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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 6,888 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
3-D Seismic Attribute-Assisted Analysis of Microseismic Events within the Marcellus Shale; #41421 (2014)
Ariel K. Hart, Tom Wilson, Peter Sullivan
Search and Discovery.com
...3-D Seismic Attribute-Assisted Analysis of Microseismic Events within the Marcellus Shale; #41421 (2014) Ariel K. Hart, Tom Wilson, Peter Sullivan PS...
Prospectivity and Petroleum Systems Modelling of the Offshore Lamu Basin, Kenya: Implications for an Emerging Hydrocarbon Province, #10700 (2015)
Olivia Osicki, Oliver Schenk, and Duplo Kornpihl
Search and Discovery.com
..., which is interpreted as a shale horizon based on attribute analysis. Attribute analysis is improved with broadband seismic as the frequency spectrum...
A Successful Seismic Integration Case in Exploration of the Deep Thrust Zone in Mountain Area of Qaidam Basin, West China; #10762 (2015)
Chuan Wu, Fangjian 'Jack' Xue, Peng Wang, Jie Hu, Chuanwu Wang, Yongsheng Wang
Search and Discovery.com
... company has applied structural trapping and seismic attribute analysis in PSTM dataset as guidance in prospect generation and drilling location...
CO2 Plume Tracking and Monitoring at Wellington Field CO2 EOR Pilot, #80649 (2018).
Yevhen Holubnyak, Lynn Watney, Christa Jackson, Brent Campbell, John Victorine, Dana Wreath
Search and Discovery.com
... of 120 tonnes per day were delivered over the course of injection that lasted from January 9 to June 21, 2016. Geochemical water analysis of organic...
Integrated Amplitude versus Offset (AVO) Approach for Delineating Stratigraphic Traps
M. Azuddin M. Yusof
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... downdip and encountered several oil legs. In the same year a 3D seismic survey was also conducted. The analysis of attribute maps and horizon slices...
Construction of Stochastic Model for Ordovician Karsted Carbonates Reservoirs of Tahe Oilfield, China: Dimensional and Geometric Implications and Structural Considerations; #20459 (2019)
Jose N. Mendez, Qiang Jin
Search and Discovery.com
... the relative acoustic impedance seismic attribute and seismic facies analysis as inputs data in a stratigraphic grid, to propagate karst facies and physical...
Reservoir Characterization of a Basin Floor Fan System Using Rock Physics to Integrate Seismic Amplitude and Well Data, Offshore Block 9, South Africa, #42350 (2019).
Mduduzi M. Mmema, Jorge I. Adrian,
Search and Discovery.com
...) to conduct an AVO analysis (I-G attributes cross-plot) to characterize rock properties based on seismic response. This workflow seeks to assist in identifying...
Identification of Fractured Basement Reservoir in SWO Field, Salawati Basin, West Papua, Based on Seismic Data: A New Challenge and Opportunity for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Pre-Tertiary Basement
Pradika Gustaf Pamurty, Rochmad, Ananto Wibisono, Salahuddin Husein, Khairil Iqbal, M. Dian Wasugi, Al Hafeez
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... on analysis of fault cut-off maps in fault modeling. Curvature attribute analysis indicates pseudofracture patterns that support stress analysis results...
Shale Gas Sweet Spot Identification using Quantitative Seismic Interpretation (QSI) and Neural Network in Krishna-Godavari Basin, India
Soumen Deshmukh, Shrey Omer, P. S. Tomor, Harilal
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... In single attribute analysis, we have tried to see the relationship between different seismic attributes and the source rich shale layer properties...
Prestack Depth Migration for "Easy" Unconventional Plays?, #41056 (2012)
Morgan Brown
Search and Discovery.com
... depth/seismic misties. 6) RTM is the ‘gold standard’ PSDM algorithm. 7) PSDM angle gathers are the optimal input for attribute analysis. Reference...
Characterizing Heterogeneities in a Clastic Reservoir Using Joint/Simultaneous PP/PS Inversion, 4D Timelapse, Multi Attribute Analysis, and PSDM
Jason Nycz
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...Characterizing Heterogeneities in a Clastic Reservoir Using Joint/Simultaneous PP/PS Inversion, 4D Timelapse, Multi Attribute Analysis, and PSDM...
An Example of 3-D AVO for Lithology Discrimination in Widuri Field, Asri Basin, Indonesia
Steven W. Smith, Larry Danahey, Romina Himawan, William E. Harmony, H. Lee Gilmore, John W. Armon, Tony L. Bowman, Wayne Smith
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... attribute P*G. The stratigraphic model of shale abandonment fill in a meandering fluvial system is interpreted to be supported by the 3-D AVO data...
