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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 26,257 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.

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Acadian Sliding: Anatomy of Styles for Gravitational Fault Development and Hydrocarbon Migration in the Western Appalachian Foreland Basin of Pennsylvania and West Virginia; #41126 (2013)

Robert Jacobi, Joel Starr, David Jackson, Travis Warner, and Craig Eckert

Search and

... structural and hydrocarbon migration model. In northwestern PA, seismic lines display back rotated fault blocks that have the appearance of slump blocks...


Ascension – Monterey Canyon System: History and Development

H. Gary Greene, Karen R. Hicks

Pacific Section of AAPG

... Canyon originated in early Miocene time, cutting east-west into the crystalline basement of the Salinian block (possibly subaerially), somewhere near...


Provenance, Paleocurrents, and Paleogeography of Ridge Basin, Southern California

Martin H. Link

Pacific Section SEPM

... patterns and the position of these units adjacent to the San Gabriel Fault indicate they formed in a strongly asymmetrical basin with the deep-side...


Oil-Gas Prospects of the Paleozoic Sediments of the South Emba Gravity Maximum

V. G. Matveyev, R. B. Sapozhnikov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

..., 6-Zhanasuy, 7-Kosbulak. The interface with V = 6300-6800 m/s (surface of Precambrian crystalline basement) is broken by faults into blocks. Depth...


Crustal Structure and Rift-Drift Evolution of the Newfoundland Basin: Chapter 16: North American Margins

Brian E. Tucholke, James A. Austin Jr., Elazar Uchupi

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the site of final continental breakup at the J anomaly. In that area the unconformity is widely interrupted by fau t blocks and the fault-block crests...


Fault-Block Nature of Kansas Structures Suggested by Elimination of Regional Dip: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

John L. Rich

AAPG Bulletin

...Fault-Block Nature of Kansas Structures Suggested by Elimination of Regional Dip: GEOLOGICAL NOTES John L. Rich 1935 1540 1543 19 10. (October...


Quealy Dome: A Rocky Mountain foreland structural trap oil field: Reply

D.L. Blackstone Jr.

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

.... The edges and corners of the blocks were areas of hlgh stress concentrat~on Basement anlsotropy can be an Important factor In these narrow deformational zones...


Fault and fracture systems in a fold and thrust belt: An example from Bolivia

Juan-Mauricio Florez-Nio, Atilla Aydin, Gary Mavko, Marco Antonellini, Asterio Ayaviri

AAPG Bulletin

..., and then we describe the patterns and characteristics of the other two fault categories in the outcrop-scale faults section. Finally, in the last section...


Abstract: Geology and Exploration Potential of the Veracruz Basin

Robert G. Hickman, Arturo Soto Cuervo, Victor Valdivieso, Carlos Caraveo, Sergio Rivera, Miguel Espinoza, Marie Carmen Cuevas, Santosh Ghosh, Robert Kroener, and Carl A. Marrullier

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... a rifted, subsiding continental margin. A rift-related basement fault block, the Teziutlan Massif, forms the northern boundary of the basin; the San Andres...


Structural Evolution of the Onshore Northern Perth Basin, Western Australia

A. J. Mory, R. P. Iasky

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Australian Craton, has acted as a stationary fault block during breakup. References BYRNE, D.R .. & HARRIS , L.B., 1992. Fault patterns during normal...


Test of New Global Tectonics: REPLY

Mason L. Hill

AAPG Bulletin

... of the Salinian block (not a peninsula). 4a. The San Andreas fault zone is within a strain system of approximate north-south shortening. Left slip on the Garlock...


Bligh Oil & Minerals, Farmouts for 2001, Presented at SEAPEX 2001

Bligh Oil and Minerals Exploration Staff

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... fault blocks, tilted fault blocks in the deeper portions of the sub-basin, antithetic fault traps and stratigraphic pinch-out plays on the flanks...


Preliminary Palinspastic Paleogeographic Reconstructions for the Greater San Francisco Bay Area, 15Ma - 5 Ma

Anna V. Buising, James P. Walker

Pacific Section SEPM

... movement rate for major "block-bounding" fault strands in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. SAF = San Andreas Fault; H-RCF = Hayward-Rodgers Creek...


Cenozoic Palinspastic Reconstruction, Paleogeographic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Setting of the Northern Margin of South America

James L. Pindell, Roger Higgs, John F. Dewey

Special Publications of SEPM

... zone between the Maracaibo and Cenparallel faults in the fault zone between the Maracaibo and Cen tral Cordillera blocks. Others such as the Mercedes...


Sequential Development of the Fold-Thrust Model of Foreland Deformation

William G. Brown

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., and rotation of individual footwall blocks. A-A' is pre-cut experimental fault; B-B' and C-C' are imbricates with rotated block between...


Understanding Basement Controls on Basin Development: Constraints from Gravity and Magnetic Data.

Duncan R. Cowan, Linda A. Tompkins, Terry Tyler

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... are white, negative correlations black. A number of cross-cutting lineaments interpreted as basement fault patterns are shown in Figure 4 as solid black...


Trishear: A Review of Kinematics, Mechanics, and Applications

Stuart Hardy, Richard W. Allmendinger

AAPG Special Volumes

..., E., S. Hardy, and R. L. Gawthorpe, 2003, Discrete element modeling of contractional fault-propagation folding above rigid basement fault blocks...


Fault displacement-distance relationships as indicators of contractional fault-related folding style

Amanda N. Hughes, John H. Shaw

AAPG Bulletin

... fault growth: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 18, no. 23, p. 249263.McConnell, D. A., 1994, Fixed hinge, basement-involved fault-propagation folds...


Source-to-Sink in Rift Basins - Predicting Reservoir Distribution in Ancient, Subsurface Systems; #10258 (2010)

Tor O. Sømme, Christopher Jackson, Ian Lunt, Ole Martinsen

Search and

... and sediment sources are located and spaced along the rift basin. Spacing ratios Click to View Notes by Presenter Width of mountain belt or fault block R=W...


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