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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 26,243 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Prospecting the Moattama/Tanintharyi Shelf of Myanmar
Win Maw, Myint Kyi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... horst block structures immediately west of the Sagaing Fault were detailed by 2,700 km of 2D seismic on Blocks M12 and M10. An exploratory well...
A Practical Application of Data-Driven 3D Automatic Fault Extraction for En Echelon Faults: A Case Study from Malay Basin, #11176 (2019).
Tengku Mohd Syazwan Tengku Hassan, Lee Chung Shen, Jimmy Ting and Joseph P. Dominguez
Search and Discovery.com
...A Practical Application of Data-Driven 3D Automatic Fault Extraction for En Echelon Faults: A Case Study from Malay Basin, #11176 (2019). Tengku...
Fault Tectonics of the Pre-Neogene Basement of the Trans-Carpathian Downwarp and its Effect on the Structure and Gas Productivity of the Neogene Cover
V. M. Shcherba, A. S. Shcherba
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... of the Trans-Carpathian downwarp and to distinguish within the basement a large number of faults and blocks. See Fig. 1. Figure 1. Map of fault tectonics...
Structural Evolution of Sanandaj-Sirjan Ranges Near Esfahan, Iran
J. Edward Tillman , Abbas Poosti , Steve Rossello , Anne Eckert
AAPG Bulletin
...-trending fault zones. An analysis of the structures within one of these blocks (block 1, Fig. 2) was undertaken to document the important role...
Velocity Modeling with Complex Tectonics; Example from the San Joaquin Forearc Basin, California; #41950 (2016)
Lisa Alpert, Josué Rosas
Search and Discovery.com
... Gridded through sub-thrust No reverse faulting (i.e. gridded surfaces) Sub-thrust block 4x VE Horizons interpreted as fault blocks 4x VE...
Basement Structure in Northwest Peninsular Florida
Neil M. Coleman , Mark T. Stewart
GCAGS Transactions
... of Hamilton County. A series of parallel fault-block basins and uplifts are proposed as the dominant basement structures (Fig. 5). These structures...
Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone, Los Angeles Basin, California
Robert S. Yeats
AAPG Bulletin
... Cenozoic strata. Most earlier workers have assumed that the basement boundary is a fault, and that its expression in the younger strata is the Newport...
Sedimentary Rock Deformation Related to Structure in Basement: ABSTRACT
John James Prucha
AAPG Bulletin
... Mountains. Here the dominant structure of the Laramide orogeny is basement block faulting of diverse trends and great structural relief. Individual blocks...
Samuel I. Root, Department of Geology, The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio -Robert J. Martin, Department of Geology, The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio -
Ohio Geological Society
... of recurrent basement faulting during basin infilling provides a framework for understanding sediment distribution patterns...
ABSTRACT: Seismic and Stratigraphic Evidence for Recurrent Movement along Precambrian Age Fault Systems throughout Middle to Late Paleozoic in Central Appalachians, by Craig A. Eckert; #90154 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Tectonics and Oil-Gas Productivity of the North Part of the Aral Sea
O. D. Korsakov, A. I. Pilipenko, A. S. Gorshkov, Yu. A. Tsiplukhin
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... subsided block of the basement, which is called the Central Aral block. This block occupies an intermediate position between the East Aral and the North...
Typical Cenozoic Dextral Strike-Slip Characteristics of Tan-Lu Fault and Relationship with Oil and Gas in Eastern Laizhou Bay, Bohai Offshore Area of China, #30174 (2011)
Shi Hao, Zhou Donghong, Niu Chengmin, Lv Dingyou
Search and Discovery.com
... and is a half-graben of Cenozoic developed on the basement of Mesozoic. The Tan-Lu fault extends across Laizhou bay sag by west fault branch and east fault...
