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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 26,243 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Identification of Wrench Faults Using Subsurface Structural Data: Criteria and Pitfalls: Reply (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... fault blocks. The blocks are most clearly imaged across the southeastern two-fifths of the profile (above 2.0 s in Figure 2a). In this area...
Cormorant Field--U.K. East Shetland Basin, North Sea
B. K. Howe
AAPG Special Volumes
... north-south and basement reactivated northeast-southwest faults. In the Bathonian, the fault blocks produced by rifting underwent rotation about...
System of Inclined Fractures in the Crust of Surkhandar’Ya Oil-Gas Area
A. A. Abidiv, F. G. Dolgopolov, A. I. Khodzhimetov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... angles of dip. As a result of application of horizontal compressive forces the central block was lowered. Maximum deformation of the blocks...
Basement Model for the Panhandle of Florida
Douglas L. Smith
GCAGS Transactions
... the basis of a basement model involving at least eight separate fault blocks and basins, each with a distinct depositional history. The dominant structures...
Seismic Investigation of the Colorado Front Range Zone of Flank Deformation Immediately North of Golden, Colorado
Thomas L. Davis, Terence K. Young
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... system is dominantly vertical in nature and is basement controlled. Fault displacement varies with depth and spatially from block to block within...
Cretaceous Sinistral Strike Slip Along Nacimiento Fault in Coastal California
William R. Dickinson
AAPG Bulletin
...., 1976, Late Cenozoic fault patterns and stress fields in the Great Basin and westward displacement of the Sierra Nevada block: Geology, v. 4, p...
Earthquake Hazards and Tectonic History of the San Andreas Fault Zone, Los Angeles County, California
Allan G. Barrows, James E. Kahle, David J. Beeby
Pacific Section of AAPG
... due to northward tilting of the underlying basement block. This tilting could have resulted from movement on the main trace of the San Andreas fault...
Structural Geology of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Rocks Near the Nacimiento Fault, Northwest of Lake Nacimiento, California
Victor M. Seiders
Pacific Section SEPM
... a basin formed by the faulting. Along the Sur fault, a northwestern branch of the Nacimiento fault, Salinian basement lies against the Franciscan...
Some Thoughts of the Structural Evolution of Southern Oklahoma
Jack L. Walper
Tulsa Geological Society
... in Precambrian time. The interplay of the basement blocks delineated by these early faults has controlled the sedimentation throughout geologic time...
ABSTRACT: Controlling Factors in Different Styles of Deformation Associated with Gravity Sliding, Kwanza Basin, Angola, by Steven G. Henry, Larry A. Standlee; #91020 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Multiple Stratigraphic Indicators of Major Strike-slip Movement along the Eola Fault, Subsurface Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma
Jerry Glen McCaskill Jr.
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... or fault scarp slump blocks in the Oil Creek, Tulip Creek, Bromide, Viola, Sylvan, Hunton, Woodford, or Sycamore Formations. In other words...
Abstract: Fault Geometries and Origins in Western Pennsylvania and Northern West Virginia; #90228 (2015)
Robert Jacobi, Joel Starr, Craig Eckert, Travis Warner
Search and Discovery.com
... of the back-rotated blocks, thrust fault-associated anticlines have F-salt and Vernon thickening. Reactivation of RomeTrough basement faults influenced...
Deformation along oblique and lateral ramps in listric normal faults: Insights from experimental models
Shamik Bose, Shankar Mitra
AAPG Bulletin
... fault.Maps of growth-fault systems, such as those from the Niger Delta (Doust and Omotsola, 1989) and the Gulf of Mexico, show that the map patterns...
Morphology of the Casper Mountain uplift and related, subsidiary structures, central Wyoming: Implications for Laramide kinematics, dynamics, and crustal inheritance
Donald S. Stone
AAPG Bulletin
... in Figure 3. East-west shortening in the northern, footwall block of the Casper Mountain fault zone occurs on comparatively smaller scale, basement...
Role of Salinian Block in Evolution of San Andreas Fault System, California
Stephan A. Graham
AAPG Bulletin
... the consequence of oblique plate convergence, emplaced granitic basement of the Salinian block west of the fault in Paleocene time. Following an initial...
Mesozoic Shear Disintegration and Terrane Motion of the East Asian Continental Margin
Zhu Guang, Xu Jiawei
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... fault zone, and Lishui-Haifeng fault zone, and Shaowu-Heyuan fault zone cut the Cathaysian massif into western East China Sea block...
Oil and Gas Prospects of the Middle Caspian in the Light of New Data from Offshore Geophysical Surveys
Ye. Ya. Nikolayeva, Yu. I. Svistunov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... of magnito-acoustic bodies; 7-boundaries of basement blocks; 8-deep wells; 9-faults. These investigations show the absence of a domal uplift...
Basement and Cover-Rock Deformation During Laramide Contraction in the Northern Madison Range (Montana) and Its Influence on Cenozoic Basin Formation
Karl S. Kellogg , Christopher J. Schmidt , Susan W. Young
AAPG Bulletin
.... Analysis of foliation attitudes in basement gneiss north and south of the Spanish Peaks fault indicates that the basement in thrusted blocks...
The Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico: Tectonic History of a "Composite" Foreland Basin and Its Effects on Stratigraphic Development
Kenn-Ming Yang, Steven L. Dorobek
Special Publications of SEPM
... the greatest vertical displacement that is the boundary fault zones at the SW and NE C 3 observed along comers of these blocks 4 of basement from south...
Seismic Evidence of Tectonic Influence on Development of Cretaceous Listric Normal Faults, Boulder-Wattenberg-Greeley Area, Denver Basin, Colorado
Thomas L. Davis
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... normal faults are prevalent on the flank of a fault-bounded basement-confrolled paleostructural block termed the Wattenberg block by Weimer...
Deformation of Authochthonous Foreland Basement, Clark Mountain Thrust Complex, Southeastern California
Eric P. Nelson, B.C. Burchfiel
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... shear i n the basement, and 3) rotation or translation of the basement as a rigid block bounded on the east by the Ivanpah fault. The first mechanism...
Role of the Main Udmurt Fault in Formation of Oil-Bearing Structures in Sedimentary Rocks
I. M. Urazayev
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... at 30°. It can be seen in Fig. 1 that the east block is upthrown. The direction of displacement of the blocks of the basalt layer and the gentle dip...
Chapter Seventeen: Structural Evolution of the T-Block Brae Fields, South Viking Graben
Simon Allerton, Eugenio Giuliani, Amy Kwiatkowski, Mark Jones, Julian Robinson, Adam Styles
AAPG Special Volumes
... segment and northward from a segment to the south of T-Block, to create a relay zone opposite Thelma and Toni. At the segment centers, the fault throws...
Directing a Marcellus Shale Drilling Program Using High Resolution Aeromagnetic Data, #41246 (2013)
Joseph P. Fagan Jr
Search and Discovery.com
.... This is especially true if the natural fractures are part of a bigger, deeper-seated basement fault system. Heavily naturally fractured areas often...