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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 6,888 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Spain Offshore Canary Islands Tarfaya Basin: Implications of Sandia-1X Well Results in the Hydrocarbon Exploration Offshore Morocco; #30593 (2018)
L. Garcia Del Olmo
Search and Discovery.com
... Continental Margin, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-68409-8_6. Wenke, A., 2014, Sequence stratigraphy and basin analysis of the Meso- to Cenozoic Tarfaya- Laâyoune...
Identifying and Fixing Artifacts that Arise in Structure-Oriented Filtering; #42479 (2019)
Satinder Chopra, Kurt Marfurt
Search and Discovery.com
...-cutting coherent noise, leading to not only more effective horizon autotracking, but also subsequent improved attribute volumes. In general...
The Importance of Fracture Toughness - And its Azimuthal Variation for Fracability Analysis; #42519 (2020)
Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Satinder Chopra
Search and Discovery.com
...The Importance of Fracture Toughness - And its Azimuthal Variation for Fracability Analysis; #42519 (2020) Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Satinder Chopra GC...
Making the Impossible, Possible!
Jonathan Henderson
GEO ExPro Magazine
... the interpreter to interact seamlessly with information provided through an objective analysis of the geological expressions contained in the data...
The Fundamentals of 3-D Seismic Volume Visualization: Abstract
Gerald Kidd
Houston Geological Society
... been steadily growing. Beyond the increase in the size and numbers of 3-D seismic surveys, there is also a proliferation in the number of attribute...
Hamid Mushtaq, Farhan Ahmed Khan, and Muhammad Haneef
Search and Discovery.com
...; [email protected] In Mari field 3D seismic, conventional attribute methodologies on the full stack, broad-band data set showed an ambiguous fault...
Post-migration seismic data conditioning through merged datasets: Enhancing accuracy and insight
Pamela Blanco Dufau, Heather Bedle, Kurt Marfurt
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... challenges when used as input for machine learning techniques or seismic attribute studies. We apply spectral balancing and structure-oriented filtering...
AVO-preserving seismic data interpolation by orthogonal polynomial decomposition and mathematical morphological filtering
Yanxin Zhou, Yangang Mo, Junzhou Liu, Dajian Jiang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... information is extremely important in the pre-stack seismic data attribute analysis. This paper will introduce a new AVO-preserving data interpolation method...
Structural and Stratigraphic 3D Seismic Interpretation of Middle Cretaceous in South East Muglad Basin, South Sudan; #30269 (2013)
Dorar Hamdoba Elshaikh Saror and Zuhar Zahir Bin Tuan Harith
Search and Discovery.com
... Variance slices Seismic Cross-Section Analysis Well Correlation Depth Maps Attribute Maps Structural Conclusion Stratigraphic Conclusion 23-April-2013...
Reservoir and Completions Workflow Integration for Optimized Marcellus Field Development
Tim Budney, José E. Chirinos
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... points to increased sand loading and reduced stage length can improve wellbore performance. With the combination of rate transient analysis (RTA) analysis...
Play Based Evaluation of Deepwater Timor Sea Fold - Thrust Belt: An Assessment for the Frontier Area
Ragil Pratiwi, Joko Wiyono, Feby Nugraha, Muhammad Kamal Fakhri, Suwarta
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... was conducted, integrating all available geophysical and geological data, including seismic interpretation, structural mapping and attribute analysis...
Abstract: Fracture Prediction From 3D Strain Variations Using New Kinematic Flow Algorithms for Hanging-wall Deformation, by A. Gibbs, P Griffiths, T Murray, R Osborn, and N. Salter; #90937 (1998)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Fracture Prediction From 3D Strain Variations Using New Kinematic Flow Algorithms for Hanging-wall Deformation, by A. Gibbs, P Griffiths, T Murray, R Osborn, and N. Salter; #90928 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Design Seismic Acquisition With Illumination Analysis, Gulf Of Thailand
Search and Discovery.com
Characterization and Modeling of Tight Fractured Carbonate Reservoir of Najmah-Sargelu Formation, Kuwait, #41059 (2012)
Prabir Kumar Nath, Sunil Kumar Singh, Reyad Abu-Taleb, Raghav Prasad, Badruzzaman Khan, Sara Bader
Search and Discovery.com
... and Upper Najmah Limestone (Figure 5). Seismic Attribute Analysis 3D seismic attributes like dip, azimuth, curvature and ant-tracks were used...
Integrated Workflow for the Reservoir Properties Prediction using the Ultra-Far Seismic Data, Mansoura Area, Onshore Nile Delta, Egypt, #42325 (2019).
Walaa Fathy, Asghar Shams,
Search and Discovery.com
.... The reservoir properties prediction was done using multi attribute analysis, which helped in increasing the predictive power between well locations...
DASF: A high-performance and scalable framework for large seismic datasets
Julio C. Faracco, Otávio O. Napoli, João Seródio, Carlos A. Astudillo, Leandro A. Villas, Edson Borin, Alan Souza, Daniel Miranda, João Paulo Navarro
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... Machine learning (ML) techniques have become important tools for seismic data analysis. However, the sheer size of seismic datasets and lack of proper...
Chapter 7: Advanced Reservoir Characterization Using 3D Seismic Data in Badger Basin, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
John E. Buggenhagen
Montana Geological Society
... of faults and horizons, continuity analysis, velocity modeling, and sequence attribute analysis. Reconnaissance AVO analysis was attempted...
Causes and Appearance of Noise in Seismic Data Volumes, by Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt; #41476 (2014).
Search and Discovery.com
Integrated Seismic (IS) for Shale Gas Exploration and Management
Shastri L. Nimmagadda, Paola Andrea Cardona Mora, Said Hanafy
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... for seismic structure and attribute analysis for Eagle Ford Shale play in shale basins in USA (Hanning et al. 2010). Zhu et al. (2010) describe...
Abstract: 3D Structural and Stratigraphic Frameworks using Acoustic Impedance, Amplitude and EDGE-Enhanced Seismic Volumes, by K. D. Kelsch, T. L. Heidrick, A. Rauf, and P. T. Hazairin; #90935 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Use of Spectral Decomposition and Seismic Attribute Volumes in Mapping of Truncating Carbonate Units, by Hussain Najwani, Mahmood Mahrooqi, and Janine Jones; #90077 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: A Method to Quantifiably Relate Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) between the Surface and the Subsurface for Mechanical Stratigraphic Applications, by M. Enderlin, C. Zahm, and D. Naylor; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Attribute-Assisted Interpretation of Fractured Vuggy Carbonate in the Tarim Basin
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Predicting Log Properties from Seismic Data Using Abductive Networks; #90051 (2006)
Osama A. Ahmed, Radwan Abdel-Aal, Husam AlMustafa
Search and Discovery.com
.... Exhaustive search of all attribute combinations is computationally infeasible. As a solution, linear stepwise regression has been proposed which...