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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,057 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Brachiopods and Permian Correlations

R. E. Grant, G. A. Cooper

CSPG Special Publications

... Upper Permian localities are compared by two binary coefficients of similarity, the Otsuka and the Phi. Dendrograms and trellis diagrams provided...


Critical diagenetic features controlling intergranular flow paths and matrix permeability in the Codell Sandstone, northeastern Colorado

Daniel Alonso Medina, David A. Budd

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... ( The five segmented images representing each channel were then merged into a composite binary threshold (CBT) image (Fig. 7A, B...


Petrological and Geochemical Constraints On Provenance, Paleoweathering, and Tectonic Setting of the Neoproterozoic Sedimentary Basin In the Eastern Jiangnan Orogen, South China

Wei Wang, Mei-Fu Zhou

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of binary diagrams. Immobile elements hosted in common minerals having similar hydrodynamic behavior will maintain invariant ratios during mass changes...


An Integrated Regional Triassic Stratigraphic Framework for the Carnarvon Basin, NWS, Australia

T. H. D. Payenberg, H. Howe, T. Marsh, P. Sixsmith, W. S. Kowalik, A. Powell, K. Ratcliffe, V. Iasky, A. Allgoewer, R. W. Howe, P. Montgomery, A. Vonk, M. Croft

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... on changes in chemical composition, and visualised as binary plots (Fig. 13) and chemical logs (Ratcliffe et al., 2010). On the binary plots displayed...


Subsurface Technology Sharing from Oil and Gas to Geothermal Resources

Silviu Livescu, Birol Dindoruk

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... by coupling it to a simple model for a binary power generation plant and a geothermal reservoir simulator. Using the input parameters from a field case study...


Factors controlling source and reservoir characteristics in the Niobrara shale oil system, Denver Basin

Yuanjia Han, Brian Horsfield, Nicolaj Mahlstedt, Richard Wirth, David J. Curry, and Heather LaReau

AAPG Bulletin

... CLASSIFICATION As an analog of the Eagle Ford Shale (Fairbanks et al., 2016; Frébourg et al., 2016), the Niobrara Formation is interpreted to be a binary...


Gravity-flow deposits and implications for unconventional oil and gas in the Ordovician–Silurian Wufeng–Longmaxi Formation, Sichuan Basin, South China

Leifu Zhang, Hongyan Wang, Dazhong Dong, Qun Zhao, and Wu Chenjun

AAPG Bulletin

... of sandy intervals. The binary and parallel interbedding of muddy and sandy laminations and convolute laminations can be decently recognized on FMI...


A Petrographic Study of the Edwards Limestone Core: From the Lone Star No. 1–A Tom Well, Atascosa County, Texas

Louis Walter Cable

South Texas Geological Society Special Publications

... of the point from the side opposite the angle assigned to each of the components. Since each side of the triangle is a two-component or binary mixture...


Long-Term Changes in Morphology and Textural Sediment Characteristics in Response to Energy Variation on Shoreface-Connected Ridges off the East Frisian Barrier-Island Coast, Southern North Sea

Chang Soo Son, Burghard W. Flemming, Alexander Bartholoma, Seung Soo Chun

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... both as binary logarithmic (psi) settling velocity distributions (at 20°C) and as equivalent binary logarithmic (phi) settling diameters (cf. Flemming...


Mass-Balance Effects in Depositional Systems

Chris Paola, John M. Martin

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...) and associated binary maps corresponding to: B) χ = 0.23, C) χ = 0.50, and D) χ = 0.80. We extend the work of Violet et al. (2005), who showed...





... studies where we inherently lack direct observations of growth in extinct organisms. We coded seasonal growth as a binary variable, which can be related...


Advances in Simulation of Hydrocarbon Production From Shale Reservoirs

Masoud Alfi, Zhi Chai, Bicheng Yan, Brian C. Stimpson, Maria A. Barrufet, John Killough

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC) well design with genetic algorithm. To produce the next generation with the genetic algorithm, the parameters are converted to binary strings fir...


Pore-scale Evaluation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements in Organic-Rich Mudrocks Using Numerical Modeling

Saurabh Tandon, Zoya Heidari, Hugh Daigle

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... for generating tetrahedral meshes in the binary image. The generated numerical grids are used as inputs for simulation of NMR response using different pulse...


Rapid Evaluation of Diverter Effectiveness From Poroelastic Pressure Response in Offset Wells

Charles Kahn, Byron Cottingham, Sudhendu Kashikar, Scott Senften, Erica Coenen

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... on the offset pressure data, except for max treating pressure where impedance was considered as successful diversion, due to the binary nature of the analysis...


