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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 26,243 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Deep Subsurface of the Southeast of Tataria in Connection with Oil Prospects of the Wendian-Riphean Sediments

E. P. Khalabuda, Ye. B. Grunis, N. F. Il’diyarkin, P. I. Slesarev

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of oil accumulation. Earlier studies in this region included gravity and magnetic surveys. These showed how the basement is cut into a series of blocks...


Geology of Nye-Bowler Lineament, Stillwater and Carbon Counties, Montana

Charles W. Wilson, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... block of the Pryors where it meets a north-south fault forming the eastern boundary of the northeast and southeast Pryor blocks. No trace of the lineament...


Cenozoic Tectonics of the Northeast Flank of the Santa Lucia Mountains from the Arroyo Seco to the Nacimiento River, California

Thomas W. Dibblee Jr.

Pacific Section SEPM

... boundary of the Salinian block is the Nacimiento fault, along which the Salinian basement and the overlying upper Cretaceous-lower Tertiary marine strata...


Abstract: Meta Incognita Microcontinent Revisited: Insights from U-Pb Geochronology and Nd Isotopes; #90172 (2014)

Natasha Wodicka, Joseph B. Whalen, Marc R. St-Onge, David Corrigan

Search and

... Incognita microcontinent and highlight significant differences with adjacent Archean basement crustal blocks. U-Pb ages from sparse basement exposures...


Late Paleozoic Tectonics of Northeastern Powder River Basin, Wyoming

George R. Wulf

Wyoming Geological Association

... between the two boards represents a major basement fault. Attached slats provided oriented regional compression. The enclosure was filled with very wet...


Evolution of Southern Caribbean Plate Boundary, Vicinity of Trinidad and Tobago

Paul Robertson , Kevin Burke

AAPG Bulletin

... well and the Betty-1 well, east of Trinidad, differs from the basement-type material found in the other wells north of the El Pilar fault zone...


Extended Abstract: Basement Structure in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Province: Persistent Influence or Rejuvenated?

Michael Alexander, Karim Aimaddeddine

GCAGS Transactions

... from the Mississippi River delta area. The western chain extends southeastward from South Pelto and terminates in two large basement high blocks...


Marine Geophysical Study Northeast of Trinidad-Tobago

B. G. Bassinger , R. N. Harbison , L. Austin Weeks

AAPG Bulletin

... blocks and the boundary fault systems. Hess (1938) suggested that the Caribbean block was translated eastward 80-160 km (50-100 mi). However, Eardley...


Transpressional Structures Along the Southern Terminus of the Dryhead Fault, East Pryor Mountain, Montana & Wyoming

Andrew Orrell

Wyoming Geological Association

..., J.C., 1978, Laramide structures and basement block faulting: Two examples from the Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming, in Matthews, V., III, ed., Laramide...


Regional Tectonics and Structural Evolution of the Monterey Bay Region, Central California

H. Gary Greene

Pacific Section of AAPG

... block is bounded on the northeast by the San Andreas fault, and is separated from the Ben Lomond and Gabilan blocks to the southwest by the Zayante...


Brea-Olinda Oil Field

R. A. Davis Jr.

Pacific Section of AAPG

... by a number of northeast striking faults which divide the Brea-Olinda accumulation into separate fault blocks (Fig. 1). The existence of these cross-faults...


Multi-fault 2D forward models in extensional rift systems of deepwater Brazil: A useful tool for predicting reservoir, source, and maturity

Shamik Bose, Brian J. Darby, Michael A. Sullivan

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... nucleate on fault blocks at different structural elevations. In addition to water level fluctuations, fault timing plays a key role in determining...


Polygonal Fault System in the Paleogene of the Magallanes Foreland Basin, Southern Chile

Jesús A. Pinto, Danilo L. González, Ángel P. González, Ricardo A. Zapata, Pablo E. Mella

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...-area rose diagram (C) of polygonal fault-segment orientations for the upper tier in the Arenal block; slicing level indicated in Figure 3B. (A) RMS...


Fault growth and linkage: Implications for tectonosedimentary evolution in the Chezhen Basin of Bohai Bay, eastern China

Jinbao Su, Wenbin Zhu, Jia Wei, Leiming Xu, Yanfeng Yang, Zhiqiang Wang, Zhiyong Zhang

AAPG Bulletin

.... R.Unerhill, 1998, A mechanism to explain riftbasin subsidence and stratigraphic patterns through fault-array evolution: Geology, v. 26, p. 595598, doi...


A Gravity Map of the United States

Paul L. Lyons

Tulsa Geological Society

... continually adjust and disturb their equilibrium. Third, that the sinking of overloads and the differential movement of basement fault blocks are important...


Reply: A Case for Brittle Deformation of the Basement During the Laramide Revolution in the Rocky Mountain Foreland Province

Vincent Matthews III

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... foldmg assoc~ated wlth basement block faultlng In the western Un~ted States. Geolog~cal Society of Arner~caMemo~r 151, p 1-37 Wlse, D U, Dunn, D E...


AAPG Studies in Geology No.53 - Part 1: Structural Interpretation Methods

John H. Shaw, Christopher D. Connors, and John Suppe

AAPG Special Volumes

... and sediment-to-uplift ratio. In this section, we describe common patterns of growth strata in fault-related folds that are imaged in seismic reflection...


Wrench Fault Tectonics in Northern Irian Jaya

W. Waschsmuth, F. Kunst

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... (Fig. 4c). The basement within the Rombebai Block is strongly upthrusted with respect to the areas north and south of the Japen Fault Zone (Fig. 3b...


Analysis of fault damage zones using three-dimensional seismic coherence in the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma

Zonghu Liao, Hui Liu, Brett M. Carpenter, Kurt J. Marfurt, and Ze’ev Reches

AAPG Bulletin

.... H. K. Supesteun, 1986, Fault geometries in basement-induced wrench faulting under different initial stress states: Journal of Structural Geology, v...


Possible Strike-Slip Components on Monoclines at the Powder River Basin–Black Hills Uplift Margin

George W. Shurr, Ivan W. Watkins, Alvis L. Lisenbee

Wyoming Geological Association

... with scissors-like movement resulting from differential uplift of constituent basement blocks with the uplift. Paleotectonic expression of the block...



E.A. Robbins, E.A. Erslev

Montana Geological Society

... styles of sedimentary strata and crystalline basement (Erslev, 1986). Block motion in the basement necessitates that individual blocks...


Structure and Kinematic Genesis of the Quealy Wrench Duplex: Transpressional Reactivation of the Precambrian Cheyenne Belt in the Laramie Basin, Wyoming

Donald S. Stone

AAPG Bulletin

... where combined with the generation of new Andersonian faults that can relieve the principal stresses more efficiently. Compound fault patterns...


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