Normal fault growth and its function on the control of sedimentation during basin formation: A case study from field exposures of the Upper Cambrian Owen Conglomerate, West Coast Range, western Tasmania, Australia
Christian Alistair Noll, Mike Hall
AAPG Bulletin
... distribution and paleogeography. Temporal fault evolution is marked by highly varied displacement patterns and pronounced lateral shifts in maximum...
Cross Section Restoration and Balancing as Aid to Seismic Interpretation in Extensional Terranes
Mark G. Rowan, Roy Kligfield
AAPG Bulletin
... (North Sea), and rigid-body rotation may be the best for fault blocks dominated by basement rocks (Gulf of Sue and Basin and Range). In this paper...
Abstract: Structural Inversion in Southern Oklahoma by Late Paleozoic Transpression, a Working Hypothesis, by T. L. Thompson; #90944 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Multi-Scale Assessment of the Middle Eastern Permo-Triassic Khuff Carbonate: Structural Evolution and Its Impact from Reservoir Properties, by Valentina Zampetti, Ravi Borkhataria, and Marietta Vroon; #90105 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Wrench-Related Folds in Neogene Sediments Developed Along Offshore Sandspit Fault Trend, Queen Charlotte Basin. British Columbia: ABSTRACT
Ian F. Young, Richard L. Chase
AAPG Bulletin
... Islands includes slickensides and offset drainage patterns, topographic features, and geochemical anomalies. The northwest-trending fault parallels...
Transfer Zones and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Albertine Graben of the East African Rift System, #10401 (2012)
Dozith Abeinomugisha, Nurudin Njabire
Search and Discovery.com
... of Energy and Mineral Development, Entebbe, Uganda (d.abeinomugisha@petroleum.go.ug) Abstract Fault systems initiate as simple fractures...
Proposed Structural Interpretation of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming-Montana
William H. Curry III
Wyoming Geological Association
... of the basin. Areas of relatively uniform dip and strike are interpreted as sediment drape over tilted basement blocks. This interpretation was originally...
Growth Faulting and Salt Diapirism: Their Relationship and Control in the Carolina Trough, Eastern North America: Rifted Margins: Field Investigations of Margin Structure and Stratigraphy
William P. Dillon, Peter Popenoe, John A. Grow, Kim D. Klitgord, B. Ann Swift, Charles K. Paull, Katharine V. Cashman
AAPG Special Volumes
..., and the possibility of control of diapir location by basement structure should be considered. Several faults are indicated in Figure 3. The dominant fault...
Wrench Faulting and Rocky Mountain Tectonics
Donald S. Stone
Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)
..., John C., Williams, Lyman O., 1965, Control by Precambrian basement structure on the location of the Tensleep-Beaver Creek fault, Bighorn Mountains...
Interpretation of Seismic Data from the Rough Creek Graben of Western Kentucky and Southern Illinois: Chapter 15: Part I. Illinois Basin: Structural Geology
Allen J. Bertagne, Tim C. Leising
AAPG Special Volumes
... level is unlikely to be a good guide for exploration of deeper potential. 2. Basement fault blocks in the pre-Knox sequence: An example of a basement...
Mesozoic and Tertiary Tectonics of Irian Jaya: Evidence for Non-Rotation of Kepala Burung
Lyle F. Henage
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... lie north of the Sorong-Koor fault zone/suture (Figure 3). Hydrocarbon economic basement of Paleozoic metasediments lies south of the Sorong Koor...
Fundamental Advances in Structural Geology Based on Ongoing Studies in Reactivation Tectonics, Part 1
S. Parker Gay Jr.
Oklahoma City Geological Society
.... Flight line residual map of same data shown in a. This display maps the individual basemet fault blocks. c. Basement shear zones are drawn along...
4.2 Wrench Fault Tectonics: Convergent Wrench Fault and Positive Flower Structure, Ardmore Basin, Oklahoma
T. P. Harding, R. F. Gregory, and L. H. Stephens
AAPG Special Volumes
... and structural relationships. Secondary faults and folds associated with the Reagan Fault and several other faults in the system have patterns characteristic...