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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,318 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Recovering Subsurface Coverage in the Emerging Smackover Brown Dense Unconventional Play in Northern Louisiana, #80515 (2016).
Richard Verm
Search and Discovery.com
... (richard.verm@geokinetics.com) Abstract 3D seismic data are an essential component of industry E&P programs to provide accurately imaged continuous subsurface coverage...
Evidence for the Origin of the Canada Basin Margin by Rifting in Early Cretaceous Time*
J. F. Sweeney
Alaska Geological Society
... seismic information indicate that the North American margin of Canada Basin was initiated during Early Cretaceous time in the interval 135 to 100...
Structures Associated with Downsag and Basin Development: Examples from the Gulf of Mexico Province and Other Environments
James J. Willis, Daniel A. Ruberg, Kristen M. Willis
GCAGS Transactions
... generally exhibiting a strong shear anisotropy favoring down-to-the-basin orientation. The lefthandmost syncline, obviously less developed than...
Geoscience Technology Workshops (GTW)
Search and Discovery.com
AAPG GEO 2010 Middle East, Geoscience Conference & Exhibition, Innovative Geoscience Solutions – Meeting Hydrocarbon Demand in Changing Times, March 7-10, 2010 – Manama, Bahrain, #90105 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Integrated Optimisation of Fracturing Design to Fully Unlock the Chang 7 Tight Oil Production Potential in Ordos Basin
Kuangsheng Zhang, Xiangqi Zhuang, Meirong Tang, Lipeng Wang, Xianghu Bai, Lizhi Wang, Shun Liu, Xingwang Yang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... gradient difference (or stress anisotropy) within same stage. Large stress anisotropy maybe caused uneven fracture plane initiation or propagation along...
Using Data Science to Assess Repeatability in Analogue Mature Fields: A Risk Management Tool to Optimize Your Appraisal Strategy
Martin Letourneur, David Crighton, Raphael Sprauel
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... seismic, logs…) and a few key exploration wells are used to define a rough partition of the field (Coll C. 2013). However, before launching the full-scale...
Characterization of a Sediment Core from Potential Gas-hydrate-bearing Reservoirs in the Sagavanirktok, Prince Creek, and Schrader Bluff Formations of Alaska's North Slope: Part 5Acoustic Velocity Core Studies
R. F. Sigal, C. Rai, C. Sondergeld, B. Spears, W. J. Ebanks Jr., W. D. Zogg, N. Emery, G. McCardle, R. Schweizer, W. G. McLeod, J. Van Eerde
AAPG Special Volumes
... is 2170 m/s (7119 ft/s). No significant shear-wave anisotropy was observed. The trend of decreasing velocity with increasing temperature is weak. Based...
Oriented Core: Its Use, Error, and Uncertainty
R. A. Nelson , L. C. Lenox , B. J. Ward, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
..., and reservoir engineering (Davison and Haszeldine, 1984). In general, microfabric, macrofabric, anisotropy, or current stress and strain state data may...
Structure of Argentine Continental Margin
William J. Ludwig , John I. Ewing , Maurice Ewing
AAPG Bulletin
...Structure of Argentine Continental Margin William J. Ludwig , John I. Ewing , Maurice Ewing 1968 2337 2368 52 12. (December) Data from 100 seismic...
From Outcrop to Subsurface: Unlocking Fractured Basement Reservoir in New Venture Area
Laurent Souche, Anugrah Pradana, Merza Media Adeyosfi, Joko Sosiawan Trikukuh
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... logs, seismic data, well test data, etc. This information is then used as an input parameter for modeling the fracture network in the area of interest...
Peciko Y-Channel, Field Case of Successful Live Aquifer Behavior Modeling to Support Gas Reservoir Management
Adhe Krisna Wardhana, Riza Aria Amar, Samuel Perroud
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... reservoir, a horizontal well is drilled and put on production, a good seismic attribute shows the geometry of the sand, core and numerous well data reveal...
Geosteering in a Thin Facies Layer Through Proactive Collaboration Process of Reservoir Interpretation
Adrean Pudyaksa, Hendri Harsian, Takefumi Shibuya, Ni Made Wilasari, Olivia Azwar
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of zone 4 could be correlated across all of the S wells. Seismic data in this field shows that seismic reflectors within the Paciran Carbonate Formation...
