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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 26,419 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Relations for Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry of Sinuous Channels in Submarine and Subaerial Settings, #50723 (2012)

Kory M. Konsoer, Jessica A. Zinger, Gary Parker

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... of river channels has typically been characterized in terms of mean bankfull width Hbf, mean bankfull depth Bbf, and mean downchannel bed slope...




Williston Basin Symposium

... Saskatchewan an increased thickness is attributed to the local development of a halite bed at the top of the formation...


Regional Facies Trends in the Lowermost Beds of the Upper Triassic Charlie Lake Formation, in the Subsurface of Western Canada

James Dixon

CSPG Bulletin

... beds. These three assemblages occur in geographically restricted areas. The red-bed assemblage occurs mostly along the eastern margin of the basin...


Indicators of Paleoseismicity in the Lacustrine Sediments of the Eocene Green River Formation, Wyoming, Colorado and Utah (USA); #51005 (2014)

Balázs Törö, Brian R. Pratt, Robin W. Renaut

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... mudstone bed from the base of a massive dolomicritic bed showing forceful injection and out-burst of sediments (SHQ section). C. Bulbous dike filled...


Imbrication and Initial Dip in a Keweenawan Conglomerate Bed

Walter S. White

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Imbrication and Initial Dip in a Keweenawan Conglomerate Bed Walter S. White 1952 Vol. 22 No. 4. (December), The source of rhyolitic debris...


Cleat Development in Coals of the Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Formation, Pilot Butte Area, Wind River Reservation, Wyoming

Ronald C. Johnson, Arthur C. Clark, Richard J. Szmajter

Wyoming Geological Association

... about a mile south of the two drillholes and the cleat development in this coal bed on outcrop was compared with that of the same coal in the drillholes...


Anatomy of a Flysch

Paul Enos

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... current deposition of argillite produce an intricate mosaic in longitudinal section. A volume of 10 to 30 106 m3 is estimated for an average graywacke bed...


Conodonts from the Lower Griesbachian Otoceras Latilobatum Bed of Selong, Tibet and the Position of the Permian—Triassic Boundary

M. J. Orchard, W. W. Nassichuk, Lin Rui

CSPG Special Publications

...Conodonts from the Lower Griesbachian Otoceras Latilobatum Bed of Selong, Tibet and the Position of the Permian—Triassic Boundary M. J. Orchard, W. W...


Bed-Form Distribution and Internal Stratification of Coarse-Grained Point Bars, Upper Congaree River, S.C.

Raymond A. Levey

Dallas Geological Society

...Bed-Form Distribution and Internal Stratification of Coarse-Grained Point Bars, Upper Congaree River, S.C. Raymond A. Levey 1977 105 127 Ground...


Bed-Form Distribution and Internal Stratification of Coarse-Grained Point Bars, Upper Congaree River, S.C.

Raymond A. Levey

CSPG Special Publications

...Bed-Form Distribution and Internal Stratification of Coarse-Grained Point Bars, Upper Congaree River, S.C. Raymond A. Levey 1977 105 127 Ground...


Natural Zeolites in Southwestern Wyoming

Ray E. Harris

Wyoming Geological Association

..., and R.C. Surdam, 1979, Diagenesis of volcanogenic sediments in a Tertiary saline lake, Wagon Bed Formation, Wyoming: American Journal of Science, v...


Facies in the Lower Austin Chalk Group, from a Roadcut on U.S. 90 and a Core behind the Outcrop, near Langtry, Texas

Christine Griffith, Michael Pope, Kyle Gillespie, Alexis Godet, Daniel Minisini

GCAGS Transactions

... occur above locally thickened limestone beds having levee-like bed forms. The lower portions of scour fills are typically concave upward, onlapping...


Textual heterogeneity in massive sandstones from the Grès d'Annot and Numidian Flysch: Implications for depositional processes

Urval S. Patel,, Dorrik A.V. Stow, Andy Gardiner, Jim Buckman

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...,, Dorrik A.V. Stow, Andy Gardiner, Jim Buckman 2022 321 352 Vol. 92 (2022) No. 4. (April) Vertical bed scale heterogeneity in six massive sandstone beds...


