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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 26,257 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.

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Shock Filter: A Powerful Tool to Map Basement Blocks and Faults in the Peace River Arch of Alberta Based on Magnetic Signatures, #41293 (2014)

Hassan H. Hassan, Janine Weber

Search and

... is able to map fault blocks within crystalline basement in a manner similar to the terracing technique developed by Cordell and McCafferty...


Basement Reservoir Opportunity in Central Sumatra Basin

Nazliyati Husin Umri, Indrawardana

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of elevated fault blocks, occurring beneath unconformities that record extensive periods of weathering and erosion. They are interpreted to be sourced...


Geologic Setting and Oil and Gas Potential of Eastern United States Continental Margin North of Cape Hatteras: ABSTRACT

Robert E. Mattick

AAPG Bulletin

... examined for geologic setting and hydrocarbon potential. Georges Bank basin, a complex-shaped trough, is on a block-faulted basement of igneous...


A New Plate Model for South East Asia Aimed at Understanding Basin Evolution

Jon Teasdale, Jan Bon

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... Asia, comprising basement terranes and major structures. Plate tectonic analysis is somewhat futile without a good definition of these building blocks...


Tarakan Sub-Basin Growth Faults, North-East Kalimantan: Their Roles in Hydrocarbon Entrapment

Elan Biantoro, M. Indra Kusuma, Lindy F. Rotinsulu

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... by shallow Economic Basement and thinner Cycle-3 sediments compared to those in the other provinces; even so, the growth fault is developed quite well...


Structures Associated with the Southwest Margin of the Ancestral Uncompahgre Uplift

M. A. White, M. I. Jacobson

Grand Junction Geological Society

... rocks overlie Precambrian basement on the Gateway intermediate fault block, although Cambrian, Devonian, and Mississippian carbonates are found...


The Paradox: A Pull-Apart Basin Of Pennsylvanian Age

G. M. Stevenson, D. L. Baars

Four Corners Geological Society

... horsts) into the Tusas and La Madera areas of north-central New Mexico (Fig. 4). Figure 4. Map showing location of basement fault blocks in southwestern...


Application of 3D Seismic Volume Curvature for Basement Fracture Delineation, Case Study: Suban Field, South Sumatra Basin

Baskoro Arif Kurniawan, Sugiharto Danudjaja, John Hughes

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... behavior of the Suban reservoir To validate the seismically derived fault and fracture patterns it is important to compare these with the basement...


The Overthrust Belt Salient of the Cordilleran Fold Belt, Western Wyoming-Southeastern Idaho-Northeastern Utah

D. L. Blackstone Jr.

Wyoming Geological Association

... on the basis of varying slopes. Table I. Estimated subsurface position of the crystalline basement surface. Table II. Dip of Major Thrust Fault Surfaces...


Paleostress Analysis of The Grindulu Fault in Pacitan and Surrounding Area and Its Implication to The Regional Tectonic of East Java

Hikhmadhan Gultaf, Benyamin Sapiie, Mohammad Syaiful, Andang Bachtiar, Andri Pratama Fauzan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Fault is normal leftlateral slip fault with transtensive stress regime (R’ 0.29–1.07). According to the 3D top basement modeling, it shows one...


Reservoir Characterization of Fractured Basement Using Seismic Attributes, Dayung Field Case Study, South Sumatra Indonesia

Yan Darmadi, Agus Harahap, Rita Achdiat, Mugie Ginanjar, John Hughes

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... networks near the top of Pre-Tertiary Basement reservoir. Fracture patterns from seismic attributes were verified by referencing to fractures observed...


Abstract: Addressing Granitic Basement Reservoir Heterogeneity In Cauvery Basin: An Integrated Fracture Modelling Approach; #90315 (2017)

S.K. Mukherjee, S.N. Chitnis

Search and

... in Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous and NW-SE faulting in Lower Cretaceous have their inherent signatures on basement fault and fracture patterns...


Basement Control of Coastal Surface Morphology in Southwest Louisiana

Riley Milner

GCAGS Transactions

... the shallow expression of deeply-buried basement faults or fault zones. This is an apparent hypothesis of basement influence on the near surface...


Structure and geomorphology of the Duchesne graben, Uinta basin, Utah, and its enhancement of a hydrocarbon reservoir

Alicia Groeger, Ronald Bruhn

AAPG Bulletin

..., and C. Childs, 1995, The shapes, major axis orientations and displacement patterns of fault surfaces: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 18, p...


ABSTRACT: Basement Configuration And Structural Style In OILs Operational Areas Of Upper Assam; #90118 (2011)

T. Satish Kumar, B. R. Bharali, and A. K. Verma

Search and

... Assam Basement high with a saddle in between. Post Eocene fault patterns are dominantly of NE-SW trends. Other semi regional faults are segmented...


Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone, Los Angeles Basin, California: DISCUSSION

John P. Platt , Charles J. Stuart

AAPG Bulletin

... the presence of a metamorphic facies boundary in the basement west of the Newport-Inglewood fault zone (p. 118-119). This boundary would separate...




Montana Geological Society

... movement of basement blocks along a vertical fault parallel to the zone. He suggested that the south block "sank and moved eastward...


Fracture Systems of the Austin Chalk, North-Central Texas

Edward W. Collins, Susan D. Hovorka, Stephen E. Laubach

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., and S. Marshak, 1987, Fault patterns generated during extensional deformation of crystalline basement, NW Scotland, M.P. Coward, J.F. Dewey, and P.L. Hancock, eds...


An experimental evaluation of the curvature-strain relation in fault-related folds

David P. Keating, Mark P. Fischer

AAPG Bulletin

..., Foreland basement-involved structures: AAPG Bulletin, v. 82, no. 1, p. 70109.Mollema, P., and A. Aydin, 1997, Fracture patterns and fault architecture...


Structural Framework of the Edwards Aquifer, Balcones Fault Zone, Central Texas

Edward W. Collins

GCAGS Transactions

... large 3- to 11-km-wide (2- to 7-mi) fault blocks bounded by a long series of southeast-dipping, closely overlapping, en echelon large normal faults...



Michael A. Werkema, Thomas E. Hendrix, Christopher J. Schmidt

Montana Geological Society

..., and is located between fault 1a and fault 1b (Figure 6). It separates a chevron fold cored with Phosphoria on the upthrown block from a syncline...


Laramide Basement Deformation in the Bighorn Basin — The Controlling Factor for Structures in the Layered Rocks

D. W. Stearns

Wyoming Geological Association

... blocks show evidence of cataclastic flow, but the basement-sedimentary rock interface in the block proper is otherwise planar over the entire exposed...


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