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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 4,377 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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The Transition from Live to Sediment Assemblage in Benthic Foraminifera from the Southern California Borderland

Robert G. Douglas, John Liestman, Carolyn Walch, Gregg Blake, Mary Lou Cotton

Pacific Section SEPM

... FROM LIVE TO SEDIMENT Appendix 2: ASSEMBLAGE Dead IN BENTHIC FORAMINIFERA assemblage. <09 ton ir>©« •m•i I i • i • I« I I t 4 • i i <1 00...


Field Guide to the Mesozoic Arc and Accretionary Complex of South-central Alaska, Indian to Hatcher Pass

Susan M. Karl, Peter J. Oswald, Chad P. Hults

Alaska Geological Society

... forearc basin development along an accretionary convergent margin: Alaska Geological Society Field Guide, Appendix 2. Berg, H.C., Jones, D.L....


REVISED (2017): Field Guide to the Mesozoic arc and accretionary complex of south-central Alaska, Indian to Hatcher Pass

Susan M. Karl, Peter J. Oswald, Chad P. Hults

Alaska Geological Society

... – Mesozoic-Cenozoic forearc basin development along an accretionary convergent margin: Alaska Geological Society Field Guide, Appendix 2. Berg, H.C., Jones...


Upper Cenozoic, Quartzite-Bearing Gravels of the San Bernardino Mountains, Southern California: Recycling and Mixing as a Result of Transpressional Uplift

Peter M. Sadler, Wessly A. Reeder

Pacific Section SEPM

... e r s i t y of C a l i f o r n i a , P u b l i c a t i o n s in the G e o l o g i c a l S c i e n c e s , v . 9 2 , 73 p . APPENDIX: VENEER...


Natural Gases of North America--A Summary: PART 1

B. W. Beebe , Bruce F. Curtis

AAPG Special Volumes

... The glossary (Appendix A) defines the terms used in reference to natural gases. Terms used in the field differ somewhat from those used more...


Geologic Excursions in Southwestern California

George Dunne, John Cooper

Pacific Section SEPM

... diverted Mission Creek approximately 1 km to the west (Figs. 2, 5, 26; Appendix C; Plates 7 and 8). The Mission Ridge is the most prominent topographic high...


Sediments of Great Salt Lake, Utah

A. J. Eardley

AAPG Bulletin

... Hills," Missouri Bur. Geol. and Min. Biennial Rept. (1928), Appendix 1, pp. 1-7. FOOTNOTE 98. C. M. Nevin and R. E. Sherrill, "Studies...


Chapter 3: Tools and Techniques for Studying Mudstones

O. R. Lazar, K. M. Bohacs, J. Schieber, J. H. S. Macquaker, T. M. Demko

AAPG Special Volumes

..., Sequence stratigraphy of siliciclastic systems—the ExxonMobil methodology: Atlas of exercises: SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology 9, 226 p...


Natural Gas Hydrates: A Review

Timothy S. Collett, Arthur H. Johnson, Camelia C. Knapp, Ray Boswell

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Wright, and K. Yamamoto, 2008b, Appendix D: Update on Mallik, in Energy from gas hydrates: Assessing the opportunities and challenges for Canada: Ottawa...


Oil Prospects of Israel

Max W. Ball , Douglas Ball

AAPG Bulletin

...., 1931, "The Geology of Jebel Usdum, Dead Sea," Geol. Mag., Vol. 68, No. 806, pp. 366-72. APPENDIX I. ALTERNATIVE SPELLINGS As stated in the text...


Bahaman Calcareous Sands

Leslie V. Illing

AAPG Bulletin

..., in an appendix to Agassiz's paper, described the internal concentric structure of the ooliths as supporting his view that the hummocky dunes were water...


Eustatic and Tectonic Controls on Porosity Evolution Beneath Sequence-Bounding Unconformities and Parasequence Disconformities on Carbonate Platforms: Chapter 11: DIAGENESIS, SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY, AND CHANGES IN RELATIVE SEA LEVEL

J. F. Read, Andrew D. Horbury

AAPG Special Volumes

..., Appendix 1 and 2: Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, 32 p. Goldhammer...


Global Tectonic and Basin Maps, #30444 (2020).

