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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Structural Geology and Tectonic Evolution of the Los Angeles Basin, California: Chapter 3: PART 1

Thomas L. Wright

AAPG Special Volumes

... or gash fractures along the edge of the basement block. One such tensional event occurred beneath the northern end of the Pelican Hills fault, which...


Late Cretaceous Paleogeography of the Salinian Block, California

D. G. Howell, J. G. Vedder

Pacific Section SEPM

... separates basement rocks of unlike character (Ross, 1972, 1977). To the west, the next major fault system within the Salinian block is the Rinconada...


Basement Controls on Lineament-Block Tectonics of Coastal Plain Province in Virginia: ABSTRACT

Ramesh Venkatakrishnan, T. Britt McMillan

AAPG Bulletin

... propagation due to basement-block tectonics, and apparent reversals of fault movement observed at the surface are also suggested in a conceptual model...




Montana Geological Society

... the mountain blocks. The raising of the granite massifs of the Bighorn Mountains apears to have been a block elevation along ramp fault planes...


Structural Controls on a Stratigraphic Trap: The Cottonwood Creek Field, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

M. Lee Allison

Wyoming Geological Association

...., Laramide folding associated with basement block faulting in the western United States: Geol. Soc. America Memoir, 151, p. 1-38. Wilson, C. W., Jr...


Possible Strand of the North Anatolian Fault in the Thrace Basin, Turkey--An Interpretation (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... deformation patterns in the convex-northward arc of the North Anatolian fault zone, in J. E. Dixon and A. H. F. Robertson, eds., The geological evolution...


The Russell Fault: An Early Strike-Slip Fault of the California Coast Ranges

Robert S. Yeats, Jeannette A. Calhoun, Barbara B. Nevins, Hans F. Schwing, Herbert M. Spitz

Pacific Section SEPM

... by the Rinconada fault and SurNacimiento fault (Figure 1). Granitic basement characterizes the Salinian block, whereas Franciscan Formation, Jurassic...


Structural Style, Stratigraphic Variability, and Hydrocarbon Traps in Gulf of Suez: ABSTRACT

Martin Schuepbach, Steven Schamel, Stephen K. Perry, Donald U. Wise

AAPG Bulletin

... are all products of the highly complex late Cenozoic fault-block mosaic. Understanding the geometry and the evolution of this tilt-block mosaic is the key...


ABSTRACT: Geometry of the Western Termination of the Wichita Mountain Front; #90012 (2003)

C. P. Saxon

Search and

...-angle, southwest-dipping thrust and to the west by a steeply-dipping compartmental fault. West of the compartmental fault, the basement appears to die...


Fault Patterns Associated with Domes--An Experimental and Analytical Study

Martha O. Withjack, Cynthia Scheiner

AAPG Bulletin

...Fault Patterns Associated with Domes--An Experimental and Analytical Study Martha O. Withjack, Cynthia Scheiner 1982 302 316 66 3. (March...


Pennsylvanian-Permian Block Faulting in Subsurface of Piceance Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT

Noel Waechter, Walter E. Johnson

AAPG Bulletin

... of the Mississippian Madison Limestone appear in a series of fault blocks downthrown to the north. These faults generally do not displace overlying Mesozoic...


Pre-San Andreas Location of the Gualala Block Inferred from Magnetic and Gravity Anomalies

Robert C. Jachens, Carl M. Wentworth, Robert J. McLaughlin

Pacific Section SEPM

... Andreas location of the Gualala block. Two strongly magnetic basement bodies west of the northern San Andreas fault, one offshore northwest of Point...


Generating Complex Fault Interpretation in a Strike-Slip Area and Its Impact on Prospect Evaluation, Kutei Basin

Haryono Haryanto, Irfan Lubis, Luhut P. Gultom, Andrean Satria

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Sharpened discontinuity cubes run on restricted azimuth 3D seismic volume give good imaging of fault patterns in selected orientations. In recent years...


3.3 Inverted Extensional Features: Structural Inversion at Rambutan Oil Field, South Sumatra Basin

T. P. Harding

AAPG Special Volumes

... to early Miocene deposits are thickest within the down-dropped fault blocks. This normal faulting was followed by a tectonically quiescent phase from...


Fault Pattern in the Southern Campos Basin, Brazil: 3D Seismic Insights and Implications for Albian Carbonates of the Macae Group, #30598 (2019).

Ulisses Miguel da Costa Correia, Alexandre Campane Vidal,

Search and

...) Rollover and tilted block fault systems increase downslope, in contrast with landward normal-fault blocks that increase updip. References Cited Chang...


Origin of Rollover: DISCUSSION

Martha Oliver Withjack , Quasi T. Islam

AAPG Bulletin

... shown by Dula, a rigid block represented the footwall of the normal fault (Figure 1b). The fault had two planar segments: an upper, 45°-dipping segment...


III. Evidence of Faulting

Robert E. Sheriff

AAPG Special Volumes

... slightly in Fig. 50 by adding drag to the fault. This changes the picture significantly, producing slight synclinal curvature in the downthrown block...


PSChallenging the Paradigm "Missing Section - Normal Fault" - Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration, #40550

Jean-Yves D. Chatellier, Maria Eugenia Rueda

Search and

... Venezuela Fault OOIP = 7.6 Billion bbls Block VLA 31 Fault Final Lama Field Interpretation Lake Maracaibo 9 wells with missing sections Outer...


Geologic-Tectonic Model of the Zone of Junction of the North Caspian Depression and the Ryazano-Saratov Downwarp

V. M. Lepilin, M. I. Ryskin, V. V. Romanov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

.... Consequently, the basement blocks have various orientations and inclinations. The block boundaries are marked by gradients in the gravity and magnetic fields...


Three-Dimensional Visualization of a Structurally and Stratigraphically Complex Reservoir Can Improve Development Strategy

Karen S. Hoffman, Roger M. Slatt

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... northwest-trending system, divides the Terry Sandstone into numerous relatively small fault blocks. The stratigraphy of the Terry Sandstone...


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