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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 73,411 Results. Searched 195,502 documents.

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Abstract: New geological highway map of Nova Scotia

C. E. White, H. V. Donohoe Jr., B. Fisher, R. Raeside, K. Silverstein, D. Skilliter

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: New geological highway map of Nova Scotia C. E. White, H. V. Donohoe Jr., B. Fisher, R. Raeside, K. Silverstein, D. Skilliter 163 Atlantic...


On the discovery of tetrapod trackways from Permo-Carboniferous redbeds of Prince Edward Island and their biostratigraphic significance

John H. Calder, Donald Baird, Elliott B. Urdang

Atlantic Geology

.... Calder, Donald Baird, Elliott B. Urdang 217 Atlantic Geology On the discovery of tetrapod trackways from Permo-Carboniferous redbeds of Prince Edward...


Abstract: Geoarchaeological investigations of the lakebed of Georgian Bay, Laurentide Great Lakes

W. Fox, S. M. Blasco, A. Promaine, L. Keeshig-Tobias, B. Covill

Atlantic Geology

...-Tobias, B. Covill 61 Atlantic Geology Geoarchaeological investigations of the lakebed of Georgian Bay, Laurentide Great Lakes W. Fox 1 , S.M. Blasco 2...


Abstract: Volcanology of the upper cone of the Rockeskyller Kopf volcano, West Eifel volcanic field, Germany

Nesha D. Trenholm, Cliff S. J. Shaw, Alan B. Woodland

Atlantic Geology

..., Alan B. Woodland 116 AGS Abstracts – 2006 Annual General Meeting Volcanology of the upper cone of the Rockeskyller Kopf volcano, West Eifel volcanic...


Abstract: The Kopanoar mud volcano on the Mackenzie Shelf, Beaufort Sea: implications for methane release on Arctic shelves

Frederick B. Walsh

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: The Kopanoar mud volcano on the Mackenzie Shelf, Beaufort Sea: implications for methane release on Arctic shelves Frederick B. Walsh 120...


Abstract: Differentiation mechanisms in the Basement Sill, Ferrar Province, Antarctica

Jean H. Bédard, Tom Fleming, Taber Hersum, B. Marsh, H. Richard Naslund, Samuel B. Mukasa

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Differentiation mechanisms in the Basement Sill, Ferrar Province, Antarctica Jean H. Bédard, Tom Fleming, Taber Hersum, B. Marsh, H...


Abstract: Acoustic mapping of the Bay of Fundy between Maces Bay and Passamaquoddy Bay

C. L. Legere, B. B. Broster, J. E. Hughes Clarke, R. D. Parrott

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Acoustic mapping of the Bay of Fundy between Maces Bay and Passamaquoddy Bay C. L. Legere, B. B. Broster, J. E. Hughes Clarke, R. D...


"Jacob Staff" and Measurements of Stratigraphic Sequences--A Correction: ERRATUM

J. A. Broggi

AAPG Bulletin

... note, " 'Jacob Staff' and Measurements of Stratigraphic Sequences," in May, 1946, Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 5, page 719, Figure No. 2 b was erroneously used...


Abstract: Site selection for in-stream tidal power devices in Minas Passage - New insight into the marine geology of the Bay of Fundy

Gordon B. J. Fader

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Site selection for in-stream tidal power devices in Minas Passage - New insight into the marine geology of the Bay of Fundy Gordon B. J...


Abstract: Evaluating the effects of wastewater treatment on marine sediment chemistry in Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia

G. Williams, M. B. Parsons, J. Hellou, D. B. Scott

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Evaluating the effects of wastewater treatment on marine sediment chemistry in Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia G. Williams, M. B. Parsons, J...


A cautionary note on the use of invertebrate trace fossils for correlation in the Triassic-Jurassic Fundy Group

Robert B. MacNaughton, Ron K. Pickerill

Atlantic Geology

...A cautionary note on the use of invertebrate trace fossils for correlation in the Triassic-Jurassic Fundy Group Robert B. MacNaughton, Ron K...


Abstract: Shock veins in the central uplift of the Manicouagan impact structure

Marc B. Biren, John G. Spray

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Shock veins in the central uplift of the Manicouagan impact structure Marc B. Biren, John G. Spray atlantic geology . volume 47 . 2011 12...


Tyee Formation: A Study of Proximality in Turbidites: ERRATUM

J. P. B. Lovell

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Tyee Formation: A Study of Proximality in Turbidites: ERRATUM J. P. B. Lovell 1970 Vol. 40 No. 2. (June), The figure shown is a complete version...


