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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 26,243 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Discovering Oil in Uganda: Opening the East African Rift Play, #110224 (2015).
Bob Cassie, Charles sheen, Paul Burden
Search and Discovery.com
... – Intra-basin highs Regional tectonics – Basement fault patterns – Earthquake focal solutions suggest strike-slip motion – Rwenzori uplift – evidence...
Pseudo Tear Faults at Red Lodge, MT: Clues to Late-stage Basin Understuffing and Tectonics of the Greater Beartooth Block
Donald U. Wise
Montana Geological Society
.... Stearns used the draping of sedimentary units across the corners of basement fault blocks in the northwestern Bighorns...
Structural Development of Hydrocarbon Traps in the Cepu Oil Field, Northeast Java, Indonesia
N. Soeparyono, P. G. Lennox
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... fields has mainly northwest-southeast trending folds (Fig. 5c). Block 4 to the south of the other blocks exhibits a lower basement, contains extensive...
D.L. Baars. G.M. Stevenson
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... : Miles Miles 3. Map showing location in Colorado Mexico. The Uncompahgre Figure 3. Map showing location of basement fault blocks in southwestern...
Gravity Survey and Analysis of San Diego Embayment, Southwest San Diego County, California: ABSTRACT
William J. Elliott
AAPG Bulletin
... Canyon fault. The northeast stable block (Kearny mesa) received mostly Eocene sediments. The northwest block (La Jolla) and southwest block (Point...
Structural Geology, Seismic Imaging, and Genesis of the Giant Jonah Gas Field, Wyoming, U.S.A.
William B. Hanson, Victor Vega, Dennis Cox
AAPG Special Volumes
... patterns, composition of the produced gases, thermal maturity of the reservoir strata, and the downdip limits of production in separate fault blocks indicate...
Relay ramps and rhombochasms in the northern Appalachian Basin: Extensional and strike-slip tectonics in the Marcellus Formation and Utica Group
Robert Jacobi, Joel Starr, Craig Eckert, Charles Mitchell, and Alan Leaver
AAPG Bulletin
... of the blocks apparently experienced only minor translation downslope from fault block rotation. A relay ramp interpretation is also proposed...
CN 30: Continental Wrench-Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Habitat
Greg Zolnai
AAPG Special Volumes
... margins, -- checkerboard patterns with tilted basement-blocks. Most of these will result in some degree of confinement giving place to the generation...
Recurrent Motion on Precambrian-Age Basement Faults, Palo Duro Basin, Texas Panhandle: ABSTRACT
Roy T. Budnik
AAPG Bulletin
... basement faults. Basement blocks have been uplifted with little tilting or folding of overlying strata along a system of northwest-southeast oriented...
Abstract: Basement Blocks Behaviour and Impact Upon the Hercynian Structuration of the Western Anti-Atlas (Morocco)
Farid Faik, Mhamed Alaeddine Belfoul, Mohamed Bouabdelli
Search and Discovery.com
...; basement blocks; folds forced, thickskin; West-African craton. Bibliography: ERSLEV E. A. (1991): “Trishear fault-propagation folding”. Geology, V. 19, p...
Genetic and Geometric Relations Between Structures in Basement and Overlying Sedimentary Rocks, with Examples from Colorado Plateau and Wyoming
Robert A. Hodgson
AAPG Bulletin
... later develop. Regional joint patterns in sedimentary strata appear to reflect structural trends in basement rocks. Significant deformation other...
Mechanisms of Sandstone Deformation: A Study of the Drape Folded Weber Sandstone in Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado and Utah
Robert A. Cook, David W. Stearns
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... by cataclastic mechanisms. Instead of being detached and segmented into blocks, the aeolian sandstone layers are thinned over the edge of the basement block...
ABSTRACT: Exploration for Fractured Reservoirs in Precambrian Basement Rocks of Texas Panhandle: An Integrated Approach, by Mark S. Manwaring and Bert A. Weimer; #91043 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Petroliferous Taiwan Basins in Framework of Western Pacific Ocean: Hydrocarbons
C. Y. Meng, J. T. Chou
AAPG Special Volumes
... with this westward movement and northward shifting of the allochthonous block was a great subsidence of the basement under the South China Sea southwest...
Subsurface Geology of the Criner Area McClain County Oklahoma
Laurence E. Thomas
Oklahoma City Geological Society
.... The fault patterns control productivity of the Bromide pays with each fault block having its own oil-water level. Hunton production remains a porositytype...
Structural Styles of the Illinois Basin: Chapter 16: Part I. Illinois Basin: Structural Geology
W. John Nelson
AAPG Special Volumes
... structures, wrench-fault assemblages, basement-block faulting and drape-folding, superposed styles, and basement arches and sags are discussed first...
The Florida Lineament
Gary Christenson
GCAGS Transactions
... in the crystalline basement within the Suwannee Basin which extends undisplaced across Klitgord's (1984) Bahamas Fracture Zone and Pindell's (1985) Jay Fault...
Abstract: Structural Trap Styles of the Malay Basin (Paper 21)
Mohd. Tahir Ismail, Kurt W. Rudolph
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... of the basin flanks. Basementsupported fault closures and associated anticlines resulted from normal-fault displacement and block rotation during...
Basic Two-Dimensional Model for Thrust-Fold Oil-Field Structures of Rocky Mountain Foreland: ABSTRACT
Donald S. Stone
AAPG Bulletin
... sedimentary section results from rotational movement on a thrust fault that develops at 30° to the sediment-basement contact. The fault is propagated upward...
Structural Evidence of Regional Block Movement of the Craton in the Eastern Interior of The North American Continent
Robert W. Worthing
Oklahoma City Geological Society
.... Remineralization of carbonates will prove to be more closely allied with fault patterns than is now generally realized. Certainly no one can deny...
The Three Elements of Structural Geology Part 8, #41849 (2016).
Search and Discovery.com
... fault is seen as the block uplifts on the Transverse Ranges. The restraining bend of the San Andreas is reflected in the blocks bounded by east-west...
Abstract: Structural Development of the Gualala Block, Northern California, by D. L. Jones, C. M. Wentworth, and E. E. Brabb; #90935 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Oblique Rift System in Caswell Sub-basin, Browse Basin (NW Shelf, Australia): Insights from 3-D Seismic Interpretation and Structural Modeling, by Wu, Long; Kluth, Charles F.; Trudgill, Bruce D.; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Structural Interpretations of the Rocky Mountain Foreland: Past, Present, and Future
James J. Willis, William G. Brown
Wyoming Geological Association
...). Depicted NW-SE cross section is diagrammatic across the Heart Mountain fault block. Dake (1918) first described the Paleozoic carbonate blocks exposed...