Characteristics of strike-slip faults and hydrocarbon potential of carbonate fault-karst reservoirs: A case study in the eastern Tarim Basin, China
Yutong Liu, Yang Liu, Kelly H. Liu, Stephen S. Gao
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... a hot spot in hydrocarbon geological analysis. Utilizing new 3D seismic data and seismic attribute analysis, our study investigates the structure...
Recursive Inversion and Attribute Analysis of 3D Seismic Data Over a Four-Way Dip Structure, Gulf of Thailand
S. Thanatit, S. Ronghe
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Recursive Inversion and Attribute Analysis of 3D Seismic Data Over a Four-Way Dip Structure, Gulf of Thailand S. Thanatit, S. Ronghe 1999 77 97 3D...
Internal small scale reservoir structure prediction of fracture-cavity body
Bohua Zhu, Qi Ran, Yunhao Yang, Ruiyu Gao, Shuyuan , Liang , Shangfeng Yang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... based on small lateral analysis window by cross correlation-based coherence algorithm for fine fracture-cavity analysis. Firstly, we analyze...
The Power of Predictive Analytics in Oil Field Development: Integrating Machine Learning with Reservoir Hydrocarbon Data to Enable Enhanced Oil Recovery of Hugin Formation within the Theta Vest Structure
Lilik T. Hardanto, Fenny Chrisman
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., seismic attribute analysis is performed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Democratic Neural Network Association (DNNA) to create a facies...
Multivariate Data Analysis: Part 6. Geological Methods
K. H. Esbensen, A. G. Journel
AAPG Special Volumes
... such as grain size, porosity, permeability, and saturation. Although univariate statistical analysis can characterize the distribution of each attribute...
Reservoir architecture and porosity distribution, Pegasus Field, West Texas — an integrated sequence stratigraphic-seismic attribute study using neural networks
J. S. Schuelke, J. A. Quirein, J. F. Sarg, D. A. Altany, P. E. Hunt
West Texas Geological Society
...Reservoir architecture and porosity distribution, Pegasus Field, West Texas — an integrated sequence stratigraphic-seismic attribute study using...
Mapping Middle Triassic Doig Sandstone Reservoirs in Northeast British Columbia Using Seismic Attributes; #51080 (2015)
Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, James Keay
Search and Discovery.com
..., coherence and curvature attribute volumes were generated. Finally, seismic facies mapping provides a definition of lateral variation of the reservoir sands...
Warukin Deep - The Hidden Potential of Warukin Field, South Borneo: Untouched Reserves in Mature Field; #20409 (2017)
Muhammad Rizky Harun, Benny Nugroho Ardhiansyah, Rifky Tri Putral
Search and Discovery.com
..., 13-14 October 2009, 16 p. Ramadhan, D., A.D. Nugraha, F.A. Muhammad, and G. Mulyanagara, 2013, Multi-Attribute Analysis of a Low-Frequency Passive...
Rapid Play Evaluation through AI Interpretation
Jacob Smith, Peter Szafian
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
.... This is done through an analysis of datasets spanning compressional and extensional systems, looking at both onshore and offshore data. A particular focus...
Seismic Foldout: Norwegian North Sea: Identifying details of Lower Cretaceous sand fairways on the Måløy Slope
Irina Pene, Silje Rogne, Jaswinder Mann-Kalil, Marit Stokke Bauck, CGG
GEO ExPro Magazine
... and attribute generation to map out and correlate the different Agat sand packages and fairways. Map showing location of CGG’s Northern Viking...
Mapping Geologic Features Using Seismic Curvature, by Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #40270 (2008).
Search and Discovery.com
Santan Delta Evolution and Its Implication to The Petroleum System in North of Kutei Basin
Hendry Setiawan Lie, Reynaldy Fifariz, Ninda Agri Kharisa, Sigit Ari Prabowo, Befriko Saparindra Murdianto, Dwiharso Nugroho
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... attribute. Paleobathymetry analysis was developed based on biostratigraphy data. Benthic foram is used to distinguish the subdivision...
Porosity Characterization of Carbonate Reservoir from Linear Programming Sparse Spike Acoustic Impedance Inversion Result Using Single Attribute (Case Study Field X North East Java Basin)
Alhada Farduwin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...(t) + w3A3(t) + ...................... + wnAn(t) From the multi-attribute analysis, the best correlation was obtained using the attribute 1/AI...