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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 974 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Storm-induced community dynamics in the Fezouata Biota (Lower Ordovician, Morocco)
Farid Saleh, Yves Candela, David A. T. Harper, Marika Polechová, Bertrand Lefebvre, Bernard Pittet
...—contributions to age and faunal diversity of the Fezouata Lagerst¨ tte and peri-Gondwana biogeography: a Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology...
Sedimentology, Palynostratigraphy, Palynofacies and Thermal Maturity of Upper Permian Rocks of Kolguyev Island, Barents Sea, Russia
M. Grigoriev, J. Utting
CSPG Bulletin
... Pangaea. In: Palaeozoic Palaeogeography and Biogeography, W.S. McKerrow, and C.R. Scotese (eds.), Geological Society Memoir No. 12, p. 383-395. Malysheva...
The Conflicting Paleontologic versus Stratigraphic Record of the Formation of the Caribbean Seaway
Manuel A. Iturralde-Vinent
AAPG Special Volumes
... Transactions, Royal Society of London, v. A, no. 258, p. 316.Damborenea, S. E., 2000, Hispanic corridor: Its evolution and the biogeography of bivalve...
Biogeographic Units as Biostratigraphic Units
James W. Valentine
AAPG Bulletin
.... Texas, Pubs. Inst. Marine Sci., v. 3, p. 107-224, 46 figs. Hedgpeth, J. W., 1957, Marine biogeography, in Hedgpeth, J. W., ed., Treatise on marine...
Progress Report of Juvenile and Embryonic Dryosaurus Remains from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Colorado
Rodney D. Scheetz
Grand Junction Geological Society
...: the inside story: Natural History, p. 60–67, Dec. 1989. Milner, A.R., and Norman, D.B., 1984, The biogeography of advanced ornithopod dinosaurs (Archosauria...
Stratigraphic Framework for Oil Exploration in Sarawak
Ho Kiam Fui
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... for regional geology and palaeo- biogeography. Lethaia,5, 195-215. Ho K iam F ui , 1976. Morphogenetic trend of Lepldocyclina and its application in time...
..., South Australia: Episodes, v. 35, p. 236–246. GRAZHDANKIN, D., 2004, Patterns of distribution in the Ediacaran biotas: facies versus biogeography...
Crinoids of West Indian Coral Reefs: Reef Biota
Donald B. Macurda Jr. , David L. Meyer
AAPG Special Volumes
.... 4A-D). The biogeography of the latter is definitely disjunct from that of other shallow-water West Indian crinoids. It occurs along the northern coast...
The Devonian System in Colombia
S. F. Barrett
CSPG Special Publications
... biogeography, plate tectonics, and the changing environment. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, p. 465-484. Boucot, A. J., Johnson, J. G...
Palaeoclimates of Pangea – Geological Evidence
Jane E. Francis
CSPG Special Publications
.... In: Palaeozoic Palaeogeography and Biogeography. W.S. McKerrow and C.R. Scotese (eds.). Geological Society Memoir No. 12, 1-21. Scott, E., Henderson, C.M....
Paleobiogeography of the Macluritidae (Ordovician-Gastropoda)
A. P. Gubanov, David M. Rohr
Pacific Section SEPM
.... Boucot eds., Historical Biogeography, Plate Tectonics and the Changing Environment: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Biology Colloquium and Selected Papers...
First discovery of Stegodon (Proboscidea) in Malaysia
Ros Fatihah Muhammad, Lim Tze Tshen, Norliza Ibrahim, Mohd Azmi Abdul Razak, Fakhrulradzi Mohd Razif, Zarris Kem, Ching Boon Tat, Tee Chee Yuen, Nang Yu Lee, Chan Jien Chiew, Chan Jian Fai, Mat Niza Abdul Rahman, Shah Redza Hussein
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... Caves: New Record of Extinct Species and Biogeography Implications. Sains Malaysiana, 48(12), 2613–2622. Sahak, I. H., 2020. Murinae Fossil Teeth from...
