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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 26,243 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Structural Styles, Their Plate-Tectonic Habitats, and Hydrocarbon Traps in Petroleum Provinces
T. P. Harding , James D. Lowell
AAPG Bulletin
... reflect block-fault patterns as a genetic control. Basement folds associated with thrust or wrench faults demonstrate the characteristic trend patterns...
Lineament-Block Tectonics: Williston-Blood Creek Basin
Gilbert E. Thomas
AAPG Bulletin
...Lineament-Block Tectonics: Williston-Blood Creek Basin Gilbert E. Thomas 1974 1305 1322 58 7. (July) A series of basement-weakness zones...
Relation of Fault Systems to Oil Accumulation on Eastern Margin of Arbuckle Mountains, Southeastern Oklahoma
Bruce H. Harlton
AAPG Bulletin
... into a complex network of fault blocks. Structures in the basin are very similar to those in the mountains and probably were formed simultaneously by the same...
Laramide Deformation of the Uncompahgre Plateau - Geometry and Mechanisms
O.G. Heyman, P.W. Huntoon, M.A. White-Heyman
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... of the UncompahgrePlateau along preexisting basement fault zones in the form of a keystone raised between two rigid blocks. INTRODUCTION (8OOCand 250 bars...
Structural Styles and Stratigraphic Patterns of Syndepositional Faults in a Contractional Setting: Examples from Quaidam Basin, Northwestern China
Tingguang Song, Xiepei Wang
AAPG Bulletin
... and downthrown blocks generally are flat. The syndepositional transpressive faults have either a steep-dipping, more planar fault plane or a plane...
Graben Hydrocarbon Occurrences and Structural Style
T. P. Harding
AAPG Bulletin
... on the multidirectional orientation of normal faults, tilting of fault blocks, and, in many cases, flexing or erosion parallel with block edges. The fault pattern...
Mesozoic Structural Development of the Beagle Sub-Basin - Implications for the Petroleum Potential of the Northern Carnarvon Basin
J. E. Blevin, A. E. Stephenson, B. G. West
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... compartment on basin margin fault N-trending Triassic-Jurassic fault block 1962 m ?Carboniferous (TD in igneous basement) 2848m Early Jurassic...
Mechanisms of Drape Folding in the Wyoming Province
David W. Stearns
Wyoming Geological Association
... to the rotation of the upper basement surface. There is a reversal of a few degrees between blocks 1 and 2, so that block 2 dips up to 15° in a direction...
The Role of Strike Slip Faulting in Structural Development of the North Sumatra Basin
Bona Situmorang, Barlian Yulihanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... fault patterns The acoustic basement has been intensively dissected by normal faults. The NNW-SSE and N-S fault trend maxima are readily recognizable...
The Peace River Arch During Mississippian and Permo-Pennsylvanian Time
D. H. Lavote
CSPG Bulletin
... topography of the Pre-Devonian land mass was probably the geomorphic expression of the same basement fault blocks which subsided during later Paleozoic...
Analogue Modelling of Extensional Fault Architectures: Comparisons with Natural Rift Fault Systems
K. R. McClay, T. Dooley, R. Gloaguen, P. Whitehouse, S. Khalil
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... border faults were well developed by 4 em of extension together with an intra-rift fault system that defined a central horst block and two linear graben...
Rifting, Transpression, and Neotectonics in the Central Mecca Hills, Salton Trough; Frontmatter and Roadlog
Arthur Gibbs Sylvester
Pacific Section SEPM
... m wide and is marked on the right (southeast) side of the road by smooth, red-brown hills and knobs of fault gouge containing blocks and phacoids...
Influence of Active Subsalt Normal Faults on the Growth and Location of Suprasalt Structures
Hongxing Ge , Bruno C. Vendeville
GCAGS Transactions
..., which acted as a basement normal fault. The sedimentary cover in models was built above the basement blocks between the fixed endwall and Endwall 1. All...
General Geology of the Northern Santa Lucia Range, California
Tor H. Nilsen
Pacific Section SEPM
... it to be chiefly a strike-slip fault. Basement rocks of the Salinian block consist of granitic upper Mesozoic plutonic rocks, except at the north end of the Gabilan...
Pre-Pennsylvania Paleotectonics--Key to Basin Evolution and Petroleum Occurrences in Paradox Basin: ABSTRACT
D. L. Baars
AAPG Bulletin
.... (September) A large northwest-trending fault block composed of late Precambrian through Mississippian rocks is exposed in the core of the San Juan Mountains...
Nemaha Strike-Slip Fault Expression on 3-D Seismic Data in SCOOP Trend; #42235 (2018)
Satinder Chopra, Kurt J. Marfurt, Folarin Kolawole, Brett M. Carpenter
Search and Discovery.com
..., there is another fault lineament pattern in the northeast-southwest orientation that seems overlaid on the display. The observed basement fault patterns...
Structural History of Southwestern Wyoming as Evidenced From Outcrop and Seismic
David W. Stearns, W.R. Sacrison, R.C. Hanson
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... folds is entirely determined by the shape of the basement block (the forcing member). BOYSON FAULT Rattlesnake Mountain near Cody, Wyoming serves...
ABSTRACT: Precambrian Origins and Structural Development of the Ancestral Rocky Mountain Orogenic System; #90012 (2003)
D. L. Baars
Search and Discovery.com
.... The fault system, apparently mostly swarms of wrench faults, occurs in northwesterly and northeasterly orthogonal patterns. Northwesterlytrending...
ABSTRACT: Surface Expression and Internal Structure of an Accommodation Zone, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Dana Q. Coffield; #91038 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Fault-Block Tectonics of the Volyn-Podol Area and Relationship to Reef Formation
T. A. Znamenskaya, I. I. Chebanenko
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... sutures of heterogeneous blocks of the basement is the zone of Miocene reefs of the Toltrov ridge along the southwest edge of the Podol Archean block...
Basic Wrench Tectonics
Ronald E. Wilcox , T. P. Harding , D. R. Seely
AAPG Bulletin
... of early structures. Oblique movements of fault blocks on opposite sides of a wrench fault cause divergence or convergence and enhancement, respectively...
Abstract: Origin, Development, and Distribution of `Plains-Type Folds' (Compactional Features) in the Cherokee Basin of the American Midcontinent, by D. F. Merriam and A. Förster; #90944 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Kelamayi Field--People's Republic of China Zhungeer Basin, Xinjiang Province
Zhai Guang-Ming, Zhao Wen-Zhi
AAPG Special Volumes
... a series of fault-block oil entrapments have been formed. T e major oil-bearing formations are Jurassic in age. In basement-faulted blocks other than...
Geologic Structure and Tectonics of the Inner Continental Borderland of Northern Baja California: Chapter 9: Part III. Regional Geophysics and Geology
Mark R. Legg , Victor Wong O., Francisco Suarez V.
AAPG Special Volumes
... not rotated, they may bound elongate blocks which have begun clockwise rotation similar to the Santa Catalina Island block. The major inner borderland fault...