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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 26,243 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Structural Model of Bukit Bajangan Deformation of Halang Formation in Kebumen, Central Java
Aldo Febriansyah Putra, Salahuddin Husein
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and reverse faults can occur when the normal fault has highly-dipping strata that tectonically lock the movement of the other block. Reverse faulting occurs...
Post-Permian Folding and Fracturing of the Spraberry and San Andres Formations Within the Midland Basin Region of West Texas
Keith E. Winfree
West Texas Geological Society
... of individual fault sub-blocks. The southern boundary monocline is down to the north so the block south of the HLD block was uplifted more. Proposed Origin...
The Recognition of Transform Terrane Dispersion within Mobile Belts
John C. Crowell
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... a r c a t i n g crustal blocks. The m o s a i c of slices is m o v i n g irregularly northwest relative to the N o r t h A m e r i c a n lithospheric...
Refining the mapping of basement faults in SW Ontario–two points don't necessarily determine a fault line
Search and Discovery.com
Structure and Stratigraphy of Eocene Volcanic Rocks in the Proximal Areas of the Heart Mountain Detachment
David H. Malone
Wyoming Geological Association
... is the complete lack of erosion on the exposed fault plane, indicating that the time interval between slide block emplacement and the deposition of the Wapiti...
Revised Tectonic Model for the Early Mesozoic Southern Levant Basin in Light of New Structural Evidences
Search and Discovery.com
Comparison of Structural Styles and Giant Hydrocarbon Occurrences within Four Active Strike-slip Regions: California, Southern Caribbean, Sumatra, and East China
Paul Mann
AAPG Special Volumes
... rotation of fault blocks is not presently occurring (Feigl et al., 1993). Geologic and paleomagnetic studies show that these complex block rotations...
Fault framework and kinematic evolution of inversion structures: Natural examples from the Neuquen Basin, Argentina
Gabriel O. Grimaldi, Steven L. Dorobek
AAPG Bulletin
... fault systems associated with inversion structures: (1) deep faults that affected basement and synrift strata where preexisting faults were selectively...
Structure and Oil-Gas Prospects of the Kerchensko-Taman Shelf of the Black Sea
V. V. Kotseruba, A. I. Kabanov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... of the Crimean Mountains and Northwest Caucasus are bounded on the west by the Korsaksko-Sinop fault and on the east by the Kal’mius-Ordus fault. Figure 1...
Wrench-Style Deformational Patterns Associated with A Meridional Stress Axis Recognized in Paleozoic Rocks in Parts of Montana, South Dakota, and Wyoming
Montana Geological Society
... geometric patterns of deposition. The author is aware that in some instances the "thicks" may represent elevated blocks ("highs") because...
Robert M. Weidman
Montana Geological Society
..., but rejected formalizing the designation. The name "Lewis and Clark line" was proposed for a continental tear fault in basement rock...
Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)
... trends and the fault blocks much as they are considered to be today. Wrench-faulting was not indicated. Hess in 1938 included Venezuela in the periphery...
The Influence of Preexisting Tectonic Trends on Geometries of the Sevier Orogenic Belt and Its Foreland in Utah: Part III. Middle Rocky Mountains
F. Picha
AAPG Special Volumes
... thrust salient. South of the Leamington fault, the high-standing basement block of the Wasatch Plateau hindered the eastward progress of thrusting...
Exploration History and Future Prospects of United States Atlantic Margin: ABSTRACT
Joel S. Watkins, A. M. Pytte
AAPG Bulletin
... drilled into four types of structures in Baltimore Canyon Trough: an intrusive dome, deep-seated diapirs, fault blocks, and most recently a Lower...
Basement Influence on Later Deformation: The Problem, Techniques of Investigation, and Examples from Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming
Richard A. Hoppin , John C. Palmquist
AAPG Bulletin
... is that fracture patterns, revealed by statistical plots, are markedly different in basement rocks when compared with those in the adjacent...
Basement Reactivation in the Alberta Basin: Observational Constraints and Mechanical Rationale: COMMENT
S. Parker Gay, Jr.
CSPG Bulletin
.... Pervasive orthogonal fracturing in Earth's continental crust. American Stereo Map Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Gay, S.P. Jr. 1995. The basement fault...
Geology of Pungut and Tandun Oil Fields Central Sumatra
Suwahjuhadi Mertosono
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... different fault blocks. The northern block has a minimum oil-water contact at subsea 2710 feet whereas the northwestern block is at subsea 2669 feet...
Geology and Oil of Sakamena Basin, Malagasy Republic (Madagascar)
Luigi Radelli
AAPG Bulletin
.... The previously mentioned fault lines (Fig. 2) divide the southern Malagasy sedimentary belt into a series of patchwork-pattern blocks. The depth of basement...
BSTRACT: Four-Dimensional Analysis of the Whittier Fault, Los Angeles Basin, California: A Model for Oil-Productive, Inverted Half-Grabens Associated with Continental Transform Fault Systems, by Bjorklund, Tom; #90026 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Tectonic Basis for Oil-Gas Exploration in the North Border Zone of the Caspian Synclize
V. A. Klubov, L. E. Levin, G. B. Sal’man, M. B. Ezdrin
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... faults or a system of en echelon fractures, or finally, parallel step-like faults. Blocks of the basement squeezed between them are raised or depressed...
Tectonic Pattern of Middle America: ABSTRACT
J. D. Moody
AAPG Bulletin
... that this part of the earth's crust has been segmented into major blocks bounded by wrench fault zones. The absence of "island arcs" in this area is noted...
Tectonic Significance of Ross Pass Fault Zone, Central Bridger Range, Montana: ABSTRACT
Carol Craiglow
AAPG Bulletin
...Tectonic Significance of Ross Pass Fault Zone, Central Bridger Range, Montana: ABSTRACT Carol Craiglow 1983 1333 1333 67 8. (August) The Ross Pass...
Abstract: Petroleum Systems on the South-East Margin of Vietnam, by Phan Trung Dien, Nguyen Hiep, and Nguyen Quyet Thang; #90914(2000)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by K. I. Schuetz; #91032 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com