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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,361 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Aquifer Mineralogy and Natural Radionuclides in Groundwater - The Lower Paleozoic of Central Texas

Yongje Kim , Thomas T. Tieh , Ernest B. Ledger

GCAGS Transactions

... and occurrence of uranium in a rock on the microscopic scale was determined using fission-track analysis. Figure 1. Simplified geologic map...


The East Arguni Block: Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in the Northern Lengguru Foldbelt, West Papua

Richard D. Kendrick, Kevin C. Hill, Scott W. McFall, Meizarwin, Alasdair Duncan, Edward Syafron, Bhakti H. Harahap

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... reservoir and evidence of extensive diagenesis. Apatite fission track studies estimated a peak maximum burial of 7km for the Jurassic section, but using...


The Canning Basin Symposium: Igneous Intrusions in the North-West Canning Basin and Their Impact on Oil Exploration

S. A. Reeckmann, A. J. Mebberson

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

.... , 7, 79-99. Page 52 Duddy, I.R. & Gleadow, A.J.W. (1983) Fission track dating and thermal history analysis of apitites from wells in the Canning...


East Greenland: A Classic Example of an Elevated, Passive Continental Margin Shaped Long after Rifting and Breakup; #30194 (2011)

Peter Japsen, Johan M. Bonow, Paul F. Green, James A. Chalmers, and Troels F. Nielsen

Search and

... data from East Greenland show: New apatite fission-track analysis (AFTA) data from SE Greenland show: • Post-rift subsidence and burial...


Tectonic Thermal Effects on Basin Evolution in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, #90116 (2010)

Matthew J. Legg, Kevin P. Furlong, Peter J.J. Kamp

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... as recorded in the Oputouma-1 well in conjunction with Apatite Fission Track (AFT) ages and track length distributions, and vitrinite reflection (Ro) results...


ABSTRACT: Tertiary Uplift in the Northern National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA) - Geology, Timing, and Influence on Petroleum Systems; #90125 (2011)

Houseknecht, David W., Bird, Ken J., Burruss, Robert C., O'Sullivan, Paul, Connors, Christopher

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... of regional stratigraphy, compaction curves derived from sonic logs, vertical and lateral thermal maturity trends, and apatite fission-track (AFT) data. AFT...


Timing and Style of Neogene Regional Deformation in the Irian Jaya Fold Belt, Indonesia

Richard D. Kendrick, Kevin C. Hill, Keith Parris, Ijep Saefudin, Paul B. O'Sullivan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of the Second PNG Petroleum Convention, 201-206. Green, P.F., Duddy, I.R., Gleadow, A.J.W., and Lovering, J.F., 1989, Apatite fission-track analysis...


Structural Restoration and 2-D Basin Modeling in Fold and Thrust Belts … A Case Study from Western Newfoundland, #30570 (2018).

Martin Schwangler, Nicholas Harris, John Waldron

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..., and K.A. Hegarty, 2002, Quantifying exhumation from apatite fission-track analysis and vitrinite reflectance data: Precision, accuracy and latest results...


Burial and Exhumation History of the Labrador-Newfoundland Margin and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration on the Grand Banks and on the Labrador Shelf; #30543 (2018)

Peter Japsen, Paul F. Green, Johan M. Bonow, Derek H.C. Wilton, Alana M. Hinchey

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... results from a pilot study comprising apatite fission-track analysis (AFTA) data that reveals a Phanerozoic history involving a series of burial...


Low-temperature thermochronological constraints on the timing and mechanisms behind the multi-stage exhumation history of the Alaska Range - Abstract

Jeff Benowitz, Phil Armstrong, Paul Layer, Peter Haeussler, Paul Fitzgerald, Stephanie Perry

Alaska Geological Society

... study that combined apatite fission-track data from the central Alaska Range along with regional geological constraints indicated that the onset...


ABSTRACT: Deformational History and Hydrocarbon Potential, Central Brooks Range Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt, Northern Alaska; #90011 (2002)


Search and

... seismic reflection lines, recent geologic field work, and new apatite fission-track analyses as part of the U.S. Geological Survey assessment...


Tectonic and Eustatic Controls on Paleogene Sequence Stratigraphy: Beaufort Sea, Alaska and Canada: Chapter 15: Sea-Level and Seismic Stratigraphic Studies

Kenneth J. McMillen, Paul O'Sullivan

AAPG Special Volumes

.... F. Lovering, 1989, Apatite fission track analysis as a paleotemperature indicator for hydrocarbon exploration, in N. D. Naeser and T. McCullough, eds...


Provenance and Paleogeographic Evolution in a Multi-Source Foreland: The Cenozoic Venetian–Friulian Basin (NE Italy)

Cristina Stefani, Maria Giuditta Fellin, Massimiliano Zattin, Gian Gaspare Zuffa, Claudio Dalmonte, Nicoletta Mancin, Adriano Zanferrari

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...: 1.70); about 200 transparent grains were determined for each sample. Table 3. Heavy-mineral data of the studied samples. Apatite Fission-Track Analysis...


Abstract: Pliocene exhumation of the Trumsing La area (Eastern Himalaya, Kingdom of Bhutan) as documented by apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronology

Kyle Landry

Atlantic Geology

... and will help to derive exhumation rates of the upper 1–2 km of the crust. Published apatite fission-track results, a method providing information...


Multi-Thematic Studies of the Bowser and Sustut Basins, North-Central British Columbia, Canada

Carol A. Evenchick

Search and

... fission track thermochronology, thermal maturity, and petroleum systems. AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90168©2013 CSPG/CSPE GeoConvention 2007...


ABSTRACT: Structure and Prospectivity of the European Atlantic Margin West of the Rockall Trough; #90013 (2003)

Robert W. Gatliff, Ken Hitchen

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... that penetrated the pre-volcanic sequence. Apatite fission track data from sandstones indicate significant uplift. A near end Eocene event (C30) marks a major...


ABSTRACT: Evolution of fractures in a fold-and-thrust belt and the associated deformed foreland basin: An example from the northeastern Brooks Range and the eastern Colville Basin, Alaska; #90018 (2003)

Andrea Loveland

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... and well data from the basin to provide a picture of structure across the fold-and-thrust belt. A combination of apatite and zircon fission-track data...


ABSTRACT: Structural geometry, evolution and relationships between strike-slip faults, metamorphic core complexes and rift basins in central Thailand; #90018 (2003)

Matthew Smith

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... with the evolution of the Mae Ping strike-slip fault zone. Among other techniques apatite fission track dating will establish the uplift history of the area...


Abstract: Unexpected Jurassic to Neogene Vertical Movements in StableŽ Parts of NW Africa

B. Ghorbal, G. Bertotti, P. Andriessen, and J. Foeken

Search and

... time, the low-thermal history of the Moroccan Meseta was assessed for the first time by apatite (UTh)/ He (AHe) and Fission track (AFT) data. Thermal...


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