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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 26,243 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Late Cenozoic Wrench Tectonics Along the Nacimiento, South Cuyama, and La Panza Faults, California, Indicated by Depositional History of the Simmler Formation

P. F. Ballance, D. G. Howell, Kathleen Ort

Pacific Section SEPM

... analyses indicate that the three fault-bounded outcrops of Simmler represent two depositional blocks or basins; the western Cuyama Gorge block has...


4.2 Wrench Fault Tectonics: Seismic Example of Complex Faulting from Northwest Shelf of Palawan, Philippines

M. T. Roberts

AAPG Special Volumes

.... On the northwest shelf these "basement" units, probably highly deformed in pre-Tertiary time, also appear (from seismic data) to have been block-faulted prior...


ABSTRACT: Digital Mapping of fault patterns in the Northern Lofoten Islands and their tectonic significance; #90018 (2003)

Robert W. Wilson

Search and

...ABSTRACT: Digital Mapping of fault patterns in the Northern Lofoten Islands and their tectonic significance; #90018 (2003) Robert W. Wilson AAPG...


ABSTRACT: New Structural Data Constraining the Kinematic Evolution of the Kalya Ridge, Slope and Platform, Lake Tanganyika Rift Basin, East Africa; #90007 (2002)

Christine R. Gans, Meredith Brislen, Kiram E. Lezzar, Geoffrey S. Ellis, Andrew S. Cohen, Annie Henderson, Kamina Chororoka

Search and

..., conducted bathymetric surveys in 2000 and 2001 of the Kalya Ridge (Horst Block) and Platform/Slope. The NW-SE trending ridge, located in the Southern Lake...


Strike-Slip Interpretation of Basin-Bounding Faults of the St. Lawrence Lowlands Basin in the Quebec City Area, Canada

Brian R. Shaw

AAPG Bulletin

... basement. The SOQUIP et al. 1 Lotbiniere (well 192), in the adjacent fault block, encountered Trenton-Black River carbonates and the Chazy Group lying...


The Influence of Basement on Faulting within the Perth Basin, Western Australia

M. C. Dentith, A. Long, J. Scott, L. B. Harris, S. A. Wilde

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... such as Hall and Kneale (1992) and Byrne & Harris (1992) have interpreted fault patterns within the Perth Basin in terms of reactivated basement structures...


Structural Features of the Bighorn Basin Rim

W. T. Thom Jr.

Wyoming Geological Association

... a "typical Rocky Mountain asymmetric anticline"—with the draping of unruptured surface beds over a steep basement fault, where the "fold" is moderately...


Structural Features of the Big Horn Basin Rim

W. T. Thom Jr.

Wyoming Geological Association

... of the Northwest and Northeast Pryor blocks. It seems fairly certain that the plane of the fault at the northeastern corner of the Southeastern Pryor block...


Seismic Interpretation of Basement Block Faults and Associated Deformation in Rocky Mountains Foreland: ABSTRACT

William R. Sacrison

AAPG Bulletin

...Seismic Interpretation of Basement Block Faults and Associated Deformation in Rocky Mountains Foreland: ABSTRACT William R. Sacrison 1983 1353 1353...


Basin Development in the California Borderland and the Basin and Range Province

George W. Moore

Pacific Section of AAPG

..., which still continues, the Pacific plate extends to the San Andreas fault zone, carrying batholithic rocks of the wedgelike Salinian block northwestward...


Some Principles of Tectonics in the Permian Basin

John E. Galley

North Texas Geological Society

... and are caused by upthrust which originates in the basement. Fault data from 113 borings indicate approximately twice as many occurrences of “long...


Down and Out in Gippsland: Using Potential Fields to Look Deeper and Wider for New Hydrocarbons

D. H. Moore, D. Wong

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... to the north and the favoured Mesozoic extension direction. Close to the edge of the a Zone, and the Selwyn Block, the fault patterns are confused. Some...


Understanding the Fractures Connectivity Control in NEB Field, South Sumatra Basin: From Seismic to Geomechanics and its Implication for Further Fractured Basement Exploration

Teguh Fitrianto, C. Maya Resha Tuhar, M. Noor Alamsyah, Hendra Niko Saputra, I Nyoman Suta

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of previous and new basement fault map in Figure-6. In the previous basement fault map (Red), the distributions and patterns of fault seems to be significantly...


Salinian Block U/Pb Age and Isotopic Variations: Implications for Origin and Emplacement of the Salinian Terrane

James M. Mattinson, Eric W. James

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... including the western Santa Lucia Range west of the Palo Colorado Fault; (3) a southeastern block (part of the "Tujunga terrane" of Blake et al, 1982...


Seismic Studies in the Church Rock Uranium District, Southwest San Juan Basin, New Mexico

William T. Phelps, Robert S. Zech, A. Curtis Huffman Jr.

AAPG Special Volumes

... an extension of fault B of line 4-5 on Figure 11. Line 3 (Figure 8) contains no significant basement faults with any associated drape or slope change. Line 1...



Block Fault Model of Santa Cruz Island

Hugh McLean

Pacific Section of AAPG

...Block Fault Model of Santa Cruz Island Hugh McLean 1976 560 561 This block fault hypothesis attempts to explain the distribution of basement rock...


Salt Walls and Counter Regional Faults

New Orleans Geological Society

..., trapping sediments in the primary peripheral sinks to the north of the salt wall. Continued loading caused differential subsidence of the basement blocks...


Strain Segregation between Ductile and Brittle Stratigraphy -- Characterizing the Sand Wash Fault System, Uinta Basin, Utah; #11363 (2022)

Riley Brinkerhoff, John McBride, Sam Hudson, Douglas A. Sprinkel, Ron Harris, Kevin Rey, Eric Tingey

Search and

... fault zone, strain partitioning along décollement surfaces, fault surfaces that experience multiple deformational phases, pop-up blocks, and graben...


Application of Gravity and Aeromagnetic Surveys for Study of Paleotectonic Conditions of Formation of the South Crest of the Tatar Arch as a Ring Structure of the Earth’s Crust

V. P. Stepanov, V. I. Bogatov, N. A. Dokuchayeva

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... the Romashkino segment of the block separated and rose along the ancient Altunino-Shunak fault. This basement block is the core of the south crest...


Distribution and Conditions of Formation of Oil and Gas Fields in the Dnieper-Donets Depression

P. F. Shpak, S. V. Tkachishin, M. G. Manyuta

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... with brachyanticlines, which as a rule are salt-assist structures. Structures formed by block movement of basement blocks. A total of 507 favorable positive structural...


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