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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,059 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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Diffusive Leakage of scCO2 in Shaly Caprocks: Effect of Geochemical Reactivity and Anisotropy

Felipe Cruz, Son Dang, Mark Curtis, Chandra Rai

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... Chen, L.L.-y., Katz, D.L., and Tek, M.R. 1977. Binary gas diffusion of methane-nitrogen through porous solids. AIChE Journal 23 (3): 336-341. https...


Quantifying Well Communication Using Flowback and Early-Time Production Data

A-L.L. Benson, H. Hamdi, C. R. Clarkson

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...LD WELL PARENT WELL URTeC: 4043791 10 Figure 5 — Logarithmically-gridded, element-of-symmetry model used to simulate a binary parent-child well commun...


Modeling Carbonate Microfacies in the Context of High-Frequency Dynamic Relative Sea-Level and Environmental Changes

Guy H. Spence , Maurice E. Tucker

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... is briefly outlined below. Values of Jaccard's similarity coefficients of community (Jaccard 1908) are calculated using binary nonparametric presence...


Depositional Facies and Aqueous-Solid Geochemistry of Travertine-Depositing Hot Springs (Angel Terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, U.S.A.)

Bruce W. Fouke , Jack D. Farmer , David J. Des Marais , Lisa Pratt , Neil C. Sturchio , Peter C. Burns , Mykell K. Discipulo

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...), and the Mn versus Sr/Ca negative covariations (Fig. 12E) are suggestive of binary mixing of aragonite and calcite (Veizer 1983; Banner and Hanson 1990...


Establishing a Regional Geologic Framework for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Planning: A Case Study

Erik R. Venteris, Ronald R. Riley, James McDonald, Lawrence H. Wickstrom, James A. Drahovzal, John A. Harper

AAPG Special Volumes

... into binary grids showing where the geology was appropriate and inappropriate for CO2 injection. Overburden was screened for areas where it was greater...


Thermogenic and Secondary Biogenic Gases, San Juan Basin, Colorado and New Mexico--Implications for Coalbed Gas Producibility

Andrew R. Scott , W. R. Kaiser , Walter B. Ayers, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... methane production with binary gas sorption: Society of Petroleum Engineers Paper SPE 24363. Ambrose, W. A., and W. B. Ayers, Jr., 1991, Geologic...


Biogenic gas(?) in fluid inclusions from sandstones in contact with oil-mature coals

Sverre Ekrene Ohm, Dag A. Karlsen

AAPG Bulletin

..., University of Oslo, Oslo, 173 p.Arri, L. E., D. Yee, W. D. Morgan, and M. W. Jeansonne, 1992, Modeling coalbed methane production with binary gas...


Synthetic seismic models from outcrop-derived reservoir-scale three-dimensional facies models: The Eocene Ainsa turbidite system (southern Pyrenees)

O. Falivene, P. Arbues, J. Ledo, B. Benjumea, J. A. Munoz, O. Fernandez, S. Martinez

AAPG Bulletin

...; Schwab et al., 2007; Bakke et al., 2008). Schwab et al. (2007) used constant deterministic petrophysical properties with a binary sand-shale scheme...


Depositional setting and diagenetic processes and their impact on the reservoir quality in the late ViseanBashkirian Kashagan carbonate platform (Pre-Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan)

Paola Ronchi, Andrea Ortenzi, Ornella Borromeo, Michele Claps, William G. Zempolich

AAPG Bulletin

... number and, as a consequence, is black, allowing the separation of the pore space from the background. Binary images of the pore network (pore-filling...


A database approach for constraining stochastic simulations of the sedimentary heterogeneity of fluvial reservoirs

Luca Colombera, Fabrizio Felletti, Nigel P. Mountney, William D. McCaffrey

AAPG Bulletin

... classes of FAKTS, being binary in nature (channel complex or floodplain), represent a material description of fluvial architecture that is entirely...


Mechanisms of shale gas storage: Implications for shale gas exploration in China

Fang Hao, Huayao Zou, Yongchao Lu

AAPG Bulletin

... volume distributions: Fuel, v. 78, p. 13331344, doi:10.1016/S0016-2361(99)00055-1.Clarkson, C. R., and R. M. Bustin, 2000, Binary gas adsorption...


Gas saturation and CO2 enhancement potential of coalbed methane reservoirs as a function of depth

Yves Gensterblum, Alexej Merkel, Andreas Busch, Bernhard M. Krooss, Ralf Littke

AAPG Bulletin

.... 525535.Clarkson, C. R., and R. M. Bustin, 2000, Binary gas adsorption/desorption isotherms: Effect of moisture and coal composition upon carbon...


Vertical anomaly clusters: Evidence for vertical gas migration across multilayered sealing sequences

Martino Foschi, Joseph A. Cartwright, and Frank J. Peel

AAPG Bulletin

... anomalies on reflections K and R21 (Figure 10B–C) seem more closely associated with the vertical migration model. (B) Simplified model showing binary...


Ground truthing chemostratigraphic correlations in fluvial systems

K. T. Ratcliffe, A. Wilson, T. Payenberg, A. Rittersbacher, G. V. Hildred, and S. S. Flint

AAPG Bulletin

... allows recognition of the top of package 50 in both sections (Figure 4). The assignment of samples to package 50 is supported by the binary diagrams...


Temperature and pressure characteristics of Ordovician gas condensate reservoirs in the Tazhong area, Tarim Basin, northwestern China

Yifeng Liu, Nansheng Qiu, Wenxuan Hu, Huili Li, Fangyu Shen, and Qianying Yao

AAPG Bulletin

... of petroleum genesis: Nature, v. 352, no. 6331, p. 146–148, doi:10.1038/352146a0. Mao, S. D., and Z. H. Duan, 2008, The P,V,T,x properties of binary...


Integrated geochemical approach to determine the source of methane in gas hydrate from Green Canyon Block 955 in the Gulf of Mexico

Myles T. Moore, Stephen C. Phillips, Ann E. Cook, and Thomas H. Darrah

AAPG Bulletin

... in the subsurface (Ballentine et al., 2002). The noble gas composition of hydrocarbon-rich fluids in the crust typically represents a binary or ternary...


Tertiary: The Emergence of Modern Reef Ecosystems

Christine Perrin

Special Publications of SEPM

... reconstrucslice. Except for data on bioerosion and reservoir potential, for buildups has been mapped on a 6 Ma plate tectonic reconstruc which binary...


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Ecological persistence in the Late Mississippian (Serpukhovian, Namurian A) megafloral record of the Upper Silesian Basin, Czech Republic

Robert A. Gastaldo, Eva Purkyňová, Zbyněk Šimůnek, Mark D. Schmitz


... assigned per cluster. These occur because of the mathematical functions associated with the calculation of binary (dis)similarity coefficients. In the case...





... by performing two logistic regressions using the program R: the binary response of softtissue fossilization presence/absence was regressed...


Assessment of Backwater Controls On the Architecture of Distributary-Channel Fills In A Tide-Influenced Coastal-Plain Succession: Campanian Neslen Formation, U.S.A.

Luca Colombera, Michelle N. Shiers, Nigel P. Mountney

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... (cf. Meckel 1975). However, experiments based on binary discharge conditions suggest that the scoured topography generated at high flow...


Quantifying Detection Limits and Uncertainty in X-ray Diffraction Mineralogical Assessments of Biogenic Carbonates

Karen L. Vyverberg, John M. Jaeger, Andrea Dutton

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... determination of binary and tertiary calcium carbonate mixtures using powder X-ray diffraction: The Analyst, v. 126, p. 1118–1121.doi: 10.1039/b103004n Dutton...


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