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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,792 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Integrated Interpretation of Geophysical Data Over the NW Shelf, Australia (Westralia ACCESS project); #30536 (2017)

Ben Spurgeon, Jonathan Watson, Barrett Cameron, Jennifer Greenhalgh

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.... The available seismic data was also be used to classify anomalies. 2D modelling followed on from the qualitative interpretation to establish balanced...


3D Natural Fracture Prediction Using Integrated Method of Structural Restoration and Geomechanical Forward Modelling: Case Study in South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia

Mohammad Risyad, Restio Brata, Muhtar, Iqbal Buldani, Agus Heru Purwanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... geology models, which are not always balanced, are used as proxies for past geometries. Therefore, a geomechanically based restoration is needed to better...


ABSTRACT Observations from Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data; Active Deepwater Fold Belts of East Indonesia, #90123 (2011)

Philip A. Teas, John Decker, Daniel L. Orange, Peter Baillie

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... belt is crossed by several depositional systems. A variety of behaviors is apparent along the length of the fold belt. Where sediment input is low we...


Abstract: Salta Basin, Argentina: A Good Analog for Phanerozoic Lacustrine Microbialite-Bearing Reservoirs; #90153 (2012)

G.J.S. Terra, E.B. Rodrigues, E.B. Freire, R. Lykawka, G.P. Raja Gabaglia, R.M. Hernández, J.I. Hernández

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... a balanced fill regime. Three orders of cyclicity (3rd, 4th and 5th orders) have been described and logged (multispectral gamma ray) in large outcrops...


New Interpretation of the Stratigraphic Relationship Between the Fountain Formation and Its Glen Eyrie Member

Lee J. Suttner, Richard P. Langford, Anne F. O’Connell

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

... in nearshore marine environments, but under progressively shallower water conditions and increased fluvial input. Stratigraphic Relationship Between...


Kinematics and Sedimentary Balance of the Sub-Himalayan Zone, Western Nepal

Laurent Husson, Jean-Louis Mugnier, Pascale Leturmy, Grard Vidal

AAPG Special Volumes

...), the input volume, I, equals the output volume, O. The main output is erosion. However, geometric observations from the structural sketch map and the balanced...


Using machine learning to predict total organic content … case study: Canning Basin, Western Australia

Russell Menezes

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...). These types of algorithms can account for non-linear relationships by generating nonlinear input-output mapping functions throughout the learning...


Abstract: AVO Compliant Spectral Balancing; #90171 (2013)

Nirupama Nagarajappa and Jon Downton

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... of the event are altered considerably, rendering the spectral balanced data unsuitable for AVO analysis. The resulting spectra are shown in Figures 3b...


Prewell and postwell predictions of oil and gas columns using an iterative Monte Carlo technique with three-dimensional petroleum systems modeling

Are Tømmerås, Øyvind Sylta, Matthias C. Daszinnies, and Davide Mencaroni

AAPG Bulletin

... task. The a priori input parameter distributions are commonly highly unconstrained, resulting in failures to produce realizations that successfully match...


ABSTRACT Lacustrine Carbonate Lithofacies from Micrite to Grainstone and Microbial Boundstone„ Hydrocarbon Play-Element Potential and Prediction Within a Lake-Basin-Type Framework, #90104 (2010)

Bohacs Kevin; Demko Timothy; Guidry Sean; Trainor Dwight

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.... Hydrocarbon reservoirs in these facies have porosity of 9 ‐ 26% and permeability of 1 ‐ 2207 mD. Balanced‐fill lake basins typically have  the best...


ABSTRACT: Salt Cored Convergent Transfer Zone in the South Timbalier Block 54, Offshore Gulf of Mexico: New Insights from Balanced Cross Sections and Three Dimensional Structural Models; #90117 (2010)

"Shamik Bose, Shankar Mitra"

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...ABSTRACT: Salt Cored Convergent Transfer Zone in the South Timbalier Block 54, Offshore Gulf of Mexico: New Insights from Balanced Cross Sections...


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