1.2 Seismic Stratigraphy: 1.2.2 Unconformities: Erosion and Progradation in the Deep Sea--Examples from the Western South Atlantic
L. A. P. Gamboa, P. Ganey, and R. T. Buffler
AAPG Special Volumes
...: New York, Columbia Univ., Ph.D. thesis. Kennett, J.P, 1978, The development of planktonic biogeography in the southern ocean during the Cenozoic...
Deep Sea Stratigraphy: Erosion and Progradation in the Deep Sea--Examples from the Western South Atlantic
L. A. P. Gamboa, P. Ganey, and R. T. Buffler
AAPG Special Volumes
..., 1978, The development of planktonic biogeography in the southern ocean during the Cenozoic: Marine Micropaleontology, v. 3, p. 301-345. Le Pichon, X...
Correlation of New Zealand and European Middle Tertiary: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Paul Vella
AAPG Bulletin
... stratigraphique international: v. 6, no. 4 (New Zealand), Paris. Fleming, C. A., 1962, New Zealand biogeography, a paleontologist's approach: Tuatara v...
Reservoir characterization of the Mississippian Madison Formation, Wind River basin, Wyoming
Hildegard Westphal, Gregor P. Eberli, Langhorne B. Smith, G. Michael Grammer, J. Kislak
AAPG Bulletin
..., 1990, Revised world maps and introduction, in W. S. McKerrow and C. R. Scotese, eds., Paleozoic paleogeography and biogeography: Geological Society...
Radiolarian biochronology and paleoceanography of Pacific Terranes in Central America and the Caribbean
Search and Discovery.com
Complexity and Changing Pattern of Tectonics in Hydrocarbon Bearing Basin of South East Asia, Manu Rastogi, #50749 (2012)
Abhishek Sharma, Mohit Kumar
Search and Discovery.com
... of Southeast Asia: London Geological Society, Special Publication 106, 566 p. Hall, R., and J.D. Holloway, 1998, Biogeography and Geological Evolution of South...
Miocene Carbonate Microfacies Distribution of Tendehantu Formation, Mangkalihat Peninsula: Approach of Reservoir Potential using Outcrop Analogue; #50853 (2013)
Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah, Khalid Al-Ramadan, and Dave L. Cantrell
Search and Discovery.com
..., Biogeographic implication of Tertiary paleogeographic evolution of Sulawesi and Borneo, in R. Hall, and J.D. Holloway, (eds.), Biogeography and Geological...
Tropical ochrophyte algae from the Eocene of Northern Canada: A biogeographic response to past global warming
Peter A. Siver, Alexander P. Wolfe
... with the goal of refining the understanding of Cenozoic ochrophyte biogeography. The first observation is that these algae are morphologically very...
Skeletal carbonate mineralogy of bryozoans from Chile: An independent check of phylogenetic patterns
Abigail M. Smith, Dana E. Clark
... and biogeography of Chilean benthic nearshore ecosystems: An overview and guidelines for conservation: Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, v. 73, p. 797–830...
Devonian Evaporite Basins (Distribution, Paleogeography)
M. A. Zharkov
Dallas Geological Society
... Pangaea? In: Gray, J. and Boucot, A. J. (Eds), Historical biogeography, Plate Tectonics, and the Changing Environment. Oregon State University Press, p...
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: A Work in Progress
Paul A. Selden
... volumes of Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Part A. INTRODUCTION: Fossilization (Taphonomy), Biogeography, and Biostratigraphy, xxiii + 569 p., 169...
Age, Character and Provenance of the Tipuma Formation, West Papua: New Insights from Detrital Zircon Dating
Indra Gunawan, Robert Hall, Inga Sevastjanova
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... geological evolution of the SE Asian region: multidisciplinary constraints and implications for biogeography: In Hall, R. & Holloway, J. D. (eds...
No large bias within species between the reconstructed areas of complete and fragmented fossil leaves
Eric R. Hagen, Dana L. Royer, Ryan A. Moye, Kirk R. Johnson
... 1977; Hill and Gibson 1986). Leaf area is an important functional trait that provides insight about taxonomy and biogeography (e.g., Merkhofer et al...