Natural Fractures: From Core and Outcrop Observations to Subsurface Models

Estibalitz Ukar, Julia F. W. Gale, András Fall, Ramiro G. López, Damian Hryb, René Manceda, Ignacio Brisson, Eider Hernandez-Bilbao, Ralf J. Weger, Denis A. Marchal, Alain Zanella, Peter R. Cobbold

AAPG Special Volumes

... contains bed-parallel veins (BPV) of fibrous calcite (beef) and bed-perpendicular, completely or partly calcite-filled, opening-mode fractures in multiple...


Proximal Turbidite Environment - San Clemente State Park

Oscar E. Weser

Pacific Section SEPM

... of feet .and yet involve downcutting of less than a foot. As seen on Plate XIV, a silt bed may extend many hundreds of feet before being absent due...


On the Origin of Paleocurrent Complexity Within Deep Marine Channel Levees

Ian A. Kane, William D. McCaffrey, Jeff Peakall

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in Fig. 1D), location of measured sections are illustrated (MS1–MS4). B) Samples were correlated using a distinctive tuff turbidite bed; three levee...


Thin Bed Resolution and the Determination of Flushed Zone Resistivity in Oil Based Mud

Joseph F. goetz, Roland Chemali, Douglas J. Seifert

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Thin Bed Resolution and the Determination of Flushed Zone Resistivity in Oil Based Mud Joseph F. goetz, Roland Chemali, Douglas J. Seifert Geol. Soc...


Uraniferous Phosphatic Lake Beds of Eocene Age in the Green River Basin, Wyoming

J. D. Love

Wyoming Geological Association

..., soft, fissile 11.0 12. Firehole Bed, gray (weathering rusty brown), very hard, massive, medium-grained; crops out as a ledge that breaks into angular...


Ferry Lake, Rodessa, and Punta Gorda Anhydrite Bed Correlation, Lower Cretaceous, Offshore Eastern Gulf of Mexico

Andrew J. Petty

GCAGS Transactions

...Ferry Lake, Rodessa, and Punta Gorda Anhydrite Bed Correlation, Lower Cretaceous, Offshore Eastern Gulf of Mexico Andrew J. Petty 1995 Vol. 45 (1995...


Antidune Cross-bedding In A Large Flume

G. V. Middleton:

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in a large laboratory flume. When the flow was stopped, the bed-forms in the fine sand were rapidly destroyed by the waning flow, but the internal...


Mechanical Stratigraphic and Tectonic Controls on Natural Fracturing in the Eagle Ford Formation, South-Central and West Texas

David A. Ferrill, Ronald N. McGinnis, Alan P. Morris, Kevin J. Smart, Kirk D. H. Gulliver, Dan Lehrmann, Mark A. Evans

GCAGS Transactions

... extension fracture networks are best developed in chalk and limestone beds—these fractures tend to be bed-restricted, terminating in adjacent mudrock...


Runoff Microdeltas: A Potential Emergence Indicator in Cross-Bedded Sandstones

R. W. Dalrymple

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... preservation potential, and are identifiable in cross-section. Each microdelta normally consists of a lenticular-shaped, linguoid cross-bed that sits...


Bypass-zone Tempestite Facies Model and Proximality Trends for an Ancient Muddy Shoreline and Shelf

Paul M. Myrow

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., bed thickness reaches a maximum (Sandstone-Dominated Facies) and hummocky crossstratification is abundant. Even more distally, bed thickness decreases...


Deltaic Coals of Ferron Sandstone Member of Mancos Shale: Predictive Model for Cretaceous Coal-Bearing Strata of Western Interior

Thomas A. Ryer

AAPG Bulletin

... Cretaceous seaway during late Turonian time. Five cycles of deltaic sedimentation, each containing one major coal bed or coal zone, are represented...


Secondary Flow in Meandering Channels on Submarine Fans: Implications for Channel Morphodynamics and Architecture, #40480 (2010)

Jorge D. Abad, Octavio Sequeiros, Benoit Spinewine, Carlos Pirmez, Marcelo Garcia, Gary Parker

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... orientation on bed morphodynamics: Water Resources Research, AGU, v. 45, p. W02402. doi:10.1029/ 2008WR007017 Abad, J.D., G.C. Buscaglia, M.H. Garcia...


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