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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 26,243 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Middle Proterozoic Belt Basin Syndepositional Faults and Their Influence on Phanerozoic Thrusting and Extension: ABSTRACT
Don Winston
AAPG Bulletin
... that produced a mosaic of large basement blocks. Blocks that subsided formed the Belt basin and were surrounded mostly by uplifted blocks. The Dillon block...
Abstract: Cretaceous Paleofaults on Basement Block Boundaries Near Hartzog Draw Field, Wyoming, by G. W. Shurr and S. P. Gay, Jr.; #91017 (1992).
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Abstract: Tilted Fault Blocks and Subthrust Basins? A Morphotectonic Investigation in the Central Foothills and Brooks Range, Alaska, by R. R. Casavant and E. Gross; #90008 (2002).
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Russell G. Tysdal
Montana Geological Society
... movement along the fault between the blocks proceeds, the sedimentary strata above block B are buttressed by the basement rock of block...
Abstract: The Fault Fabric and Structural Subprovince of the Central Basin Platform of West Texas as a Model of Strike-Slip Movement
Wayne B. Gardiner
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...) their oil is trapped in high-angle fault structures (R-shears?) along the block boundaries, but toward the center of the blocks, oil tends...
Basement Control in the Structural Evolution of Southern Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Jack L. Walper
AAPG Bulletin
... Mountains dominate the minor faults and delineate the major basement blocks, namely, the 4 Wichita block, the Tishomingo-Belton uplift, and the frontal edge...
Tectonic Trends, Timing, and Mechanics of the Egyptian Edge of the Red Sea and Gulf of Suez: ABSTRACT
D. U. Wise, D. Greene, M. Valentine, S. Schamel, S. Perry, H. Abu Zied
AAPG Bulletin
... western edge. The evidence points to early stage fault patterns "inherited" from the local structural grain of the Precambrian basement that pre-dated...
ABSTRACT: Effects of Inherited Pre-Jurassic Tectonics on Gulf Coast, by Richard L. Adams; #91022 (1989)
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Analogue Modelling of Inverted Domino-Style Basement Fault Systems
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Some Thoughts on the Structural Evolution of Southern Oklahoma
Jack L. Walper
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... faults and delineate the major basement blocks, namely the Wichita block, the Tishomingo-Belton uplift and the frontal edge of the Ouachita Mountains...
Fault Pattern in the Southern Campos Basin, Brazil: 3-D Seismic Insights and Implications for Albian Carbonates of the Macae Group
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Abstract: The Powder River Basin - A Classic Area of Basement Control on Oil & Gas Fields, Including a Number of "Purely Stratigraphic Traps", by S. P. Gay, Jr.; #90946 (1997).
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Abstract: Identification of Basement Fracture Pattern from Aeromagnetic Data-Its Significance in Hydrocarbon Exploration, by Paramjit Singh, Jitendra Kumar, and Durga Shankar Mitra; #90081 (2008)
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Wrench and Inversion Structures in the Timor Sea Region
Andrew Nelson
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
..., resulting in reverse or normally faulted duplex blocks. The concept of the wrench• duplex block can incorporate positive and negative flower and tulip...
The Effect of Strike
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Relation of Unconformities, Tectonics, and Sea Level Changes, Cretaceous of Western Interior, United States and Canada: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Weimer
AAPG Bulletin
... blocks suggest a synchronous relation among fault block movement, sea level changes, and unconformities. Which fault blocks moved on the basin floor...
COMMENT: Balanced Cross Sections of Small Fold-thrust Structures
Eric A. Erslev
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... for application to other foreland block structures. However, their models contradict observed fault patterns at deeper levels of exposure...
Abstract: Structural Compartmentalization and Reservoir Fluid Distribution in the Terry and Muddy (J) Sandstones, Denver Basin, Colorado, by R. M. Slatt, and R. J. Weimer; #90946 (1997).
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Basement-Controlled Deformation in Wyoming Province of Rocky Mountains Foreland
John James Prucha , John A. Graham , Richard P. Nickelsen
AAPG Bulletin
... structural style of the Wyoming Province is basement block faulting of diverse trends and great structural relief. Individual blocks are bounded...
ABSTRACT: Fault Geometries and Location in Sedimentary Cover During Basement-Controlled Deformation: An Experimental Investigation, by Bruno Vendeville; #91032 (2010)
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Deformation and secondary faulting associated with basement-involved compressional and extensional structures
James F. Miller, Shankar Mitra
AAPG Bulletin
.... Vertical uplift was studied using blocks separated by 90 planes.The structures with basement fault dips from 30 to 75 were modeled using a combination...
Mapping Geologic Structure of Basement and Role of Basement in Hydrocarbon Entrapment, by Parker Gay; #40052 (2002).
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A Method for Estimating Fault Geometry from Rotated Basement Blocks Using Slip Lines
Peter H. Hennings, John H. Sprang
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...A Method for Estimating Fault Geometry from Rotated Basement Blocks Using Slip Lines Peter H. Hennings, John H. Sprang I CONTINUINGMOUNTAIN...
Abstract: New Plays and Concepts for Offshore Sarawak from FTG Gravity Data
Colm A. Murphy
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... I basement with the 2015 Nuang discovery well along the edge of a shallow fault block. The known fault block and half-graben geometry acts...
Prospects for Discovery of New Gas Pools in the Cis-Carpathian Downwarp
Yu. R. Karpenchuk, A. S. Pilipchuk
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... that bound these blocks on the south of the Karkov fault have displacements of several hundred meters on the surface of the basement, and they extend on up...