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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 26,243 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Controls on Mesozoic rift-related uplift and syn-extensional sedimentation in the Exmouth Plateau
Hayley Rohead-O'Brien, Chris Elders
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... of the fault blocks. The MS1 Rhaetian sequences occurred after the initiation of fault block rotation, but syn-rift growth wedges indicate deposition occurred...
Extensional Fault-Bend Folding and Synrift Deposition: An Example from the Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia; John H. Shaw, Stephen C. Hook, and Edward P. Sitohang; Search and Discovery Article #40004 (1999)
Search and Discovery.com
Tectonic Model for Late Paleozoic Deformation of the Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin Region, West Texas
Po-Ching Tai, Steven L. Dorobek
West Texas Geological Society
... the western margin of the Andector Block, where contractional styles of deformation such as trapdoor structures or compressive fault blocks have been...
Effects of Lateral Faulting on Oil Exploration
William Henry Corey
AAPG Bulletin
... their block-faulted nature, and the independent, secondary natures of most folds and minor faults on the blocks. Cretaceous and Tertiary lithologic...
Bovie Structure: Its Evolution and Regional Context
B. C. MacLean, D. W. Morrow
CSPG Bulletin
... of blocks of Carboniferous strata that first have been uplifted on a west-directed, steeply-dipping, crustal-scale thrust fault. Then, during the Laramide...
Controls of basement faults on the geometry and evolution of compressional basement-involved structures
Debapriya Paul, Shankar Mitra
AAPG Bulletin
... of the experimental setup. Fault blocks bounded by opposite-dipping reverse faults represent a common style of deformation in foreland basement-involved...
ABSTRACT: Structural Subprovinces of the Central Basin Platform, West Texas: Strike-Slip Bounded Crustal Blocks, by Wayne B. Gardiner; #91003 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Effects of Inherited Pre-Jurassic Tectonics on the U.S. Gulf Coast
Richard L. Adams
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... that control the position and size of individual microbasins. It is inferred that many Gulf Coast growth-fault basins are at depths related to basement...
Structure and Stratigraphy of AVS Field, Java Sea
Roberto Fainstein, Heru Pramono
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... line 3814-SD83 illustrates the listric character of faults. Block faulting follows orientation of basement bedding plane. Fault block rotations...
The Permian and Carboniferous extensional history of the Northern Carnarvon Basin and its influence on Mesozoic extension
Sam McHarg, Amy I'Anson, Chris Elders
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... of structures. NNE trending faults were initiated in the Carboniferous or Devonian but were underfilled, resulting in erosion of the fault block crest...
ABSTRACT: Extensional Deformation Styles in Outcrop: Examples From the Eastern Gulf of Suez; #90017 (2003)
Paul Whitehouse, Ken McClay
Search and Discovery.com
... in Outcrop: Examples From the Eastern Gulf of Suez Characterisation of fault and fracture systems in outcrop is essential in understanding sub-surface...
Mark O. Weigers
Search and Discovery.com
...’s building codes. The Morro Bay South Quadrangle includes two structural blocks juxtaposed by the northwesttrending Los Osos Fault. On the southwest side...
Evidence for right-oblique-slip on a northern segment of the Big Trails fault system, southern Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming
Alan J. Ver Ploeg, Phillip L. Greer
Montana Geological Society
... L. Greer 1997 100 112 The Big Trails fault is traditionally defined as a northeast-trending, basement-controlled, high angle fault extending...
Evidence for Right-Oblique-Slip on a Northern Segment of the Big Trails Fault System, Southern Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming
Alan J. Ver Ploeg, Phillip L. Greer
Wyoming Geological Association
...) interpreted the fault as a westward-directed thrust resulting from uplift of several rotated basement blocks. Wilson (1938) and Demorest (1941) proposed...
Seismic and Borehole Evidence For Important Pre-Laramide Faulting Along the Axial Arch in Northwest Colorado
Donald S. Stone
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... or less at the top of Precambrian basement (Figs. 8, 9). They steepen upward into Mesozoic sediments and die out before reaching the surface. Fault...
A Wrench FaultIThrust-Fold Clay Model Study and Comparison with the Bonanza-Zeisman Area of the Eastern Big Horn Basin
Donald S. Stone
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... thrust faults drvide the OBC block into S I X "basement" fault blocks, A, A,, 6, B, C , C , The OBC block (original length of 48 cm) has been...
Abstract: Geology of the Washabuck Peninsula, central Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
Darin Wasylik
Atlantic Geology
...’Or Lake. Recent geological mapping on the peninsula, at a scale of 1:10 000, confirms the presence of pre-Carboniferous basement blocks with lithological...
Deformation of Non-Layered Materials that Affect Structures in Layered Rocks
D. W. Stearns, Gary Couples, M. T. Stearns
Wyoming Geological Association
... a basement block with a clockwise northward rotation. From the Boyson Fault to just beyond the dam, a series of normally faulted, lower Paleozoic...
Integrating 3-D seismic data, field analogs, and mechanical models in the analysis of segmented normal faults in the Wytch Farm oil field, southern England, United Kingdom
Simon A. Kattenhorn, David D. Pollard
AAPG Bulletin
.... Morley, C. K., 1999, Patterns of displacement along large normal faults: implications for basin evolution and fault propagation, based on examples from...
Temporal and lateral variation in the development of growth faults and growth strata in western Niger Delta, Nigeria
Hamed Fazli Khani, Stefan Back
AAPG Bulletin
... fault blocks in the northwestern side of block 5 (Figure 2) and the generally seaward-dipping southern flank of the hanging-wall rollover...
The Habban Field and the Fractured Basement Play in Yemen, #110203 (2014).
Pascale Neff
Search and Discovery.com
... Field and the fractured basement play in Yemen” AAPG-ICE, Istanbul, September 2014 Yemen – Known Basement Blocks ? 22 | OMV Yemen – Block S2...
Interpretation of Footwall (Lowside) Fault Traps Sealed by Reverse Faults and Convergent Wrench Faults
T. P. Harding, A. C. Tuminas
AAPG Bulletin
... which the footwall traps can occur. The distinctive map patterns of the contractional fault-block style in the Wyoming foreland have been presented...
The Earthquake Potential of the Moab Fault and Its Relation to Salt Tectonics in the Paradox Basin, Utah
Susan S. Olig, Clark H. Fenton, Jeff McCleary, Ivan G. Wong
Utah Geological Association
.... Resulting age estimates range from 1.2 to 7.5 Ma for the last movement on the fault. Displacement patterns, crosscutting relations, and differences...
Development of accommodation zones in the Gulf of Suez-Red Sea rift, Egypt
Amgad I. Younes, Ken McClay
AAPG Bulletin
... and die out to the north as displacement is transferred to the fault bounding the Wasif block. Basement Elements of the Duwi Accommodation Zone...
Structural Styles, Their Plate Tectonic Habitats and Hydrocarbon Traps in Petroleum Provinces
T. P. Harding and J. D. Lowell
AAPG Special Volumes
... to form zigzag, dogleg, or other grid patterns. Their main trap types are fault closures and drape folds above the block boundaries. Basement warps (domes...