Albert W. Bally, D. Sawyer, A. Sinkewich

Search and

... are presented in the Appendix. ** © A.W. Bally 1 Deceased July 30, 2019; Rice University, Houston, Texas. The last part of this article was prepared...


Road Log and Commentary: Styles of Deformation in the Southern Cordillera, U.S.A. - A Transect of the Cordilleran Orogenic Belt From El Paso, Texas, to Wickenburg, Arizona

Harald Grewes, S.B. Keith, D.V. LeMone, W.R. Seager, R.E. Clemons, Sam Thompson III

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Resources Memoir 31, Appendix 2, p. 77-82. Swift, D.B., 1973, Lithofacies of the Cuchillo Formation, Sierra de Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico: El Paso...


Carbonate Buildups in the Geologic Record: A Review

Philip H. Heckel

Special Publications of SEPM

... Ann Rept 4 appendix K p 2629 1950 Recent reefs Am Assoc Petroleum Geologists Bull v 34 p 203 214 N Am Paleont Convention Chicago 1969 Proc pI J 1971...


Biostratigraphy and Taxonomy of Devonian Megaspores, Arctic Canada

B. I. Chi, L. V. Hills

CSPG Bulletin

... (see appendix) show the locations of the palynological samples within the composite stratigraphic section, which has been compiled from individual...



Miguel L. Ramirez

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... s a l g a e from samples o f t h e upper Beulah Limestone ( u n i t 16, s e c t i o n A, Appendix I ) : . . , , Septabrunsiina rnckeei Skipp 1969...


Organic Metamorphism in the Mississippian-Devonian Bakken Shale North Dakota Portion of the Williston Basin

Leigh C. Price, Tom Ging, Ted Daws, Alzona Love, Mark Pawlewicz, Don Anders

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... (1983, appendix). We have developed a Soxhlet extraction technique used with samples which may contain an appreciable amount of light (Cg to C14...


Chapter 1 Part 1: Biostratigraphic and Geochemical Constraints on the Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the Eagle Ford and Woodbine Groups of Texas

Richard A. Denne, John A. Breyer, Tobi H. Kosanke, Joan M. Spaw, Arden D. Callender, Russell E. Hinote, Mohsen Kariminia, Nataliya Tur, Zachary Kita, Jackie A. Lees, Harry Rowe

AAPG Special Volumes

..., Texas, July 19-30, 36 p., with appendix of 91 p. Prather, J. K., 1902, A preliminary report on the Austin Chalk underlying Waco, Texas, and the adjoining...


The Great American Carbonate Bank in the Miogeocline of Western Central Utah: Tectonic Influences on Sedimentation

James F. Miller, Kevin R. Evans, Benjamin F. Dattilo

AAPG Special Volumes

... geologist.Photographic illustrations in this chapter are distributed among 21 7.5 topographic quadrangles. The Appendix shows the names of these maps and the figure...


Energy, Mineral, and Ground-Water Resources of Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah (B-132)

R.W. Gloyn, D.E. Tabet, B.T. Tripp, C.E. Bishop, C.D. Morgan, J.W. Gwynn, R.E. Blackett

Utah Geological Survey

... Resources, Office of Energy and Resource Planning, 28 p., 1 appendix. —2001, 2000 Annual review and forecast of Utah coal production and distribution...


Chapter Ten: Bibliography: Selected References for Gas Shales

Ann Priestman

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

.... D. Moore, 1970, Conservation of Fresh-Water Resources by Deep-Well Disposal of Liquid Wastes. Appendix C. Stratigraphy of Alabama, Unnumbered Publ...


Hypothesis Combining Dilation, Natural Hydraulic Fracturing, and Dolomitization to Explain Petroleum Reservoirs in Monterey Shale, Santa Maria Area, California

Lowell Redwine

Pacific Section SEPM

.... Res. Council D i v . . G e o l . and Geog. Ann. Rept. f o r 1937-1938, appendix A, e x h i b i t A, A p r i l 30, 1938, p. 8 - 2 7 . T h a t c h e r...


Mines and Geology of the San Francisco District, Beaver County, Utah

William B. Wray

Utah Geological Association

... deposit: Unpublished report for Sepa Resources, Inc. by its president, dated October 18, 1996, 4 p., plus 3 maps, and 1 appendix. Wray, W.B., 1996d...


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