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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 6,888 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Facilitating Interpretation of Depositional Features in the McMurray Formation through the use of Seismic Multi-Attribute Analysis (MAA) Volumes, #41512 (2015).
Joanne Archer, Tess Sebastian, David Gray
Search and Discovery.com
...Facilitating Interpretation of Depositional Features in the McMurray Formation through the use of Seismic Multi-Attribute Analysis (MAA) Volumes...
Seismic Detection of Gas Hydrates in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Using Inversion and Rock Physics, by Jianchun Dai, Robert Kleinberg, Haibin Xu, and Nader Dutta; #90035 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Plays, Traps and Petroleum Systems in the Deepwater Niger Delta, by O. O. Fadahunsi, S. R. Lawrence, M. Richards, and R. Bray; #90037 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
Large Angle AVO in the Presence of Strong Shale Anisotropy
Search and Discovery.com
Gravity-Induced Transfer Faults on the Lower Congo Basin Slope, Offshore Angola (West Africa): Implications for Deep-Marine Hydrocarbon Exploration on Passive Continental Margins
Dengliang Gao, Jeff Milliken
GCAGS Transactions
... attribute data sets has proven to be particularly effective and powerful in seismic structure analysis. Volume visualization technologies provide a means...
Multiscenario-based deep learning workflow for high-resolution seismic inversion on Brazil presalt 4D
Yang Xue, Dan Clarke, Kanglin Wang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... 4D attribute maps. The major challenges to maximize the value of 4D seismic include: 1) the long cycle time required for 4D inversion for reservoir...
3D Structural and Stratigraphic Frameworks Using Acoustic Impedance Amplitude, and Edge-Enhanced Seismic Volumes
K. D. Kelsch, T. L. Heidrick, Hazairin, J. Randle, D. Moore, G. Schmit, A. Rauf
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... managing of in place reserves. The iterative building of highly constrained acoustic impedance volumes and detailed EDGE attribute analysis are proving...
Integrated Interpretation of Seismically Derived Rock and Fracture Attributes for Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization
Gang Yu, Yusheng Zhang, Xing Liang, Uwe Strecker, Maggie Smith
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... orientation and intensity in the area and deriving such reservoir rock properties as data quality allows. Seismic attribute analysis of anisotropy from...
Case Study: Fracture Determination Using Seismic Incoherency in Ujung Pangkah Field, East Java
Anom Seto Murtani, Dhea W. Dwiperkasa, Pandu Patria, Jhonny Xu
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and processed before structural analysis. In Techlog, an image can be easily prepared and processed. The step by step processing is prepared in one...
The Application of Poisson Impedance Inversion for Sandstone Reservoir Characterization in the Lower Talang Akar Formation, Case Study Melandong-West Java, #41080 (2012)
Angga Direzza, I Komang Andika Aris Permana
Search and Discovery.com
... (Humpson Russell). PI has a very close relationship with the “Fluid Factor” attribute where the simple idea of it is that points that lie further away from...
Geological Input Valuable in Seismic Velocity Analysis, by Supratik Sarkar; #41118 (2013).
Search and Discovery.com
NLP applications in the oil and natural gas industry
Prashanth Pillai, Srikanth Ryali, Hiren Maniar, Purnaprajna Mangsuli, Aria Abubakar
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... and technical problems. In recent times, rapid advancement in natural language processing (NLP) has renewed interest in the analysis of massive unstructured...
Understanding Attributes and Their Use in the Application of Neural Analysis Case Histories Both Conventional and Unconventional, #41473 (2014).
Deborah Sacrey, Rocky Roden
Search and Discovery.com
... attribute analysis and today’s visualization technology, to mine pertinent geologic information from a huge amount of seismic data • The ultimate...
AVO Analysis for Direct Hydrocarbon Detection in Field X in the Persian Gulf (Paper 5)
Mohammad Ali Riahi, Mohammad Emami Niri
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...AVO Analysis for Direct Hydrocarbon Detection in Field X in the Persian Gulf (Paper 5) Mohammad Ali Riahi, Mohammad Emami Niri GEO Asia 2006...
High Resolution, Three-Dimensional Facies Architecture Analysis Using Sequence Stratigraphy and Seismic Sedimentology: Example from Dongying Formation in BZ3-1 Block, Bozhong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China, #50678 (2012)
Hongtao Zhu, Xianghua Yang, Xinhuai Zhou, Jianping Li
Search and Discovery.com
... stratigraphy Seismic attribute analysis Styles of incised valley Depositional systems analysis Spital distribution of incised valley Temporal evolution...
New Techniques Improve Reservoir Description While Reducing Risk
Drew Wharton
GEO ExPro Magazine
... to improve fault seal analysis Even with the aid of edge-detection algorithms, manual interpretation of fault surfaces remains a painstaking exercise...
Monte Carlo and Stochastic Simulation Methods: Part 6. Geological Methods
A. G. Journel
AAPG Special Volumes
... quantiles of the probability distribution of the response values are determined. The concept of Monte Carlo analysis is generally straightforward...
Abstract: Seismic Porosity Prediction in the Montney: A Quantitative Interpretation Case Study; #90224 (2015)
Laurie M. Weston Bellman and Stéphan Roy
Search and Discovery.com
... area that included several vertical wells with dipole sonic logs for rock physics analysis and calibration of the seismic data. The Montney...
Benefits from Pattern Recognition and Visualization; #41973 (2016)
Tao Zhao, Kurt J. Marfurt
Search and Discovery.com
... analysis, however the “soft” skill of visualizing and communicating the result to normal audiences is still more or less a privilege of the most...
Facies and Sandstone Distribution Pattern of X Sandstone Reservoir in Air Benakat Formation, Sungai Gelam Field, Jambi Subbasin
Silfi Ariani, Andri Yumansa Sihombing, Imam Muda Gunawan, Aris Setiawan, Peter Adam, Aziz Tarmusi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... seismic attribute. 4. Further development wells identified to drain bypassed oil and gas, based on facies and depth structure map overlies. RESULTS FACIES...
Porosity Prediction Using Multiattribute Transforms and Probabilistic Neural Networks Analysis from Limestone Formation in BSJ Gas Field, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Ikawati Basri, Sabrianto Aswad, Suryana, Ikhsan Novryan Priatama
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Porosity Prediction Using Multiattribute Transforms and Probabilistic Neural Networks Analysis from Limestone Formation in BSJ Gas Field, Central...
Structure-Oriented Texture Model Regression for Seismic Structure Visualization and Interpretation
Dengliang Gao
GCAGS Transactions
... of trigonometric sine function with a specific amplitude, frequency, and phase. Then it performs least-squares linear regression analysis between the model...
Seismic attributes for enhancing structural and stratigraphic features: Application to N-Field, Malay Basin, Malaysia
Nur Shafiqah Shahman, Norazif Anuar, Mohamed Elsaadany, Deva Prasad Ghosh
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... of interbedded shale with minor siltstone or sandstone. The lower section also has minor coal beds. ATTRIBUTE ANALYSIS Seismic attributes analysis...
Elastic Impedance Inversion for Reservoir Delineation A Quantitative Interpretation Case Study in the Malay Basin (Geophysics Paper 11)
N. Cheng, I. Bukhari, I. Kanok, S. Awirut, C. Vitoon
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... with Offset (AVO) attribute based on seismic reflectivity to interpret thin reservoirs inter-bedded with coals is difficult. Relative Poisson's Ratio (RPR...