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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,036 Results. Searched 195,596 documents.

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Quartz Cementation and Reservoir Quality of the Plover Sandstone in the Abadi Gas Field

Ryoichi Matsui, Emiko Shinbo, Mamoru Omokawa, Takahiro Zushi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the mineralogy. As also shown in Figure 4, the sequence of the analysis can be divided into the following five steps: (1) produce a binary image containing...


Assessing Textural Variation in Laminated Sands Using Digital Image Analysis of Thin Sections: RESEARCH METHODS

Elmer H. van den Berg, Victor F. Bense, Wolfgang Schlager

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...). Figure 1. Thin section of impregnated sample containing glass beads (A) with gray-scale image and binary (black and white) image after classification...


Quantification of Porosity and Permeability Reduction Due to Calcite Cementation Using Computer-Assisted Petrographic Image Analysis Techniques

Theodore T. Mowers, David A. Budd

AAPG Bulletin

... in the original color image (Figure 2A) to determine whether it met color criteria for either pore space or calcite. In this manner, binary images of pore...


An example of alternative correlation techniques in a low-accommodation setting, nonmarine hydrocarbon system: The (Lower Cretaceous) Mannville Basal Quartz succession of southern Alberta

K. T. Ratcliffe, A. M. Wright, C. Hallsworth, A. Morton, B. A. Zaitlin, D. Potocki, D. S. Wray

AAPG Bulletin

... CharacterizationThe most effective ways to display geochemical variations and changes in heavy-mineral suites are profiles and binary and ternary...


Pinedale Anticline and Jonah Fields, Sublette County, Wyoming: A Geologic Discussion and Comparison

Dean P. DuBois

AAPG Special Volumes

... communication with the surface, probably near the western margin of the study area, while the porous zones of the upper Fort Union are much more isolated...


Geothermal Energy in the United States: Directions and Results, 1976-1982

James B. Koenig

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... a s resulted in construction of a 5 mw binary-cycle experimental station a t Raft River, Idaho, using federal funds. Low-temperature utilization to date...


Recovery of Various Fractions of Crude Oil in Porous Media at the Pore Scale: An Application of Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomograph

Jaydeep Ghosh, Geoffrey R. Tick

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... was then converted from grey-scale image to binary image using an optimized grey-scale value (Figure 2). Quantitative measurements such as the size, volume...


3D Digital Mineral Mechanical Modeling of Complex Reservoir Rocks for Investigation of Fracture Propagation at Microscale

Victor Nachev, Andrey Kazak, Sergey Turuntaev

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... binary (void versus solid) segmentation of X-ray macro-, micro-, and nano-tomography data (3D correlative microscopy). The task of binary segmentation...


Hydrothermal Resources of the Makushin Volcano Region of Unalaska Island, Alaska

John W. Reeder

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... on the lower flanks of Makushin Volcano. Although some of these discoveries are still known (Henry Swanson of Unalaska, personal communication, 1980...


Environmental influence on burrow system features of a colonial and fossorial rodent: implications for interpreting fossil tetrapod burrows

M. Cristina Cardonatto, Ricardo Nestor Melchor


...; Katandukila et al. 2014). Each burrow system diagram was drafted with Corel Draw X8e and exported to a binary image (bitmap format). This image was analyzed...


Phase Changes in Fluid Inclusions: The Basics

Robert H. Goldstein, T. James Reynolds

Special Publications of SEPM

... in the inclusion volume (Lacazette, personal communication, 1993). Also, it should be made clear that a careful inclusionist must never make assumptions...


Fluid Flow, Water Chemistry, Gas Chemistry and Diagenesis in the Subsurface Triassic in Alberta and British Columbia

Dirk Kirste, Steven Desrocher, Brad Spence, Bill Hoyne, Brian Tsang, Ian Hutcheon

CSPG Bulletin

... this area has higher permeability and improved fluid communication. Variations in Ca2+, HCO3- and SO2-4 are generally consistent...


