western Pennsylvania...
Advanced Applications of Wireline Logging for Improved Oil Recovery - Workshop Summary
Neil Hurley, Paul McDonald, Bruce Stubbs
... (NMR) Cased Hole Logging Fluid Saturations Anisotropy Reservoir Characterization The choice of a resistivity versus an acoustic imaging tool...
The Geophysical Aspects of Abnormal Fluid Pressures
Edward B. Reynolds, John E. May, Alf Klaveness
Houston Geological Society
... 33 Multiple Reflections 33 Static Errors 33 Curved Ray Path 37 Anisotropy 37 Interpretation of the Velocity Analysis 37...
Tony Johns, Carmen Vito and Raul Sarmiento
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
... well. Anisotropy for the PSv data, derived from the Annie model utilizing surface-seismic short-spread velocities, also correlated closely...
Treatment Order is the Cheapest and Easiest Change to Make Better Wells
Jonathan P. McKenna
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... Results from McKenna et al, 2022 show that in the Wolfcamp Formation study area, SHmax=N80°E and (𝜎 −𝜎 ) stress anisotropy, 𝜙=0.36 in the virgin...
Trend and Genesis of the Pennsylvanian Elgin Sandstone in the Western Part of Northeastern Oklahoma
Don Michael Terrell
Oklahoma City Geological Society
.... Survey Bull. 81, 134 p. Orr, W. R., 1964, Method for determining directional inductive anisotropy of materials by measuring Q factor: U. S. Patent...
Will Lebanon be the Next Oil Province?
Øystein Lie, Jörn Fürstenau, John Comstock, Petroleum Geo-Services
GEO ExPro Magazine
... data masking, were undertaken iteratively. For anisotropy parameters a constant delta and a gradient epsilon function were included. Beam...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Resolving Complex Salt Geometry: Iterative Salt Imaging and Interpretation
Gabriel Ritter, Kenneth Waddell
GCAGS Transactions
... transverse isotropic (TTI) anisotropy reverse time migration (RTM) (Zhang and Zhang, 2009), dirty salt inversion (Ji et al., 2010), and RTM 3D angle...
Green Canyon 142 #1
Bruce McClellan
Houston Geological Society
... Interpretation Target came in 900' shallower than anticipated due to anisotropy. The time-to-depth conversion from the migration velocities was about...
ABSTRACT: Pyrolysis Processing Characteristics of Kentucky Cannel Coals
U.M. Graham, J.C. Hower, R.F. Rathbone, M.M. Spears
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... character~zedby a fine domain anisotropy, and a greater variation in wall thickness compared to the Breckmrldge and No. 5 Block samples. The SkyIlne has more...
Modeling frequency attenuation due to gas in sandstone and carbonate gas reservoirs
Saleh Almeshari
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... and anisotropy: CRC Press. Sheriff, R. E., and L. P. Geldart, 1995, Exploration seismology, 2nd ed.: Cambridge University Press. Tonn, R., 1991...
New geological insights gained from the reprocessing, imaging, and interpretation of legacy seismic datasetsOffshore Mauritania
Kranthi Garidepalli, Elisabeth Gillbard, Simon Dean, Darren Judd, Nassim Kettouche, Paul Bellingham
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...) multi-azimuth tomography accommodates the overlapping surveys and provides the deeper velocity model. TTI anisotropy and the tomography velocity...
High-Resolution Model Building in a Full-Azimuth Nodal Survey in the GOM
Sandip Chattopadhyay, Gary Rodriguez, Tefera Eshete, Guy Hilburn, TGS
GEO ExPro Magazine
... to was the starting velocity model for the project. The velocity anisotropy. Therefore, common image gathers (CIGs) model was converted to the depth...
Abstract: Using Rotational Polarization and Reflectance Crossplots for Determining First-Cycle Vitrinite for Maturation Studies
M-A. L. Malinconico
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... that centering the stage to keep the spot on the particle during stage rotation is nearly unattainable. Because of this, and the low degree of anisotropy...
Study of the Structure of Pore Space
A. F. Bogomolova, N. A. Orlova
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... between grains corresponding to the axes of anisotropy. Using the method outlined above, histograms and statistical distribution curves were...
Seismic and Magnetotellurics Combined, A Case History of the South Clay Basin Prospect
Ernest Berkman, Arnold Orange, Roger D. Smith
Utah Geological Association
... anisotropy is present which is the result of the nearby resistivity contrast. Magnetotelluric interpretation, in common with other geophysical tools, relies...
ABSTRACT: Relation Between Petrographical Characteristics of Some Romanian Bituminous Coals and Their Cokes
Cornelia Panaitescu, Georgeta Predeanu
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
..., anisotropy. On coal grains coking, during vitrinite carbonization, an almost round shape porosity has been formed, influenced by rank: - many and small...
ABSTRACT: Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Ammonium - Bearing Illite/Muscovite in Meta-Anthracites from Eastern Pennsylvania and in Semi-Graphites from Moongyeong Coalfield
J. P. Boudou, M. Ader, E. J. Daniels
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... of anthracite coals at high pressures and temperatures. Econ. Geol. Series 62, 517-539. Levine, J.R 1989. Reflectance anisotropy of Upper Carboniferous...
Multiscale (nano to mm) Porosity in the Eagle Ford Shale: Changes as a Function of Maturity
Lawrence M. Anovitz, David R. Cole, Alexander M. Swift, Julia Sheets, Harold W. Elston, Susan A. Welch, Steve J. Chipera, Ken C. Littrell, David F. Mildner, Matthew Wasbrough
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... will be referred to as “apparent porosity.” The second caveat concerns the interpretation of the scattering anisotropy. As shown in Figure 4, the scattering...
Bukin Daulay, A.C. Cook, Eiichiro Makino
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... Abstracts Petrographic study of coal is based on the morphology, colour, size of the constituents, reflectance and anisotropy of the macerals in reflected...
Analysis of Critically Stressed Fractures and Impact on Field Development in a South Sumatra field
Anzar Syed Islam, Lia Wisanti, Aditi Pal, Budi Satrio, Mohammad Himawan Prakoso, Galih Regi Ramadhan, Anggie Askari Pajabada, Mohamad Taufik
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... from the direction of drilling-induced fractures or breakouts on borehole images, or from the observations of sonic shear anisotropy (Islam et al. 2013...
Correlation of Acoustic Velocity, Stress, Rock Composition, Organic Matter and Rock Lamination in Organic-Rich Shales
Adel A. Alqahtani, Azra N. Tutuncu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... conventional formations because of low permeability, anisotropy and multiscale heterogeneity. These properties are the results of lithology variation...