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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 26,257 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.

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Tectonic Setting and Paleotectonic History of Fort Peck Reservation in Northeastern Montana

George W. Shurr, Lawrence M. Monson

Williston Basin Symposium

... it shows a reversal in the sense of displacement. The fault cuts up-section to the Eagle where the east block is uplifted, while the basement...


Joints, Linears, and Lineaments … The Basement Connection, #41083 (2012)

S. Parker Gay Jr.

Search and

... Section Meeting, Denver, Colorado. Gay, S.P., 1995a, The basement fault block pattern: its importance in petroleum exploration, and its delineation...


A Model for the Evolution of Salt Diapirs and the Salt Dome Canopy, East Texas Basin

James R. Turner

GCAGS Transactions

.... 2597-2622. Fig. 10. Series of cross sections across Oratunga diapir illustrating a vent closing fault block (after Lemon, 1985). End_Page 429...


Testing Some Models of Foreland Deformation at the Thermopolis Anticline, Southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

Earnest D. Paylor, H. Lee Muncy, Harold R. Lang, James E. Conel, Steven L. Adams

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... faults; and (3) the Cedar Ridge block, east of the Owl Creek fault. The northern and southern boundaries of these blocks are, for discussion purposes...


Geology of the San Andreas Fault Zone and Adjoining Terrane, Juniper Hills and Vicinity, Los Angeles County, California

Allan G. Barrows

Pacific Section of AAPG

... of the photo. The ridges with shadowed sides south of the San Andreas fault are quartz diorite basement blocks between the Northern and Southern Nadeau...


Mechanisms for Late Paleozoic Synorogenic Subsidence of the Midland and Delaware Basins, Permian Basin, Texas and New Mexico

Kenn-Ming Yang, Steven L. Dorobek

West Texas Geological Society

..., in Matthews, V., III, ed., Laramide folding associated with basement block faulting in the western United States: Geological Society of America Memoir 151...


Unifying Offshore Brazil: From the Abimael Propagator to the Abrolhos Islands

Andrew Hartwig, Jonathan Denly, Jeff Faw, ION

GEO ExPro Magazine

... opportunity within the Esmeralda block. Updated imaging reveals intriguing basement structures and young development of the Ariri Salt canopy...


Influence of Precambrian Structural Trends on Laramide Defromation West of Fort Collins, Colorado

J.T. O'Connor, G.A. Swann

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...-trending fault along the Cache La Poudre River suggests that the movement on this fault was also mainly vertical. The bounding of Laramide fault blocks...


Structural Styles, Plate-Tectonic Settings, And Hydrocarbon Traps of Divergent (Transtensional) Wrench Faults

T. P. Harding, R. C. Vierbuchen, Nicholas Christie-Blick

Special Publications of SEPM



The Beaver Creek Detachment System: Syn-Laramide Gravity Detachment and Folding Oblique to Regional Compression

Sara Smaltz, Eric Erslev

AAPG Special Volumes

... length balancing. Cross sections were also basement block balanced, which allows individual fault blocks to be translated and rotated along fault...


Abstract: The Leirdjupet Fault Zone, Barents Sea … The Nature and Timing of Deformation in a Complex Fault Zone; #90310 (2017)

Cathal Reilly, Hugh Anderson, Klaus Ditttmers, Frode Karlsen, Iver Kjørsvik

Search and

..., located in the Norwegian Barents Sea, forms a broadly N-S trending horst block comprised of a complex series of splaying and anastomosing fault slip...


Field Development with Three-Dimensional Seismic Methods in the Gulf of Thailand — A Case History

C. G. Dahm, R. J. Graebner

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... fault edges. Fault planes become apparent by the patterns of abrupt terminations of reflections from seiscrop to seiscrop. In general, one uses...


Keystone Faulting and Gravity Sliding Driven by Basement Uplift of Owl Creek Mountains, Wyoming

Donald U. Wise

AAPG Bulletin

... in toreva-block fashion. However, in crossing the axis of the basement keystone graben, the normal fault pattern at higher levels nowhere reverses...


Three-dimensional Structure and Kinematics of the Piedras-Girardot Fold Belt: Surface Expression of Transpressional Deformation in the Northern Andes

Camilo Montes, Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace, Robert D. Hatcher Jr.

AAPG Special Volumes

... stratigraphic, basement should be exposed in the hanging wall of faults with large throws, such as the Cotomal fault (approximately 8 km). Basement...


Structural Analysis of the Malay Basin

Liew Kit Kong

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... of fold and fault patterns and supplemented by gravity and magnetic interpretation. Three main fold domains are demarcated based on fold geometry...


ABSTRACT: The Ladyfern Gas Field-Canada is Still Hiding Mammoths; #90013 (2003)

Thomas D. Boreen, Kelvin Colquhoun

Search and

... River Fault Zone has controlled areal distribution patterns of reservoir facies in the Slave Point formation and directly influenced internal...


Fracture Zones between Overlapping En Echelon Fault Strands: Outcrop Analogs within the Balcones Fault Zone, Central Texas

Edward W. Collins

GCAGS Transactions

... are part of the Figure 1. Regional setting and location of study areas along the Balcones Fault Zone. Figure 2. Plan view and block diagram of (a) relay...


Trap Styles of the Tenggol Arch and the Southern Part of the Malay Basin

Ng Tong San

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... the basement 'highs' constitute horsts and tilted blocks. The Sotong structure is a typical example of a drape feature which developed over a basement...


Long Beach, Recreation Park, and Seal Beach Oil Fields Los Angeles County, California

M. E. Wright

Pacific Section of AAPG

..., about 100 wells were directionally drilled. The main productive area lies under the Long Beach airport. There is a non productive fault block between...


Geologic Framework of Norphlet and Pre-norphlet Strata of the Onshore and Offshore Eastern Gulf of Mexico Area

Berry H. Tew , Robert M. Mink , Steven D. Mann , Bennett L. Bearden , Ernest A. Mancini

GCAGS Transactions

... structural development. Especially important were the locations of pre-Jurassic basement paleohighs and distribution and thickness patterns...


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