Abstract: Site-specific factors influencing earthquake hazard assessment: examples from New Brunswick

B. E. Broster, K. B. S. Burke

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Site-specific factors influencing earthquake hazard assessment: examples from New Brunswick B. E. Broster, K. B. S. Burke atlantic geology...


Abstract: Identifying and mapping the saltwater transition zone in Summerside, Prince Edward Island

B. Hansen, G. Ferguson, Y. Jiang, D. Jardine

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Identifying and mapping the saltwater transition zone in Summerside, Prince Edward Island B. Hansen, G. Ferguson, Y. Jiang, D. Jardine...


Geological and site specific factors influencing earthquake hazard assessment for New Brunswick, Canada

B. E. Broster, K. B. S. Burke

Atlantic Geology

...Geological and site specific factors influencing earthquake hazard assessment for New Brunswick, Canada B. E. Broster, K. B. S. Burke Geological...


Precise Sediment Density Determination by Gamma-Ray Attenuation Alone: ERRATUM

Robert B. Whitmarsh

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Precise Sediment Density Determination by Gamma-Ray Attenuation Alone: ERRATUM Robert B. Whitmarsh 1971 Vol. 41 No. 4. (December), The following...


Abstract: Salt Water Intrusion within a Carboniferous Sandstone Aquifer at Richibucto, New Brunswick, as Revealed by Hydrogeophysical and Petrophysical Investigations

Eric B. Mott, Karl E. Butler

Atlantic Geology

... and Petrophysical Investigations Eric B. Mott, Karl E. Butler Salt water intrusion within a Carboniferous sandstone aquifer at Richibucto, New Brunswick, as revealed...


Establishing Geochemical Baselines in Forest Soils for Environmental Risk Assessment in the Montague and Goldenville Gold Districts, Nova Scotia, Canada

Michael B. Parsons, Megan E. Little

Atlantic Geology

..., Canada Michael B. Parsons, Megan E. Little Establishing geochemical baselines in forest soils for environmental risk assessment in the Montague...


Abstract: A magnetic fabric study of the sheeted Greendale Igneous Complex of the Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia, Canada: preliminary results

S. J. Dubois, J. B. Murphy, W. McCarthy, M. S. Petronis

Atlantic Geology

.... Dubois, J. B. Murphy, W. McCarthy, M. S. Petronis A magnetic fabric study of the sheeted Greendale Igneous Complex of the Antigonish Highlands, Nova...


Abstract: Serendipity, opportunity, and toil: development of the Lagerstätten collections at the Manitoba Museum

Graham A. Young, David M. Rudkin, Edward P. Dobrzanski, Michael B. Cuggy, Sean P. Robson, Deborah P. Thompson

Atlantic Geology

..., Edward P. Dobrzanski, Michael B. Cuggy, Sean P. Robson, Deborah P. Thompson Serendipity, opportunity, and toil: development of the Lagerstätten...


Abstract: Three-dimensional seismic geomorphology of paralic channel systems, Sable Sub-basin, offshore Nova Scotia, Canada

Trevor B. Kelly, Grant D. Wach

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Three-dimensional seismic geomorphology of paralic channel systems, Sable Sub-basin, offshore Nova Scotia, Canada Trevor B. Kelly, Grant D...


Abstract: Assembling granitoid batholiths: the petrogenesis of the Donegal batholith, Ireland

Donnelly B. Archibald, J. Brendan Murphy, Joseph Dunlop, Robin A. Strachan

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Assembling granitoid batholiths: the petrogenesis of the Donegal batholith, Ireland Donnelly B. Archibald, J. Brendan Murphy, Joseph Dunlop...


Abstract: Electrical resistivity tomography to monitor for seepage at an embankment dam abutment

Daniel E. Boulay, Karl E. Butler

Atlantic Geology

... resistivity tomography to monitor for seepage at an embankment dam abutment D ANIEL E. B OULAY AND K ARL E. B UTLER Department of Earth Sciences, University...


Abstract: Ground-penetrating radar investigation of the fluvial meanderbelt strata of the Carboniferous Joggins Formation, Nova Scotia, Canada

Trevor B. Kelly, Grant D. Wach

Atlantic Geology

... B. Kelly, Grant D. Wach Ground-penetrating radar investigation of the fluvial meanderbelt strata of the Carboniferous Joggins Formation, Nova Scotia...


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