Constructing Sandstone Provenance and Classification Ternary Diagrams Using an Electronic Spreadsheet

Khandaker M. Zahid, David L. Barbeau Jr.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...) have published compositional data package that deal with data perturbation, transformation, centering, and various other binary and ternary plots. While...


A New Technique for the Analysis of Commingled Oils and Its Application to Production Allocation Calculations

R. L. Kaufman, A. S. Ahmed, W. B. Hempkins

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... To illustrate graphically how the technique works, a simple binary mixing diagram is shown in Figure 7. The results from the oil mixture program...


Cinder Cone or Mud Volcano? Experience Bias and Observation on the Papuan Plateau

Neil Hodgson, Karyna Rodriguez

GEO ExPro Magazine

... a binary question, what was interesting was the range of strongly held conclusions that were distilled from the available information. Some responses...


Feasibility of Application of Thermal Shocking by In-situ Generation of Hot N2/CO2 for Development of Unconventional Reservoirs

Mojtaba Rezaei Koochi, Seyedsaeed Mehrabi-Kalajahi, Mikhail A. Varfolomeev

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... can be used as a replacement for hydraulic fracturing and thermal EOR methods. Introduction Binary Mixture Thermochemical (BiMTeCh) proved...


Migration of Fluids in Sedimentary Basins

S. Neglia

AAPG Bulletin

...) more and more liquid fractions as its pressure and temperature increase, as in the phase diagram of a binary n-paraffin system (Fig. 6). Conversely...


Randomness, serendipity, and luck in petroleum exploration

Alexei V. Milkov, and William C. Navidi

AAPG Bulletin

.... Explorers should focus on developing their prediction skills rather than obsess about the binary outcomes of each well. Akin, R., 1971, Dinan field...


A Mechanistic Mixing Model for Miscible Gas Injection in Tight Oil Reservoirs

Sofiane Haythem Achour, Ryosuke Okuno

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC) 𝜙𝜙 is the porosity, 𝜏𝜏 is the tortuosity, 𝐷𝐷ij is the effective bulk diffusivity for binary pair ij. The effective Knudsen diffusivity (Kri...


Method for Identification of Types and Amounts of Salts that may Precipitate due to Brine Dry Out and Application to UK Southern North Sea Candidate CO2 Stores

Adeshina O. Badejo, Oluwatosin M. Ogundipe, Eric J. Mackay

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

... for Bunter formation of other fields of Triassic age in the North Sea where data is unavailable. Possible communication/compartmentalization between...


Demonstration of Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide in a Simulated Coalbed through Injection of Dissolved Gas

John M. Pope, Wade A. Bard, Grant A. Myers

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

... of borehole fluids in communication with the storage formation (Myers 2019). When monochromatic laser photons interact with polarizable electrons...


A Detrital Sandstone Classification for Petrologists

Charles F. Mansfield, Thomas S. Ahlbrandt

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)

... clayey sandstone, silty sandstone, and sandy mudstone, and includes a portion of sandstone as defined by Picard. Furthermore, in the binary system...


A Novel Shale Oil Enhanced Recovery Method For The Vaca Muerta Shale

Sebastian Grasso, Fernando Tuero, Robert A. Downey, Alejandro Martinez, Morgan Downey, Sebastian Olmos, Lucas Pons, Andres Gibson

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of these EOR projects, interwell communication due to natural fractures or fracture stimulation treatments has limited maximum natural gas injection pressures...


Particle Shape in Simulants of the Lunar Regolith

Doug Rickman, Christopher Immer, Philip Metzger, Emily Dixon, Matthew Pendleton, Jennifer Edmunson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... range of terrestrial feedstocks. None of the manufactures implemented process controls based on shape (personal communication), though several...


Geothermal Energy Resources of Northwest New Mexico

Philip R. Grant Jr.

Four Corners Geological Society

... technology, using binary-fluid systems is underway in the U.S. If the method proves feasible, heat in the hot water will be transferred to a clean...


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