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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 26,387 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Evaluating a 2-D Structural Restoration: Validating Section Balance, #41941 (2016).

Steven Lingrey, Oskar Vidal-Royo

Search and

... predictions of subsurface trap geometry in the Foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Early efforts relied on hand-drafted bed-length conservation between...


Classification of Bedforms and Cross-Bedding

David M. Rubin

Special Publications of SEPM

...). PERFECTLYTRANSVERSE PERFECTLY TRANSVERSE Plots of cross-bed and bounding-surface dips of have bilateral symmetry; the axis of symmetry is the same...



Paul H. Moser, William A. Thomas

Alabama Geological Society

... be suborbicularis 67 - bed 46: now reads "siliceous and"; should read "slightly" 69 - bed 43: now reads "siliceous to"; should read "slightly" 69...


Pleistocene Deposits in Foard County, Texas

Walter W. Dalquest

North Texas Geological Society

.... The basal six to ten feet, lying on the red Permian clays, consists of a rubble bed: reworked Permian clays strewn with angular fragments of Permian...


A Fast Method of Calculation of the True Thickness of Beds According to the Apparent Thickness, Measured along the Shaft of a Slanting Well

L. A. Buriakovskii Л. А. Буряковский

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of the bed; σ is the angle of deviation of the shaft of the well from the vertical; ϕ is the acute angle between the line of dip of the bed...


Lower Capistrano Formation at Dana Harbor; Notes on Turbidite Sedimentology

David J. W. Piper

Pacific Section SEPM

..., figured in Normark and Piper (1969) on top of one fluxoturbidite bed in Doheny Channel suggests current action. So do the imbricated conglomerates, also now...


The Dakota Formation in Southwestern Kansas

Norman Plummer

Kansas Geological Society

... from hematite. In most outcrops studied, a bed of lignite or dark lignitic clay has been observed near the top of the member; an even-bedded siltstone...


Distribution of Exposed Limonitic Rocks and Soils From Landsat Multispectral Scanner Data on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Southwestern Colorado

Daniel H. Knepper Jr.

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Colorado Daniel H. Knepper Jr. Geology and Coal-Bed Methane Resources of the Northern San Juan Basin, Colorado and New Mexico, 1988 295 Distribution...




Montana Geological Society

... the structure. Figure No. 2 is an isopach map of the interval between a bedding plane in the Heath formation (the so-called Van Duzen zone—Bed B...


Front Matter and Ch.1 Introduction - The Influence of Depositional Environments of Coal Stratigraphy

John C. Horne

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

............................................................................................... 89 LEWIS SHALE, FOX HILLS SANDSTONE, AND LANCE FORMATION................ 92 Chapter 9: FACTORS AFFECTING COAL BED METHANE PLAYS...


Project 14 - Thornberry Area, Edrington "A", Thornberry, and State of Texas River Bed Leases, Clay County

Frank Parrish Jr., Paul Meadows

Bureau of Mines

...Project 14 - Thornberry Area, Edrington "A", Thornberry, and State of Texas River Bed Leases, Clay County Frank Parrish Jr., Paul Meadows 81 Project...


The Uvigerina Subperegrina Zone of the Basal MC Lure Shale of Reef Ridge, Kings Co., California

C. C. Church

Pacific Section of AAPG

... Creek Miocene section. The unit named and measured by N. M. Bramlette is 3,505 feet above the top of the Button Bed Sand of the Temblor but adds...


Pliocene Mollusks from Jackson Hole, Grand Valley, and Star Valley, Wyoming and Idaho

Dwight W. Taylor

Wyoming Geological Association

... formation which has yielded middle Pliocene mammals from the upper part. SE sec. 25, T. 42 N., R. 116 W. Bed 35 of main type section measured by J. D...


New Technologies for Environmentally Friendly Use of Brown Coal for Power Generation

B Anderson, D Huynh, T Johnson

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Gas Turbine, Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle, and Steam Fluidised Bed Drying. The Hydro-thermal Drying process produces a combustible coal...


Petrology and Origin of Phosphorites

G. Donald Emigh

Utah Geological Association

... Marker bed was deposited on this surface. The reason for the reported different thicknesses of the Fish Scale Marker bed is that a specimen from...


Scouring Effect at River Crossing Pipelines

Irwan Hardiyanto, Gde Yudistira Rai, Heru Triongko, Hendra Achiari, Dhemi Harland

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of a river’s flow and its sediment abrasion, there will be degradation of the river bed, which condition could eventually lead to the exposure of the pipeline...


Gran Cayo Point Field Trip Guide

Curtis Archie

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... by primary sedimentary structures. Field Guides of the Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago Sandstone bed within claystone interval. Flute...


Ventura Avenue Field, a Brief Summary

Tom Wright, Ron Heck

Pacific Section of AAPG

... vary in thickness from 50 to 200 feet, and contain numerous bed sequences from 5 to 50 feet thick. Each bed sequence contains several individual beds...


A New Evidence of a Higher Quaternary Sea-Level in Langkawi Islands

Zaiton Harun, Basir Jasin, Kamal Roslan Mohamed

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... 15 m long and 6 m wide of marine shell bed exposed below the wavecut notch at the south end of the cliff (Fig. 2). There are three types of the sea...


Regressive Carbonate Ramp Sequence in the Kinblade and West Spring Creek Formations of the upper Arbuckle Group: I-35 South, Arbuckle Mountains, OK.

Andrew Cullen

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... cycles (3 to 10ft). Most bed sets commence with grainstone and pack-stone that pass upward into wackestone and micrite. These bed sets typically have...


Early Cretaceous Buchia Banks, British Columbia

T. P. Poulton

CSPG Special Publications

.... The interbedding imposes a striped appearance to the outcrops (Figs. 5-7). Steepsided small mounds are developed on the top of one bed (Figs. 7, 8...



Wenhui Huang, Longpeng Cui, Xiuyi Tang

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

...-Mongolia lies from 135 to 1530 mg/kg. This coal bed formed in early Cretaceous period. The thickness of this coal bed varied from 0.82 m to 16.66 m...


An Integrated Approach to the Sedimentological Analysis of Some Lower Cretaceous Shoreface and Delta Front Sandstone Sequences

Thomas F. Moslow, S. George Pemberton

CSPG Special Publications

... and implied environments of deposition. The basal contact may represent a 4th-order sequence boundary where a 75 cm thick conglomeratic bed, interpreted...


Abstract: Petrological implications in the development of Coal Bed Methane pools in India

K. Verma, R. Saxena

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

...Abstract: Petrological implications in the development of Coal Bed Methane pools in India K. Verma, R. Saxena Copyright © 2008 The Society...


The Occurrence of Spore Coal in the Williamston Basin, Michigan

Stanard G. Bergquist

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... the bed above, this layer likewise displays the features of crumpling and fracturing resulting from ice activity. Immediately below this thin-bedded...


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