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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Wrench Faulting in the Mid-Continent

Jack L. Walper

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... Duro Basin are bounded by faults which in general identify them as basement blocks that have been variously uplifted, tilted, or submerged during...


Present Structural Plan of the Zone of the Repetek Deep Fault

R. Ye. Ayzberg, G. I. Amurskiy

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

..., and the structure of the zone of the deep fault has been determined beneath this cover. (We understand a deep fault as one in the crystalline basement...


Post-Pennsylvanian Structural Evolution of Southwestern Utah

R. LaRell Nielson

Utah Geological Association

... through Cretaceous rocks. Block Fault Development Normal faulting has divided southwestern Utah into five blocks during the Late Tertiary and Quaternary...


Structural Description of Adang Fault, Makasar Strait, Indonesia

Hesekiel Bernando Nainggolan, RM Iman Argakoesoesmah, Indra Wahyudi, Andry Hidayat, Muhammad Fikry Shahab

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... margin. Across the deepwater region, the seismic profile indicate the presence of tilted fault block, horsts, and half grabens trend north-northwest...


Structural inheritance controls crustal-scale extensional fault-related folding in the Exmouth and Dampier Sub-basins, North West Shelf, Australia

Hongdan Deng, Ken McClay, Hanlin Chen, Emma Finch, Dariusz Jablonski, and Sukonmeth Jitmahantakul

AAPG Bulletin

... of the model shows rotation of basement fault blocks, which is accompanied by thinning of the weak layer and folding and faulting in the overlying competent...


Evidence for Active Growth Faulting in the Terrebonne Delta Plain, South Louisiana: Implications for Wetland Loss and the Vertical Migration of Petroleum

G. J. Kuecher, H. H. Roberts, M. D. Thompson, I. Matthews

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... subsidence in the down-thrown block. By contrast, areas along the fault trend where no fluids or gases were migrating would not result in an increase...


Tectonics of East Side of Cordillera in Western Canada: Structure

A. J. Goodman

AAPG Special Volumes

... Range indicates the uptilted edge of a large trapdoor fault block, which includes rocks of the basement complex. The flat muskeg-covered area...



Donald S. Stone

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... to reglonal compression, beglns with development of an lntra-basement thrust fault. The fault zone propagates upward under continued stress end...


Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone, Los Angeles Basin, California: REPLY

Robert S. Yeats

AAPG Bulletin

...-Inglewood fault zone (Yeats, 1973). BLUESCHIST-GREENSCHIST BOUNDARY Platt and Stuart question my boundary between blueschist-facies basement...


Akaso Field, Nigeria: Use of Integrated 3-D Seismic, Fault Slicing, Clay Smearing, and RFT Pressure Data on Fault Trapping and Dynamic Leakage

B. I. Jev , C. H. Kaars-Sijpesteijn , M. P. A. M. Peters , N. L. Watts , J. T. Wilkie

AAPG Bulletin

... blocks. The ability to assess the sealing potential, as well as the leaking threshold of the Akaso boundary fault has provided useful field development...


Chapter 27: New Evidences of an Active Strike-slip Fault System in Northern Venezuela, near Offshore Perla Field

Laszlo Benkovics, Albert Asensio

AAPG Special Volumes

... fault was recognized on the basis of en-echelon fault patterns in the younger Neogene sedimentary sequences in the northern part of the survey...


Tectonic History of the Uncompaghre Uplift

Donald S. Stone

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... several west-northwesterly trending basement fault zones, with the accompanying uplift and parafold (YOUSsef, 1968) development. Several major fault zones...


Controls on the geometry of transfer zones in the Suez rift and northwest Red Sea: Implications for the structural geometry of rift systems

Adel R. Moustafa

AAPG Bulletin

... and Sudmain blocks belong. The segment of the Master fault joining the Nakheil fault and the westernmost end of the Saqi block acts like ridge-ridge...


Basement-involved Contractional Wedge Structural Styles: Examples from the Hanna Basin, Wyoming

Van S. Mount, Kevin W. Martindale, Thomas W. Griffith, John O. D. Byrd

AAPG Special Volumes

... transferred laterally toward the foreland as in a typical fault-bend fold. Wedge structures associated with basement-involved contractional uplifts...


Abbreviations Used in Figures: Appendix 1

Thomas L. Wright

AAPG Special Volumes

... BO-P = Brea Olinda-Puente block CF = Compton fault CHF = Chino Hingeline fault ChHF = Cherry Hill fault C-LAF = Compton-Los Alamitos fault CM = Costa...


Abstract: Tectonic Activity and Paleoseismicity of the Sagaing Fault Indicated By Post-Pliocene Alluvial Fans and Fluvial Sediments; #90246 (2016)

Myint Thein

Search and

... scenario of the major strike-slip fault, blocks (segments) of crust moving along the Sagaing Fault rise and fall like a dolphin jumping and diving...


Basement Tectonic Controls on Structural Style of the Laramide Thrust Belt Interpreted from Gravity and Magnetic Data

Richard I. Gibson

Wyoming Geological Association

... northeast trending weak zones took place in an area of subtle buttressing against a deep basement block fault. If the block fault is Precambrian in age...


Three-dimensional structural model of the Rhourde el Baguel field, Algeria

Shankar Mitra, William Leslie

AAPG Bulletin

... resulting in a basement-involved fault-propagation fold. The revised structural model explains the complex fault patterns and anomalous thickness variations...


Mechanics of Low-Angle Overthrust Faulting as Illustrated by Cumberland Thrust Block, Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee

John L. Rich

AAPG Bulletin

... in the mechanics of the block--it merely marks it off from other fault blocks farther southeast. STRUCTURE WITHIN BLOCK The structure within the Cumberland...


3D Broadband Seismic in the Southern Central Graben

Jens Beenfeldt, Simon Baer, PGS

GEO ExPro Magazine

... shows fault/ fracture patterns in the metamorphic basement that could act as migration pathways or as a fractured basement reservoir. All...


Low angle detachment along the Great Unconformity near the Colorado Plateau- Basin and Range breakaway: arguments against a tipped crustal section in the Gold Butte area, southern Nevada: Abstract

K. E. Karlstrom, M. C. Quigley, S. Bowring, E. Kirby, S. Hook, M. Heizler

Pacific Section of AAPG

... culminations north of the Gold Butte block, suggesting that this low-angle fault system forms a regional ramp-flat detachment system west of the Colorado...


4.2 Wrench Fault Tectonics: Divergent Wrench Fault and Negative Flower Structure, Andaman Sea

T. P. Harding

AAPG Special Volumes

... in Plates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. First, the wrench in cross section resembles a normal fault (that is, the hanging-wall block is relatively downthrown...


Trace-Slip Faults

R. H. Beckwith

AAPG Bulletin

... to the dike. The dotted lines show that, after erosion has reduced both blocks to the same elevation, a trace-slip fault leaves no evidence in the form...


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