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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 26,243 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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The Remote Sensing Study of the Largest Lineaments and Their Systems - with Reference to Some Regions of Eurasia

A. V. Dolivo-Dobrovol’sky, S. I. Strel’nikov

Utah Geological Association

... in the basement. Most of them show indications of an old (Precambrian) age. A similar comparison of the largest fault patterns interpreted on space photos...


Cedar Creek: A Significant Paleotectonic Feature of the Williston Basin: Part II. Northern Rocky Mountains

J. H. Clement

AAPG Special Volumes

... occurred along the main fault zone. The block was uplifted and titled northward and eastward. Extensive erosion resulted in the near peneplanation...


Predicting the regional distribution of fracture networks using the distinct element numerical method

Bronwyn A. Camac, Suzanne P. Hunt

AAPG Bulletin

...., Evaluating fault and cap rock seals: AAPG Hedberg Series 1, p. 2.Lyon, P. J., P. J. Boult, R. R. Hillis, and K. Bierbrauer, 2007, Basement controls...


A Study of Strike-Slip Movement Along the Washita Valley Fault Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma

Darryl Wayne Carter

Oklahoma City Geological Society

...-dipping segments of the fault. Tomlinson implies that this might be considered as scissors faulting with outward bulging of uplifted basement blocks...


Balancing as a Test of Laramide Structural Hypotheses

Eric A. Erslev

Montana Geological Society

... transferred to the thick-skinned Laramide orogen. In areas of basement block motion, restoration of basement blocks into a continuous mosaic...


Subsurface Geology of the San Fernando Valley a Progress Report

Thomas L. Wright

Pacific Section of AAPG

... in close proximity to the Santa Susana fault; basement blocks inherited from Midde Miocene rifting and trans-rotation have had a profound influence...


Structural Restoration of Seismic and Geologic Sections in Extensional Regimes (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... block, paleovertical segments are assumed to be vertical, which is an adequate approximation if fault blocks have undergone only minor rotation...


Growth Faults of South Louisiana

Rayburn D. Ocamb

GCAGS Transactions

... in the downthrown block over those in the upthrown block; the difference in thickness in these two fault blocks in any particular section equalling the growth...


No Active Fault Problems in Louisiana?

Ghulam Sarwar, Reid Bohlinger

GCAGS Transactions

..., the basement faults also exhibit northwest and northeast trends. The northwest trend is followed by the Sabine transfer fault and the Red River...


Pre-Existing Structures and Initiation of an Oblique Rift: the Cañones Fault Zone in North-Central New Mexico, #51018 (2014).

Yiduo Liu, Michael Murphy

Search and

...-lateral strike-slip fault, based on the sub-horizontal slickenlines, and hence accommodated the movement on the hangingwall blocks of both South...


Mountain Flank Thrusting in Rocky Mountain Foreland, Wyoming and Colorado

Robert R. Berg

AAPG Bulletin

... uplift during which upward movement of rigid basement blocks took place along high-angle faults. Such mountain ranges were described as block-like...


Post-Permian Folding and Fracturing of the Spraberry Formation Within the Midland Basin Region of West Texas

Keith E. Winfree

West Texas Geological Society

... of individual fault sub-blocks. The southern boundary monocline is down to the north so the block south of the HLD block was uplifted more. Proposed...


Rift-Basin Structure and Its Influence on Sedimentary Systems

Martha Oliver Withjack, Roy W. Schlische, Paul E. Olsen

Special Publications of SEPM

... develop within rift basins These include basement involved and detached normal faults strike slip and reverse faults and extensional fault displacement...


No Title Provided: ABSTRACT

George W. Shurr, Dudley D. Rice

AAPG Bulletin

... on these studies, we interpret the stratigraphic variations to be the expression of paleotectonism on discrete basement blocks bounded by fault zones...


Geomorphology of kilometer-scale extensional fault scarps: factors that impact seismic interpretation

Simon A. Stewart, Abby Reeds

AAPG Bulletin

... basement fault.This paper is arranged in two parts: the first reviews the factors that might influence extensional fault block shape, the second is a case...


Sumpal Fractured Basement Field, Structural Attribute Analysis and Interpretation Case Study, Workflow Management and New Insights from Pre-Stack Depth Migrated Data and Azimuthal Stacks

Yan Darmadi, John Hughes, Sugiharto Danudjaja, Rita Achdiat

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... is a large onshore fractured basement field of approximately 1.6 TCF in place, located in the Corridor Block, South Sumatra, Indonesia. The top Pre-Tertiary...


Petroleum Traps Associated with Wrench Faults

T. P. Harding

AAPG Bulletin

... different predictable patterns of wrench-fault-related petroleum traps: (1) the evolutionary stage or magnitude of the wrench faulting; (2) the configurations...


Calculating Thrust-Fault Displacement in the Ouachita Mountains Frontal Belt, Oklahoma

Mark W. Allen

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... include the Pine Mountain fault and the Ti Valley fault. The three major fault blocks in the frontal belt are bounded on the north by the Choctaw, Pine...


The Nemaha and Other Strike-Slip Faults in the Midcontinent U.S.A.

William McBee Jr.

Tulsa Geological Society

..., is a buried, high-relief basement block, bounded on its east by the vertical, 2500 ft (810 m) Humboldt (also called the Nemaha) fault. There is a 25 mi...


Structural Mechanisms and Oil Accumulation Along the Mountain View-Wayne Fault, South-Central Oklahoma

Tyrrell Charles Axtmann

Oklahoma City Geological Society

.... Sliding of the block north of the fault to the east (right-slip) will restore the isochore patterns on either side of the fault to a continuous...


Timing of Oil Generation in the Eastern Flank of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia Based on Kinematic Models; Implications in the Llanos Foothills and Foreland Charge

Martin Cortes, Diego Garcia, German Bayona, Yolima Blanco

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... of the east-verging Pesca fault and passes through the Llanos foothills with no exposures of basement blocks and reaches the Llanos basin (Fig. 3). 2...


ABSTRACT: Tectonic Framework and Gas-Filled Structures of the Bearpaw Mountains, North-Central Montana

D.W. Baker, E.H. Johnson

Montana Geological Society

... Regional tectonic patterns in north-central Montana are the result of at least two periods of quasi-flat-slab subduction. The Eocene-age...




Montana Geological Society

... structural elements along pre-existing basement controlled fault and/or joint systems...


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