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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 413 Results. Searched 196,410 documents.

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An Overview of Oil Field Waste Disposal Methods as They Relate to Ground-Water Quality in the Southern San Joaquin Valley, California

Thomas W. Crosby, Herman Schymiczek

Pacific Section SEPM

... studies and numerous site specific investigations. The regional studies (Bean and Logan, 1983; Rector, 1983; and Mitchell, 1989) have not found...


North Fork and Cellers Ranch Fields: "Differential Sedimentation" or Thrust-Folding?

Donald S. Stone

Wyoming Geological Association

..., and Montana: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 51, p. 1929-1947. Rasmussen, D.L., and Bean, D.W., 1984, Dissolution of Permian salt...


Sedimentology of Permian Upper Part of the Minnelusa Formation, Eastern Powder River Basin, Wyoming, and a Comparison to the Subsurface

Christopher J. Schenk, James W. Schmoker, James E. Fox

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... in the subsurface because of its distinct anhydrite units and lateral continuity (Bean et al., 1984; Fryberger, 1984; Shier, 1986; Schmoker and Schenk...


Unconformity Related Hydrocarbon Production: Lower Cretaceous, Fall River Sandstone, Powell and Buck Draw Fields, Southern Powder River Basin, Wyoming

Frank G. Ethridge, Larry B. Kellison, Connie J. Jump-Ware

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... of the reservoir rock (Michael and Merin, 1986). In contrast Rasmussen and Bean (1984) and Lawyer ( 1 991) suggested that thickness variations in the Fall River...


Influence of Texture Upon the Response of Detrital Quartz to Deformation of Sandstones

Robert C. Whisonant

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of the Bean Mountain area: unpub. M. S. thesis, Univ. Tenn., Knoxville, 64 p. RAMEZ, M. H. R., AND MOSALAMY, F. H., 1969, The deformed nature of various...


Early Geomorphological Observations in Malaya: The Contributions of J.B. Scrivenor (1876…1950)

C. R. Twidale

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... geologist, E.S. Willbourn, in 1916. Thereafter the survey expanded with further appointments (e.g. F.T. Ingham, who became Director of the Geological...


Rusophycus in the Late Silurian High Falls Formation of Northwestern New Jersey

Ronald L. Martino, Otto S. Zapecza

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., and pers. comm.) is present as a bilobed cast with a deep medial groove (resembling the shape of a coffee bean). Casts occur on the underside of medium...


Developments in West Coast Area in 1953

Graham B. Moody

AAPG Bulletin

....(FOOTNOTE 6) The well was completed on December 4, 1953, flowing 96 barrels daily on ¼-inch bean and 3 days later was flowing 65 barrels daily on same...


First Day Road Log from Durango, Colorado around Northwest Rim of San Juan Basin Via Cedar Hill, Aztec, and La Plata, New MExico and Soda Springs, Marvel, and Breen, Colorado

James E. Fassett

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... of the La Plata valley and southwest Colorado have supported dry-land pinto-bean farming for many years; Dove Creek, Colorado, northwest of here calls...


Permian Salt in the Northern Denver Basin: Controls on Occurrence and Relationship to Oil and Gas Production from Cretaceous Reservoirs

David W. Oldham

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

...–165. Rasmussen, D.L., and D.W. Bean, 1984. Dissolution of Permian salt and Mesozoic syndepositional trends, central Powder River Basin, Wyoming...


A Geological Overview of the Shell Arivett No. 1-26 Well, Pike County, Arkansas

Ted Godo, Peng Li, M. Ed Ratchford

Oklahoma City Geological Society

..., Arkansas. The Bean No. 1-15 well was spudded in the middle of the Stanley Formation and located on the footwall side of a thrust fault. Based...


Paleogeographic Implications of Molluscan Assemblages in the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Pigeon Point Formation, California

William P. Elder, LouElla R. Saul

Pacific Section SEPM

... by an unnamed fault 1.5 km south of Bean Hollow Beach (Fig. 2), which effectively divides the formation into northern and southern sequences of uncertain...


Identification of Geological Formations by Growing Vegetation

A. N. Murray

Oklahoma City Geological Society

...." He gives seventy plants that require manganese as a micro-nutrient in which are included carrot, potato, soya bean, strawberry, spinach and lemon...


