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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 780 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Automated Data and ML Pipelines to Accelerate Subsurface Digitalization

Raj Kannan, Vikas Jain

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... into elastic compute-clusters for reliable result prediction on new datasets. LA URTeC 3963931 2 Such a digital system can account for ML models drift...


Geometry of Supra-prism Basins of Southern Barbados Wedge

Huyghe, P., Morette, L., Griboulard, R Faugeres J. C. and Mugnier, J.L.

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... backward. (iii) A long scale (greater than 10 km) arcward tilting that leads to backward migration of piggy-back basins depocenters. In the inner areas...


Enabling Cross-discipline Collaboration and Forward Modeling through Advanced Subsurface Geocellular Earth Modeling

Ronald Dusterhoft, Shameem Siddiqui, Carlos Davila

CSPG Bulletin

.... One of the key issues with this approach is that it is always looking backward to determine the path forward. By nature, this process is reactionary...


Elastic wave reverse-time migration with dynamic focused beams for weak anisotropic media

Ning Qin

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... conditions to image the forward and backward wavefields of elastic wave, which avoids the limitation of imaging angle and has higher imaging accuracy...


Statistical Process Control for Early Detection of Progressive Cavity Pump Failures in Vertical Unconventional Gas Wells

Suren Indrajith Rathnayake, Mahshid Firouzi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., water flowrates, and wellhead pressure. The results show promise, allowing detection and prediction of more than 90% of the PCP failure events...


Well Log Data Conditioning Using a Rock Physics Modeling Approach: Examples From the Banyu Urip Field, Cepu KKS, East Java Basin

Shiyu Xu, Soman Chacko

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Urip wellseismic ties. For instance, our rock physics model gave a much better prediction of measured S-wave logs (and hence Vp/Vs) when assuming 100...


Comparison of Discovery Process Methods for Estimating Undiscovered Resources

P. J. Lee, D. Gill

CSPG Bulletin

.... Estimates of the two unknowns can also be derived by an iterative and heuristic "backward-prediction" procedure as described in Gill (1994b). The sample size...


Eagle Ford Fluid Type Variation and Completion Optimization: A Case for Data Analytics

Fahd Siddiqui, Ali Rezaei, Birol Dindoruk, Mohamed Y. Soliman

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... Fluid properties prediction has an impact on in-place volumes and reservoir performance management including optimized well placement. We present a data...


Petrochemical Project Strategies for the Developing Countries

Dan Mayur

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... is presented. Win-win strategies that will benefit all parties are discussed. In the specific context of Indonesia, these strategies include backward...


Catastrophic Debris Avalanche from Ancestral Mount Shasta Volcano, California

D. R. Crandell, C. D. Miller, R. L. Christiansen, H. X. Glicken, C. G. Newhall

Pacific Section SEPM

... that distance, without being severely disrupted. Although some blocks rotated forward or backward, they remained right side u p . HAZARD IMPLICATIONS Very...


Cracking New CBM Potential in South Sumatera: Current Progress, Obstacles, and Opportunities

Dyah Pitaloka C., Dramastra Lalean, Noviar Hendriyanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... that remains in the sample after the desorption process ceased. As the lost gas volume was measured using backward extrapolation, a valid number of measured...


Role of Vortices in Surf Zone Prediction: Sedimentation and Wave Forces

Robert L. Miller

Special Publications of SEPM

...Role of Vortices in Surf Zone Prediction: Sedimentation and Wave Forces Robert L. Miller Copyright © 2012, The Society of Economic Paleontologists...


Diagenetic controls on reservoir quality in Middle to Upper Jurassic sandstones in the South Viking Graben, North Sea

Tom Erik Maast, Jens Jahren, Knut Bjorlykke

AAPG Bulletin

..., and S. Brown, eds., Geology of the Brent Group: Geological Society (London) Special Publication 61, p. 289327.Gluyas, J., 1997, Poroperm prediction for reserves...


Utilizing the Two-Way Wave Equation: Reverse Time Pre-Stack Depth Migration

Matthew H. Karazincir, Clive M. Gerrard, Andrew Long, Lynn B. Comeaux

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... because it requires consecutive forward and backward wavefield modeling. The classical way to perform forward, or backward, wavefield modeling uses...


Diagnosing Fracture-Wellbore Connectivity Using Chemical Tracer Flowback Data

Ashish Kumar, Mukul M. Sharma

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... prediction and the fracture parameters in the simulation. We present a new method to analyze chemical tracer data which includes the effect of flow...


Supervised Learning Applied to Rock Type Classification in Sandstone Based on Wireline Formation Pressure Data; #42539 (2020)

Jose Victor Contreras

Search and

... is to count the number of times a specific class is classified correctly or incorrectly. To compute the confusion matrix, a set of prediction...


Stratigraphic Analysis and Reservoir Prediction in the Eocene Yegua and Cook Mountain Formations of Texas and Louisiana

Marc B. Edwards

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...Stratigraphic Analysis and Reservoir Prediction in the Eocene Yegua and Cook Mountain Formations of Texas and Louisiana Marc B. Edwards 1990 37 50...


How did Channel Systems Survive the Transgressive Period? New Sedimentological Insights from Outcrop, Modern Analog and Subsurface Data in the Lower Kutai Basin

Erlangga Septama, Chandra Mustofa Eka Putra, Pambudi Suseno, A.M. Rizky Andy, Nurul Hasani, Gilang Nuansa Putra, Febri Iswanto, Setyoadi Novantyono

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and to find typical succession that is distinguishable in the subsurface for a better reservoir geometry prediction. BASIN SETTING The study area...


FRONTMATTER: North Dakota Geological Society & Saskatchewan Geological Society: First International Williston Basin Symposium, 1956

Williston Basin Symposium

... Page 6 2. The Williston Basin - A Backward Look With a View to the Future...


P-shooter--A Fast Seismic Source for Shallow Exploration: ABSTRACT

Gildas Omnes, Philippe Robert

AAPG Bulletin

... damages to a road surface. The whole system is mounted on the back of a 4 by 4 truck. The tower can be moved forward, backward, and to some extent...


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