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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 8,114 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Significant Ammonite Finds in Uppermost Mancos Shale and Overlying Formations Between Barker Dome, New Mexico, and Grand Junction, Colorado

W. A. Cobban

Four Corners Geological Society

... of Barker dome in San Juan County, N. Mex., in Mesa Verde National Park, Colo., and near Durango, Colo., rocks of Campanian age comprise the uppermost part...


Sea Level Variations During Deposition of the Hilliard Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Western Wyoming

William E. Frerichs, James R. Steidtmann

Wyoming Geological Association

..., 1965. Cobban, W. A., and Reeside, J. B., Correlation of the Cretaceous Formations of the western interior of the United States: Geol. Soc. Amer...


Interdomal Sediment Ponding: A New Lower Hackberry Play?

Donn S. LeVie, Jr.

GCAGS Transactions

... assemblage, an interesting foraminiferal fauna of post-Vicksburg age from deep wells in the Gulf Coast: Journal of Paleontology, v. 12, pp. 309-317. Lafayette...


Paleoenvironmental and Carbon-Oxygen Isotope Record of Middle Cambrian Carbonates (La Laja Formation) in the Argentine Precordillera

Fernando J. Gomez, Neil Ogle, Ricardo A. Astini, Robert M. Kalin

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... tool where poor biostratigraphic control prevents detailed correlation (Kaufman and Knoll 1995; Pelechaty et al. 1996; Cozzi et al. 2004; among...


Results of Dating Cretaceous, Paleogene Sediments, Europe

G. S. Odin

AAPG Special Volumes

...) it appears that a carefully selected sediment sample gives an apparent age equivalent to other samples of the same stratigraphic level. The accuracy...


Oxygen and Carbon Isotopic Stratigraphy of the Monterey Formation at Naples Beach, California

Benjamin P. Flower, James P. Kennett

Pacific Section of AAPG

.... These data improve correlation of this important section to middle Miocene climate changes. Oxygen isotopic correlation to the deep-sea record suggests...


The Permian-Triassic Boundary in New Zealand and New Caledonia and its Relationship to World Climatic Changes and Extinction of Permian Life

J. B. Waterhouse

CSPG Special Publications

... poorly-dated bivalves. The earliest ammonoids are of middle Scythian, or Smithian age. The contact between Permian and Triassic in New Caledonia is less...



James A. Drahovzal

Alabama Geological Society

... and the stratigraphic sequence well established, biostratigraphic study is the best approach to the problem of correlation. This approach was used...


Biostratigraphy of the North Horn Formation at North Horn Mountain, Emery County, Utah

Rose Difley

Utah Geological Association

...Biostratigraphy of the North Horn Formation at North Horn Mountain, Emery County, Utah Rose Difley 2007 439 454 A general biostratigraphic chart...


Early Marine Lithification and Hardground Development on A Miocene Ramp (Maiella, Italy): Key Surfaces to Track Changes in Trophic Resources in Nontropical Carbonate Settings

Maria Mutti, Daniel Bernoulli

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... 311-386. LOUTIT, T.S., HARDENBOL, J., VAIL, P.R., AND BAUM, G.R., 1988, Condensed sections: the key to age determination and correlation of continental...


Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy and Petroleum Geology--Where to From Here?: GEOHORIZONS

Henry W. Posamentier , Paul Weimer

AAPG Bulletin

... evolved: (1) the curves are an important tool for global correlation and the development of age models in frontier and lightly explored basins, (2...


Chemostratigraphic Proxy Records: Forward Modeling the Effects of Unconformities, Variable Sediment Accumulation Rates, and Sampling-Interval Bias

Paul M. Myrow, John P. Grotzinger

Special Publications of SEPM

... mostratigraphic curves are more important tools for correlation and interpretation of strata of this age Our goal is to evaluate how various parameters...


Antarctic Sediment Drifts and Plio-Pleistocene Orbital Periodicities (Odp Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101)

Marina Iorio, Thomas Wolf-Welling, Tobias Moerz

Special Publications of SEPM

.... It is shown that in different cores, nonharmonic wavelength peaks, when normalized, exhibit a very high correlation factor with predicted Earth...


Uppermost Permian to Lower Triassic conodonts at Bianyang Section, Guihzou Province, South China

Chunbo Yan, Lina Wang, Haishui Jiang, Paul B. Wignall, Yadong Sun, Yanlong Chen


..., [email protected] ABSTRACT A new conodont biostratigraphic study is presented from a key section on the flanks of the Permian-Triassic Great Bank of Guizhou...


Cool-Water Limestones of the Pannonian Basinal System, Middle Miocene, Hungary

Anthony F. Randazzo , Pal Muller , Gyorgy Lelkes , Erika Juhasz , Tamas Hamor

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and Global Stratigraphic Correlation: SEPM, Special Publication 54, p. 129-212. BOHN-HAVAS, M., AND ZORN, I., 1993, Biostratigraphic studies...


Testing the Daptocephalus and Lystrosaurus assemblage zones in a lithostratographic, magnetostratigraphic, and palynological framework in the Free State, South Africa

Robert A. Gastaldo, Johann Neveling, John W. Geissman, Cindy V. Looy


...’s Permian age for the Daptocephalus AZ continued to be accepted for more than a century, based on strong biostratigraphic correlation of the underlying...


Devonian Rocks in Ireland and Their Relation to Adjacent Regions

J. R. Graham, G. Clayton

CSPG Special Publications

.... Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Dublin. Richardson, J.B., Ford, J.H. and Parker, F., 1984. Miospores, correlation and age of some Scottish...


Exploration Analysis of Basin Maturity in the South Florida Sub-Basin

Mitchell-Tapping, H.J.

GCAGS Transactions

... bed: Akad. Nauk SSSR. Isz., Ser. Geol. v. 8, 93-101, (in Russian). Lopatin, N.V, 1976b, The determination of the influence of temperature and geologic...


Paleogeographic Evolution of Early Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico and Margins, Jurassic to Middle Cretaceous (Comanchean)

Charles D. Winker , Richard T. Buffler

AAPG Bulletin

.... 193-223. Mixon, R. B., G. E. Murray, and T. Diaz Gonzalez, 1959, Age and correlation of Huizachal Group (Mesozoic), State of Tamaulipas, Mexico: AAPG...


Gloeocapsomorpha prisca-Driven Organic Carbon Isotope Excursion, Late Middle Ordovician (Rocklandian), North American Mid-Continent: New Data from Nevada and Iowa

Stephen R. Jacobson, Stanley C. Finney, Joseph R. Hatch, Gregory A. Ludvigson

Pacific Section SEPM

... ±0.7%c from identical avs. 8"C = -29.8%0 PDB at each site. Assuming correct age correlation and appropriate sample spacing (1/3 Iowa event thickness...


Oligocene Calcareous Nannofossil Provinces

Thomas R. Worsley, Maurice L. Jorgens

Special Publications of SEPM

... a species to be absent from parts of the sediment volume deposited within its biochron significant improvements in biostratigraphic zonations depend...


A Surface to Subsurface Study of the Sycamore Limestone (Mississippian) Along the North Flank of the Arbuckle Anticline1

Tony Cole

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... Midcontinent Regional Meeting, John Borger, editor. pp. 68-80. Buchanan, G. S., 1927, The Distribution and Correlation of the Mississippian in Oklahoma...


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