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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 26,243 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Structural Inversion in Southern Oklahoma by Late Paleozoic Transpression, a Working Hypothesis [Abstract]

Thomas L. Thompson, James R. Howe

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... of preorogenic sediment. Late Paleozoic transpression across rifted and subsided Precambrian basement blocks in southern Oklahoma (during the assembly...


Architectonics of Cedar Creek Anticline

G.W. Shurr

Montana Geological Society

... of larger lithosphere blocks. This pattern of various scale block mosaics results from the plate tectonic assembly of cratonic masses during...


Microbasin Analysis of South Louisiana: An Exploration Model, or: Hutton and Lyell Were Wrong!

Richard L. Adams

GCAGS Transactions

.... End_Page 11------------------------- Gay, S. Parker Jr., 1995, The basement fault block pattern: its importance in petroleum exploration, and its...


Chapter 8: Seismic Evidence of Tectonic Influence on Development of Cretaceous Listric Normal Faults, Boulder-Wattenberg-Greeley Area, Denver Basin, Colorado

Thomas L. Davis

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... normal faults are prevalent on the flank of a fault-bounded basement-controlled paleostructural block termed the Wattenberg block by Weimer...


Seismic Characteristics and Identification of Negative Flower Structures, Positive Flower Structures, and Positive Structural Inversion

T. P. Harding

AAPG Bulletin

... of the underlying extensional fault blocks that is apparent at the level of basement. Synclines on the downdropped sides of the reverse faults at shallow...


Kinematics of the Eastern Flank of the Beartooth Mountains, Montana and Wyoming

Patrick James O'Connell

Wyoming Geological Association

... upward through the sedimentary section. These faults are imbricates of fault 1 which has moved both laterally and vertically. The basement block...


Fault Pattern, Northwest Corner of Sahara Shield: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Emile Rod

AAPG Bulletin

... fault blocks in the Zemmour region might be due to a large displacement of the western block relative to the eastern one toward the south so...


Structural trends and basement rock subdivisions in the western Gulf of St. Lawrence, northern Appalachians

Paul W. Durling, François J. Y. Marillier

Atlantic Geology

... front and parallel to it, two blocks with a northwest regional strike were interpreted to be allochthonous on Grenvillian crust. The basement block...


The Characteristics of the Sepinggan Strike Slip Fault Zone and Its Role in Forming Structural Traps the Southeast Kutei Basin

Agus Susianto, Engelbertus Rexi Esomar, Roy Rahadi, Mirzal Nur Ardhie

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... formed at left bending segments of the Sepinggan Fault while rotated fault block trap will be the typical style at * Chevron Indonesia Company...


Effect of Basement Tectonics on Hydrocarbon Generation, Migration, and Accumulation in Northern Iraq (1)


AAPG Bulletin

...). These boundaries are taken to reflect the surface expression of faults or fault zones in the basement (Figure 4a). The Mosul block is bounded by four faults...


Ortho-Polygonal Tectonic Patterns in the Exposed and Buried Precambrian Basement of Southeast Missouri

Geza Kisvarsanyi, Eva B. Kisvarsanyi

Utah Geological Association

...Ortho-Polygonal Tectonic Patterns in the Exposed and Buried Precambrian Basement of Southeast Missouri Geza Kisvarsanyi, Eva B. Kisvarsanyi 1974 169...


Structural Analysis of a Portion of the Reagan Fault Zone Murray County, Oklahoma

Eugene Anthony Haas

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... with the horizontal displacement on the block south of the Reagan Fault. Precambrian granitic basement was involved in deformational activity during...


Hydrocarbon Trap Styles of South Eastern Vietnam Offshore Basins

Nguyen Trong Tin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... identified are (a) structural, which include fractured basement highs with draping sediment, tilted fault blocks, roll-over anticlines and flower...


Experimental Models of Extensional Forced Folds (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... patterns associated with extensional forced folding depend on the dip of the underlying normal fault and the presence of layer-parallel detachments...


Structural History of Hinge Fault System of the Malay Basin

Liew Kit Kong

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... flexures. The Kabut-Tembikai fault segment comprises extensional fault blocks and associated anticlines, and its main fault trends are northwest-southeast...


Abstract: Kinematic Structural Forward Modeling for Fault Trajectory Prediction in Seismic Interpretation; #90224 (2015)

Mohammed Alarfaj and Don C. Lawton

Search and

... the trajectory of a major normal fault at depth in poorly imaged seismic sections. Theory and/or Method In a single normal fault segment, the hanging-wall block...


Fault Patterns in Selected Rocky Mountain Fields: ABSTRACT

D. L. Blackstone

AAPG Bulletin

...Fault Patterns in Selected Rocky Mountain Fields: ABSTRACT D. L. Blackstone 1952 961 961 36 5. (May) The position of individual folds or groups...


Machine-Learning Augmentation for 3D Seismic Fault Interpretation to Resolve Complex Strike-Slip Indenter Tectonics Structural Style: Impact to Field Development and Exploration in Banggai-Sula Basin

Krishna Pratama Laya, Fakhriar Naufaldi, Atha Khawarizmy, Wahyudin Suwarlan, Iswani Waryono

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... preconditioned 3D seismic data, which are then trained to find or recognize particular seismic patterns that imply depositional facies or fault discontinuities...


Distribution of Late Cenozoic Displacement on the San Andreas Fault System, Northern California

John Wakabayashi, James V. Hengesh

Pacific Section SEPM

... on the San Andreas fault system in northern California. The Franciscan basement of the California Coast Ranges is composed of a series of thrust nappe sheets...


Experimental models of transfer zones in rift systems

Debapriya Paul, Shankar Mitra

AAPG Bulletin

... constructed to determine the geometry, evolution, and fault patterns associated with each of these transfer zones. In addition, basement faults...


Geometry and Kinematic Evolution of Inversion Structures

Shankar Mitra

AAPG Bulletin

...). Basement faulting was simulated by moving a rigid aluminum block along two high-angle faults. Experiments with basement fault dips of 60 and 45...


3D Strike-Slip Fault Model in Kendeng Zone Using Data Combination of Structural Geological Mapping and Analogue Sandbox Modeling: A Case Study of The Kedungjati Fault, Grobogan District, Central Java Province

Ryando Perdana, Muhamad Haikal, Wahju Krisna Hidajat, Fahrudin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in accordance with the field observations. It is described as a strike-slip fault that regionally moves to the left and the thrust faults formed during basement...


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