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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 26,243 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Structural Interpretation of Hydrocarbon Traps Sealed by Basement Normal Block Faults at Stable Flank of Foredeep Basins and at Rift Basins
T. P. Harding, A. C. Tuminas
AAPG Bulletin
... is a synthesis of trap geometries associated with basement-involved normal faults of the extensional fault-block style (defined in Harding and Lowell, 1979...
Fault Fabric and Structural Subprovinces of the Central Basin Platform: A Model for Strike-Slip Movement
Wayne B. Gardiner
West Texas Geological Society
... convergence simply broke the craton into large county-sized blocks (30 x 80 km) along through-going basement fault systems. Understanding the orientation...
Abstract: Effects of Inherited of Pre-Jurassic Tectonics on the U.S. Gulf Coast, by R. L. Adams; #90989 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
The Logone Birni Basin (LLB) in Northern Cameroon: Transition Between the West African Rift, Sub-System (WAS) and the Central African Rift Sub-System (CAS); Tectonic and Geophysical Models; #50171 (2009)
Jean-Pierre Loule and Pospisil Lumbomil
Search and Discovery.com
... movement of Borogop fault zone to the south, transpressional draped anticlines, transpressed basement blocks, transpressed basement blocks with associated...
Oil-Gas Prospects of the Sedimentary Cover of the Dnieper-Donets Depression in Connection with New Data on the Structural Geology of the Basement
V. M. Belanov, I. M. Etingof, V. D. Kharitonov, V. F. Volkova, V. F. Indutnyy
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
..., no. 2, p. 63–71, 1977) The fault-block structure of the basement of the Dnieper-Donets has been studied using magnetic and gravity surveys...
Basement configuration and structural style in OILs operational areas of Upper Assam, #50739 (2012)
T. Satish Kumar, B.R. Bharali, A.K. Verma
Search and Discovery.com
... Hills and it divides Upper Assam Basement high with a saddle in between. Post Eocene fault patterns are dominantly of NE-SW trends. Other semi regional...
Abstract: Is Structure of the Central Basin Uplift (Platform) in West Texas Inherited?, by R. C. Shumaker; #90987 (1993).
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Abstract: Basement Control of Oil and Gas Traps: More Common Than We Thought, by S. P. Gay; #90959 (1995).
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Abstract: Variations in Structural Style and Kinematics of the Medina Block of Colombia, by R. Linares, M. Rowan, and T. Villamil; #90951 (1996).
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ABSTRACT: Structural Block Theory for Origin of Oil-Producing Trends Within Los Angeles Basin, by Louis A. Orlowski; #91038 (2010)
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Abstract: Fault Fabric and Structural Subprovinces of the Central Basin Platform: A Model for Strike-Slip Movement
Wayne B. Gardiner
West Texas Geological Society
... the dominant fault movement in the CBP is vertical, sufficient oblique-slip movement between the six mega-blocks produced localized strike-slip...
Abstract: Basement Control of Oil and Gas Traps: More Common than We Thought?, by S. P. Gay, Jr.; #90952 (1996).
Search and Discovery.com
Effects of Inherited Pre-Jurassic Tectonics on the U. S. Gulf Coast
Richard L. Adams
GCAGS Transactions
...-fault basins are at depth related to basement block-faulting and thus fit this definition of microbasins. Irregular thicknesses of Louann salt have...
Tectonic Transpression and Basement-Controlled Deformation in San Andreas Fault Zone, Salton Trough, California
Arthur G. Sylvester , Robert R. Smith
AAPG Bulletin
... of the Painted Canyon fault (Fig. 5) Fig. 6. Idealized block diagram of basement and principal faults in Mecca Hills. Dotted parallelogram represents...
ABSTRACT: Hercynian Basement Faults Control and Hydrocarbon Habitat in Morocco, by A. Elouataoui, H. Jabour, and Ait Salem A.; #91019 (1996)
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Abstract: Structural elements and sedimentation patterns in the Magdalen Basin
P. Durling, F. Marillier
Atlantic Geology
... northeast striking fault system affects both basement and sediments. A series of maps summarize the main sedimentation patterns in the Magdalen Basin...
Reversal of Basement-Block Motions in Cambay Basin, India, and Its Importance in Petroleum Exploration: DISCUSSION
S. C. Gambhir
AAPG Bulletin
... of fault blocks in the Tertiary basin were caused by change in the stress field of the basement floor after Late Cretaceous volcanic activity (Chowdhary...
ABSTRACT: Miocene Carbonate Platforms of the South China Sea Region: Tectonic Controls on Platform Inception and Termination, by S. L. Dorobek; #91021 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Basement-Block Configuration in the Vicinity of the Tongue River Fault, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming
Dave Bieler
Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)
...Abstract: Basement-Block Configuration in the Vicinity of the Tongue River Fault, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming Dave Bieler 1982 138 Vol. 15 (1982...
Abstract: A Possible Explanation of Basement Overhang
Gary D. Couples
Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)
... of “splinter blocks”. Splinter blocks are defined here as slivers of basement which are: fault-bound, tapered downward, often spoon-shaped in plan view...
Structural Evolution of Extensional Phanerozoic Rift Blocks: El Hamrawein Area, Northwest Red Sea, Eastern Desert, Egypt
Search and Discovery.com
Multiple Stratigraphic Indicators of Major Strike-Slip Movement Along the Eola Fault, Subsurface Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma
Jerry Glen McCaskill Jr.
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... normal or reverse faults separating the area into a series of large basement-involved fault blocks (Taff, 1903, 1904, Reeds, 1910, Ham, 1945, 1950, Ham...
Basement Control of Oil and Gas Traps: More Common Than We Thought?, by S. P. Gay Jr.; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
George W. Shurr, Bill S. Larson, Ivan W. Watkins
Montana Geological Society
... been made of the basement block mosaic. Other descriptions of basement blocks emphasize vertical dip-slip components, rather than...
Abstract: Shock Filter: A Powerful Tool to Map Basement Blocks and Faults in the Peace River Arch of Alberta Based on Magnetic Signatures; #90174 (2014)
Hassan H. Hassan and Janine Weber
Search and Discovery.com
... fault blocks within crystalline basement in a manner similar to the terracing technique developed by Cordell and McCafferty at the USGS in 1989, which...