Molecular Sieving of Hydrocarbon Mixtures through Nano-Porous Membranes

Zhijun Liu, Erdal Ozkan, Luis Zerpa, Xiaolong Yin

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... available, Puramem 280 Da, was used for the majority of the tests. A binary hydrocarbon mixture was used to calibrate the experiments and understand...


Molecular Simulation Study of the Competitive Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide and Methane in Organic Shale … Implication for Enhanced Gas Recovery

Ibrahim Gomaa, Isa Silveira de Araujo, Zoya Heidari, D. Nicolas Espinoza

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... adsorption of CO2 and CH4 binary mixture on kerogen and clay surfaces significantly affects CO2 sequestration for enhanced gas recovery (EGR) applications...


Origin of Rhythmical Bedding in Middle Miocene Siliceous Rocks of the Onnagawa Formation, Northern Japan

Ryuji Tada

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... dolomitic porcelanite can be regarded as a binary mixture of biogenic silica and detritus. The composition of such a binary mixture is determined...


Comparative Study of the Lower Ordovician Ironstones of the Iberian Massif (Zamora, Spain) and of the Armorican Massif (Central Brittany, France)

Agustina Fernandez , Jean Jacques Chauvel , M. Candelas Moro

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... correlation coefficient (0.92) indicates the presence of abundant apatite in these mineralizations (Fig. 6). However, in the binary CaO-P2O5 diagram a certain...


Assessment of CO2 Sequestration and Enhanced Coalbed Methane Potential in Unminable Coal Seams of the Illinois Basin

Maria Mastalerz, John Rupp, Agnieszka Drobniak, Satya Harpalani, Andrew Anderson, Chris Korose, Scott Frailey, David Morse

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Jeansonne, 1992, Modeling coalbed methane production with binary gas sorption: Proceedings of the Society of petroleum Engineers Rocky Mountain...


Present and Past Geothermal Regimes and Source Rock Maturation, Peace River Arch Area, Canada (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... of binary heterogeneous sediments: Tectonophysics, v. 190, p. 299-314. Bachu, S., and R. A. Burwash, 1991, Regional-scale analysis of the geothermal regime...


Quantitative evaluation of synsedimentary fault opening and sealing properties using hydrocarbon connection probability assessment

Likuan Zhang, Xiaorong Luo, Qianjin Liao, Wan Yang, Guy Vasseur, Changhua Yu, Junqing Su, Shuqin Yuan, Dunqing Xiao, Zhaoming Wang

AAPG Bulletin

... intersection point between the fault plane and a carrier bed (Figure 7b), a binary index, termed the fault-connectivity index (Ni), is defined as 0...


Permeability characterization of natural compaction bands using core flooding experiments and three-dimensional image-based analysis: Comparing and contrasting the results from two different methods

Shang Deng, Lin Zuo, Atilla Aydin, Jack Dvorkin, and Tapan Mukerji

AAPG Bulletin

... calculated from the binary image for each of these volumes. Figure 6. Micro-sample and its location with respect to the core sample of Bp-1-2...


Permeability and acoustic velocity controlling factors determined from x-ray tomography images of carbonate rocks

Nathaly L. Archilha, Roseane M. Missagia, Cathy Hollis, Marco A. R. de Ceia, Samuel A. McDonald, Irineu A. Lima Neto, David S. Eastwood, and Peter Lee

AAPG Bulletin

... from a binary image. The spherical blue structure in the bottom left corner is a single pore created by shell dissolution; (B) a single isolated pore...


An efficient, consistent, and trackable method to quantify organic matter–hosted porosity from ion-milled scanning electron microscope images of mudrock gas reservoirs

Liaosha Song, Travis Warner, and Timothy Carr

AAPG Bulletin

... clustering-based image thresholding. It reduces a grayscale image to a binary image. The algorithm assumes that the image contains two classes of pixels...


A comparison of three-dimensional–printed porous rocks with nano x-ray computed tomography: Silica sand, gypsum powder, and resin

Lingyun Kong, Mehdi Ostadhassan, Bo Liu, Mohsen Eshraghi, Chunxiao Li, Miguel Navarro, Yihuai Zhang, and Huabin Wei

AAPG Bulletin

... Comparing the pore structure of rock analogues to the digital prototype can be done by magnifying a single pore and process that was segmented to binary...


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