San Ardo Oil Field, Monterey County, California

Rodney G. Colvin

Pacific Section of AAPG

... day clean through a 32/64″ bean with 680 psi tubing pressure and 770 psi casing pressure from the interval 2119 feet to 2224 feet. Discovery of oil...


Recent Advances in Marine Acquisition Technology and their Application to Basins Off Shore South America

Peter Watterson, Rob Ross, Steve Whidden

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... to become a globally used tool. Recently surveys have bean successfully acquired offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, the Congo Basin of West Africa...


Decline Curve Analysis in Vaca Muerta with Choke Size Normalization of Gas Rates

Mohamed Bennis, Juan Gellert, Martín Nougués, Pablo Crespo

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., I. 1961. Revised Bean Performance Formula for Lake Maracaibo Wells. Shell internal report. Al-Attar, H. H. 2010. New Correlations for Critical...


Temperature Insulation Design for Deepwater Gas Well Test, Abadi Field

Masato Okuno, Ken Makishima

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... problem was solved by methanol injection, and once bean up to higher choke size, FSST gradually increased up to 190 deg F., with FWHT also increased...


Resistivity Measurements and Their Interpretations Using Dual Laterolog and Dual Induction Log in Gunung Kemala and Benuang Fields, South Palembang District, Pertamina UEP-II

A. Djajeng Sujono, Sumaryana

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...-m. Well testing result (flowing well) Bean 11 mm, total flow = 125m3/day, water cut: 3 % Determination of Rw from laboratory analysis: C1 content...


Post Steam Reservoir Characterization in Duri Steam Flood

Gantok Subiyantoro

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... for their suggestion and comments during manuscript preparation. REFERENCE Badruzzaman, A., Logan, J.P., Bean, C., Adeyemo, A.O., Zalan, T.A., 2007...


The Offshore Bar Revisited: A New Depositional Model For Isolated Shallow Marine Sandstones In the Cretaceous Frontier Formation of the Northern Uinta Basin, Utah, U.S.A.

Andrew J. Hutsky, Christopher R. Fielding

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Frontier Formation outcrop. Lettered areas on basin inset map correspond to columns in Figure 3. (BD, Bean Draw; BH, Buckskin Hills; BM, Blue Mountain...


Reef Development and Facies Geometry on a High-Energy Early Proterozoic Carbonate Shelf (Hornby Bay Group, Northwest Territories, Canada)

G. M. Ross, J. A. Donaldson

CSPG Special Publications

... relief and have a symmetric circular to “kidney-bean” shape in plan view; elongate forms are rare, but where present the axis of elongation trends ESE...


Tertiary Palynomorph Assemblage from Eastern Chenor, Pahang

Ahmad Munif Koraini, Zainey Konjing, Marahizal Malihan

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... section also has regular occurrence of typical climbing ferns taxa represented by Stenochlaena palustris and large monolete bean-shaped spores...


A Prospecting Legacy and an American Dream

Robert Steele

Utah Geological Association

..., Mont Bean, a friend of Dad’s, told him about some uranium shows he had seen in the Circle Cliff area of Garfield County in southern Utah (figure 3...


Innovative Design of Multizone Single Trip Gravel Pack Using Shunt Tubes System to Reduce Operation Time in Tunu Field

B.Styward, M.Rushatmanto, M.I.Maharanoe, H.H.Yang, A.Anashkin, A.Dallas, R.Wijaya, P.A.Merati, A.A. Risatrio, B.Tsangue, R. Jatikusuma, B.A. Azwen, H.A. Sinaga, Y.C.Tjin, F.Wahyudhi, W.Suhandinata, B.Muryanto, B.Gorugantu

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... is 1 m below top of screen jacket. Special well clean up is needed prior bean up zone 2. Second Gamma Ray Tool logging was run prior clean up zone 2...


Uncertainty Analysis Turns Failed Infill Well Into an Economic Success

Bambang Ontowiryo, Akbar Kurniawan, Suderajat, Ambaria Prakoso, Lalang Jati Sardinda, Sri Khresno, Jati Priyantoro

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... considered to bean M-10 Production History  December 2010. Drilled and completed in the A2 sand with an ESP. Initial oil rate was 22 BOPD with 30% BSW...


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