Benchmark Responses - Application of Resistivity-Tool-Response Modeling for Formation Evaluation - Archie Series No. 2
Hezhu Yin
AAPG Special Volumes
... on DLL and B HRLA Anisotropy or thin-bed effects on DLL 3-D Benchmark Responses Conventions in 3-D modeling orehole-deviation and bed...
Relationship between Oriented Calcite Concretions and Permeability Correlation Structure in an Alluvial Aquifer, Sierra Ladrones Formation, New Mexico
Peter S. Mozley , J. Matthew Davis
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... orientation, was strongly influenced by anisotropy ratio of the hydraulic conductivity. Groundwater flow is controlled by both the direction of the hydraulic...
Grain Orientation in Determination of Paleocurrents and Sandstone Trends
John W. Shelton , Douglas E. Mack
AAPG Bulletin
... of grain orientation in relatively large samples by means of Shell's dielectric anisotropy device is both rapid and reliable. It corresponds quite...
Rock Mechanical Behavior at the Inch Scale in a Thinly Laminated Unconventional Formation
Smaine Zeroug, Bikash K. Sinha, Ting Lei, John Jeffers
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., their averaging effects can be parametrized in terms of acoustic anisotropy. For a vertical pilot well penetrating a horizontally layered unconventional...
Seal Failure Related to Basin-scale Processes
Christian Hermanrud, Hege M. Nordgrd Bols, Gunn M. G. Teige
AAPG Special Volumes
... explain why several overpressured North Sea oil fields are associated with broad seismic chimneys (Gullfaks, Gullfaks South, Hild, e.g., Nordgrd Bols...
The Three Elements of Structural Geology Part 6, #41849 (2016).
Terry Engelder,
Search and Discovery.com
... The Niger Delta: A Case Study Seismic Interpretations The Structural Geology of Petroleum Migration References 3.2.1 Cleavage An AAPG Short Course by Terry...
Multicomponent Seismic Studies of the Gas-hydrate System at the Storegga Slide
Stefan Bunz, Jurgen Mienert, Karin Andreassen
AAPG Special Volumes
...Multicomponent Seismic Studies of the Gas-hydrate System at the Storegga Slide Stefan Bunz, Jurgen Mienert, Karin Andreassen 2009 451 466 AAPG Memoir...
Seismic Geomorphology and Evolution of Submarine Channels from the Angolan Continental Margin
M.J.R. Gee, R.L. Gawthorpe, K. Bakke, S.J. Friedmann
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Seismic Geomorphology and Evolution of Submarine Channels from the Angolan Continental Margin M.J.R. Gee, R.L. Gawthorpe, K. Bakke, S.J. Friedmann...
A particle-based elastic wave simulation method in 3D arbitrary anisotropic media using GPU
Pinghao Wang, Xiaofeng Jia
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... and Jia (2016) bring up the dynamic lattice method where a 2-dimensional anisotropic lattice In the case of anisotropy, the angular springs exist...
A New Approach to Geosteering in Emerging Unconventional Plays
Peter Kowalchuk, Shiblee Hashem
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... available, such as seismic, horizons, reservoir simulation, and others. The front end process uses this information to build a localized model. After...
Facies Mapping from Three-Dimensional Seismic Data: Potential and Guidelines from a Tertiary Sandstone-Shale Sequence Model, Powderhorn Field, Calhoun County, Texas
Hongliu Zeng , Milo M. Backus , Kenneth T. Barrow , Noel Tyler
AAPG Bulletin
...Facies Mapping from Three-Dimensional Seismic Data: Potential and Guidelines from a Tertiary Sandstone-Shale Sequence Model, Powderhorn Field...
The Piaui Basin: Rifting and Wrenching in an Equatorial Atlantic Transform Basin
Pedro V. Zalan, Eric P. Nelson, John E. Warme, Thomas L. Davis
Special Publications of SEPM
... and development are related to the equatorial Atlantic Ocean Preliminary stud of the ies of seismic sections opening Miura and Barbosa 1972 revealed...