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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 974 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
The L-O-N-G Drought
Anne Watson
Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)
.... Deevey, E. S., Jr., 1949, Biogeography of the Pleistocene: Bull. Geol. Soc. America, v. 60, p. 1315–1408. Dyson, James L., 1962, The World of Ice, Alfred...
The Main Relationships Between the Changes in Marine Fauna at the Close of the Permian and the Beginning of the Triassic
A. S. Dagis, V. I. Ustritsky
CSPG Special Publications
..., On brachiopod biogeography of the Permian Tethys: Byul. Mosk. o-va. ispyt. prirody, v. 45, no. 6 (In Russian). Flugel, 1970 Fursenko, A., 1958, Main...
Upper Cretaceous Nannofossil Assemblages Across the Western Interior Seaway: Implications for the Origins of Lithologic Cycles in the Greenhorn and Niobrara Formations
Celeste E. Burns, Timothy J. Bralower
Special Publications of SEPM
... productivity does not necessarily indicate high organic productivity in surface water. Calcareous Nannofossils Research on the ecology and biogeography...
Constraints on the positions of India, Australia and Southeast Asia since the Late Cretaceous
C. McA. Powell, B. D. Johnson, J. J. Veevers
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... and India, and their interaction with southeast Asia, in Keast, A. (Editor), Ecological Biogeography: JUNK, the Hague, (in press). Powell, C.McA....
The Succession of Vertebrate Faunas in the Continental Mesozoic of Thailand
Eric Buffetaut, Rucha Ingavat
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... (Capitosauridae, Stereospondyli) from the Huai Hin Lat Formation (Upper Triassic), northeastern Thailand, witha noteoncapitosaurid biogeography. G eo...
Insights into the Great Australian Bight Gained through Marine Geology and Benthic Ecology Studies
Andrew Ross, Alan Williams, Asrar Talukder, Joanna Parr, Christine Trefry, Richard Kempton, Charlotte Stalvies, Richard Schinteie, Ashley Ezzy, Andrew Kulpecz, Carole Schaefer, Phil Rarey
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... for analyses of faunal composition, diversity, distribution, abundance, assemblage structure, biogeography and food web structure for sediment macrofauna...
..., 2007, The coral triangle, in Renema, W., ed., Biogeography, Time and Place: Distributions, Barriers and Islands: Topics in Geobiology, v. 29, p. 117–178...
Late Cenomanian-Early Turonian Shelf Ramp, Niger, West Africa: Chapter 12
A. F. Pascal, B. J. Mathey, K. Alzouma, J. Lang, C. Meister
AAPG Special Volumes
...: AAPG Bulletin, v. 68, p. 1146-1159. Reyment, R., 1980, Biogeography of the Saharan Cretaceous and Paleocene epicontinental transgressions: Cretaceous...
Detailed Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of the Naples Bluff Section
Gregg H. Blake
Pacific Section of AAPG
... to paleoceanography, in Kennett, J. P., (ed.), The Miocene Ocean: Paleoceanography and Biogeography, Geol. Soc. Memior. No. 163., p. 119-135. Benthic foraminifera...
AAPG Special Volumes
... that crustal movements, expressed in changes in oceanic circulation patterns, have had on the evolution and biogeography of the Caribbean province...
Taphonomy and paleoecology of an ophiuroid-stylophoran obrution deposit from the Lower Devonian Bokkeveld Group, South Africa
Mhairi Reid, Wendy L. Taylor, Carlton E. Brett, Aaron W. Hunter, Emese M. Bordy
... in the Devonian: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 1–309. BIGEY, F.P., 1985, Biogeography of Devonian Bryozoa, in C. Nielson and G.P. Larwood (eds...
Latitudinal patterns of gastropod drilling predation intensity through time
Subhronil Mondal, Hindolita Chakraborty, Shubhabrata Paul
... Bergmann’s rule: size–latitude relationships in marine Bivalvia world-wide: Global Ecology and Biogeography, v. 22, p. 173–183. BENTON, M., 2009...
Silurian Reefs
Pierre-Andre Bourque
CSPG Special Publications
... continental distributions, paleogeography, climatology, and biogeography. Tectonophysics, v. 40, p. 13-51. Tectonic and Depositional Setting Silurian...
