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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Paleozoic Rocks of the San Juan Basin: An Exploration Frontier

G. M. Stevenson

Four Corners Geological Society

... of the area. Precambrian, Cambrian, and Devonian terrains are juxtaposed along a myriad of basement fault blocks throughout the platform demonstrating...


Occurrence and Exploration Significance of Strike-Slip Faults in Southern New Brunswick, Canada

Gregory W. Webb

AAPG Bulletin

... during basin subsidence and filling, and in smaller arches and fault blocks. The covering strata, locally very thick, range in structure from widely...


Structural Evolution of the Sinu-Lower Magdalena Area (Northern Colombia)

J. F. Flinch

AAPG Special Volumes

... siliciclastic series including shale, sandstone, and mostly conglomerate and breccia unconformably overlie the basement close to the Romeral fault...


Block Movements in Northern North Caspian Region at the Boundary Between the Carboniferous and Permian

G. Ye.-A. Ayzenshtadt

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... was inherited from the basement of the Russian craton, the southeast part of which embraces the North Caspian region. Movement of the basement blocks here...



Jerry Blaxton, Integrity Geophysical Services, Mt. Pleasant, MI

Ohio Geological Society

... dolomite ("Trempealeau"). It is situated on a basement fault block-supported anticline with relatively thick "Glenwood...


Deep structure of the Mrida Andes and Sierra de Perij mountain fronts, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela

Leonardo Duerto, Alejandro Escalona, Paul Mann

AAPG Bulletin

... and to the west by the Sierra de Perij of Venezuela and Colombia. Both uplifted mountain blocks expose Paleozoic basement rocks and MesozoicCenozoic...


Tectonic Framewirk of Basement Thrust Terrane, Northern Tendoy Range, Southwest Montana

Dean P. DuBois

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... is that the structure of the crystalline block east of the Kissick Fault is an asymmetric, eastward verging, basement-cored anticline; locally...


Significant Role of Structural Fractures in Renqiu Buried-Hill Oil Field in Eastern China

Fei Qi, Wang Xie-Pei

AAPG Bulletin

.... The main reservoir consists of Sinian dolomite. The buried hill is a fault block bounded on the west side by a large growth fault that trends north...


Chapter 3. Western United States: Transverse Shear in Southwestern North America – A Tectonic Analysis

M. Abdel-Gawad, Linda Tubbesing

Utah Geological Association

... across fault blocks pulled apart along rift basins. The fault-block model of Gilbert (1928) for Basin and Range structures certainly describes...


Washita Valley Fault System — A New Look at an Old Fault

W. G. Brown

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... of the Arbuckles Group and the Cambrian rhyolite basement, cut a major reverse fault and encountered various pre-Pennsylvanian rocks beneath the fault...


Geology and Possible Tectonic Significance of Munson Creek Fault, San Rafael Mountains, California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Richard V. Fisher , Thomas W. Dibblee, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... of the southern block has been thrust up or elevated against the overlying reference sandstone of the northern block. The fault trace is evident along parts...


Chapter 4: Higher-Order Structural Elements

Thomas X. Homza, Steven C. Bergman

AAPG Special Volumes

... fabrics, offsets the top of the Laurentian basement, has several splays, and is truncated at the Bu (Plate 3). Sherwood called part of this fault...


New Insight Into Structure and Tectonics of the Seram Trough From SeaSeep’ High Resolution Bathymetry

Philip A. Teas, John Decker, Dan Orange, Peter Baillie

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... more like basement blocks of thick-skin deformation which tends to form broader folds with steeper fault bounds. Reviewing the modern earthquake...


Structure of Broadtop Synclinorium and Its Implications for Appalachian Structural Style

Frank Jacobeen, Jr. , William H. Kanes

AAPG Bulletin

... thrust block is the major producer. The presence of a westward-dipping fault, herein designated as a "chisel fault"(FOOTNOTE 4) (Fig. 12), is one...


Structural Development at the West-Central Margin of the Malay Basin

Liew Kit Kong

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... based on fault trends and basement structural contours. The northern unit is characterised by fault trends controlled by basement highs. Central unit...


Laramide Tectonic Development of the Rocky Mouintain Foreland of Southwestern Montana

Christopher J. Schmidt, John M. Garihan

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... are not available in the uplifted foreland blocks, we determined slip direction using stereoplots of slickenside lineations (slickenlines)on the fault surfaces...


3-D Analog Modeling of Inversion Thrust Structures

Yasuhiro Yamada, Ken McClay

AAPG Special Volumes

.... K. Sijpesteijn, 1986, Fault geometries in basement-induced wrench faulting under different initial stress states: Journal of Structural Geology, v...


Hydrocarbon Habitat of Tertiary Niger Delta

B. D. Evamy, J. Haremboure, P. Kamerling, W. A. Knaap, F. A. Molloy, P. H. Rowlands

AAPG Special Volumes

... by the structural configuration and tectonics of the basement. Structural analysis of the Tertiary overburden shows that individual fault blocks can...


Hydrocarbon Habitat of Tertiary Niger Delta

B. D. Evamy, J. Haremboure, P. Kamerling, W. A. Knaap, F. A. Molloy, P. H. Rowlands

AAPG Bulletin

... and tectonics of the basement. Structural analysis of the Tertiary overburden shows that individual fault blocks can be grouped into macrostructural...


Fractured Smackover Limestone in Northeast Louisiana; Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploitation

R. K. Zimmerman

GCAGS Transactions

... the tectonic setting of the north central Gulf Basin in Early Oxfordian, a transtensional wrench fault style involving the basement would be the most probable...


Seismic Interpretation: Part 7. Geophysical Methods

D. C. Nester, Michael J. Padgett

AAPG Special Volumes

... provide information on the presence and proximity of faulting and the size of fault blocks. If digital data are available, a decision must be made...


Zonation and Oil and Gas Resource Potential of Oil-Bearing Regions of China

Yan Dunshi, Qiu Zhongjian, Lu Minggang, Li Gansheng, Lin Rujin

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... of complex rifting superimposed onto a paleotopography of high relief. The rifting produced mainly tilted groups of fault blocks. In each fault block...


Abstract: Neogene Basin Development in the Waqia Valley, Southeast Pamir

Daniel Imrecke

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... fans with landslide blocks of presumed footwall lithologies in the east, adjacent to the fault. Slickenside lineations on minor faults within...


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