Geographic and Stratigraphic Implications of a Study of the Henryhouse Trilobite Fauna
K. S. W. Campbell
Tulsa Geological Society
... simply in terms of an abrupt but subtle change in environment. Biogeography With regard to geographical affinities comparisons can be made...
Tight Rinds in SE Asia Oligo-Miocene Isolated Carbonate Platforms
Dessy Sapardina, Rizky Sekti, Frank Musgrove, Nat Stephens
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Hall, R., 1998, The plate tectonics of Cenozoic SE Asia nad the distribution of land and sea: Biogeography and Geological Evolution of SE Asia, pp...
North American Ordovician Unconventional Oil Potential
Thomas D. Bowman, Prasanta Mukhopadhyay
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., standard succession and its bearing on Upper Ordovician graptolite biogeography: Lethaia, v. 28, no. 2, p. 115–128. Goodarzi, F., 1984, Organic petrology...
The New World, Glass Slippers and Red Tape
Reuben J. Ross Jr.
Pacific Section SEPM
... in the preceding category] Paleogeographic reconstructions, biogeography, & paleoenvironments - 6 papers Event stratigraphy [a newcomer] - 8 papers Economic...
Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Palaeogeography of Eastern Pangea and Tethys
Ian Metcalfe
CSPG Special Publications
..., J. and Stait, B. 1990. Early-Middle Palaeozoic biogeography of Asian terranes derived from Gondwana. In: Palaeozoic Palaeogeography and Biogeography...
The Evolution of Faunal Provincialism in the Argentine Precordillera During the Ordovician: New Evidence and Paleogeographic Implications
Juan L. Benedetto, N. Emilio Vaccari, Marcelo Carrera, Teresa M. Sánchez
Pacific Section SEPM
... biogeography of Precordillera and Famatina, western Argentina: preliminary results: 7th. International Symposium on Ordovician System, this volume...
Hirnantian Glaciation and the Carbon Cycle
Lee R. Kump, Mark T. Gibbs, Michael A. Arthur, Mark E. Patzkowsky, Peter M. Sheehan
Pacific Section SEPM
... on brachiopod zoogeography, in Gray, J., and Boucot, A. J., eds., Historical Biogeography, Plate Tectonics, and the Changing Environment: Oregon State...
Gloeocapsomorpha prisca-Driven Organic Carbon Isotope Excursion, Late Middle Ordovician (Rocklandian), North American Mid-Continent: New Data from Nevada and Iowa
Stephen R. Jacobson, Stanley C. Finney, Joseph R. Hatch, Gregory A. Ludvigson
Pacific Section SEPM
... Paleolatitudes of Laurentia and Euramerica, in McKerrow, W.S., and Scotese, C.R., eds., Palaeozoic Palaeogeography and Biogeography,Geological Society Memoir 12...
Flat-Pebble Conglomerate: A Characteristic Lithology of Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Shallow-Water Carbonate Sequences
Jeong Chan Kim, Yong Il Lee
Pacific Section SEPM
... and introduction, in McKerrow, W.S. and Scotese C.R., eds., Paleozoic palaeogeography and biogeography: Geological Society of London Memoir 12, p. 1-21. Sepkoski, J...
Late Arenig - Early Llanvirn Conodont Biofacies Across the Iapetus Ocean
Jan A. Rasmussen, Svend Stouge
Pacific Section SEPM
..., and Barnes, C.R., 1977, Early Ordovician conodont and tribolite communities of Spitsbergen: influence on biogeography: Alcheringa v. 1, p. 297-309. Gee...
Ordovician Gastropods of New South Wales - Ecologic and Biogeographic Relationships
Ian G. Percival
Pacific Section SEPM
..., Global biogeography of Ordovician corals and stromatoporoids, in Webby, B. D., and Laurie, J. R., eds., Global Perspectives on Ordovician Geology...
The Foura Sandstone type section (Samaropollenites speciosus Zone, Carnian early Norian; early Late Triassic), Timor-Leste: preliminary correlation between Timor and the Bonaparte Basin
D. Peyrot, M. Keep, J. Scibiorski, E. McCartain, P. Baillie, J. Soares, D.W. Haig, A.J. Mory
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
.... & GrantMackie, J.A., 2005. Late Triassic (Carnian) corals from TimorLeste (East Timor): their identity, setting, and biogeography. Alcheringa 29, 287...