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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 8,114 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Extent and Nature of Ross Sea Unconformity in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica

H. A. Karl, E. Reimnitz, B. D. Edwards

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... m at sites 2 7 0 and 2 7 2 were interpreted as evidence of a discon¬ formity of Pliocene age. T h e disconformity in the core was correlated...


Stratigraphy at the Boundary of the Tensleep Sandstone and Park City/Goose Egg Formations in the Southern Big Horn Mountains and Eastern Owl Creek Mountains, Wyoming

Lucas M. Todd

Wyoming Geological Association

... by McCue (1953). The diversity of subsequent interpretations of the Nowood member's age, lateral continuity, regional correlation, and relationships...


Timing of Hydrocarbon Migration: Evidenced From Fluid Inclusions in Calcite Cements, Tectonics and Burial History

Robert C. Burruss, Karen R. Cercone, Paul M. Harris

Special Publications of SEPM

... for biostratigraphic zones for shallow shelf carbonates of Barremian through Turonian age, whereas calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifers permit...


A Geological Overview of the Shell Arivett No. 1-26 Well, Pike County, Arkansas

Ted Godo, Peng Li, M. Ed Ratchford

Oklahoma City Geological Society

...: The Geology of North America, v. A: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America, p. 371–396. Bass, M.N., and G. Ferrara, 1969, Age of adularia...





... (nummulitids, orthophragminids) were identified for biostratigraphic age determination. In the studied samples, preservation of larger foraminiferal...


Correlation and Provenance of Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Fluvial Strata, Utah, U.S.A., from Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Petrography

Timothy F. Lawton, Beth A. Bradford

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... 197, p. 207–233. Roberts, E.M., Deino, A.L., and Chan, M.A., 2005, 40Ar/39Ar age of the Kaiparowits Formation, southern Utah, and correlation...


ABSTRACT: A Third-Order Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Devonian of Morocco: Its Implications for Enhanced Regional Correlation of the Devonian in North Africa; #90016 (2003)

Stefan Lubeseder, Ian D. Carr, Jonathan Redfern

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... stratigraphic framework will be available for the correlation to areas with only weak biostratigraphic data. References Belka, Z., B. Kaufmann, and P. Bultynck...


Early Syn-Rift Evolution In the West Cameros Basin (Upper Jurassic, NW Iberian Range), Spain and Pedogenetic Calcretes In Early Syn-Rift Alluvial Systems (Upper Jurassic, West Cameros Basin), Northern Spain—Reply—Discussion

Nigel H. Platt, V. Paul Wright

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... results in considerable uncertainties in the age dating and correlation across the area of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous continental section...


The Russell Fault: An Early Strike-Slip Fault of the California Coast Ranges

Robert S. Yeats, Jeannette A. Calhoun, Barbara B. Nevins, Hans F. Schwing, Herbert M. Spitz

Pacific Section SEPM

... base acquired during oil exploration and development is now in the public domain, and it has resulted in biostratigraphic papers by Lagoe (1981, 1984...


Ichnological Analysis of Lateral Environmental Heterogeneity Within the Bonarelli Level (Uppermost Cenomanian) in the Classical Localities Near Gubbio, Central Apennines, Italy

Paolo Monaco, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Tovar, Alfred Uchman


... layer, which enables correlation of the two studied sections. The package occurs near the top of the uppermost Albian-basal Turonian Scisti a Fucoidi...


The Lower Permian Mount Bayley Formation, Canadian Arctic: An Example of a Deep Subaqueous Evaporite

Carol A. Wallace, Ronald J. Spencer, Charles M. Henderson, Benoit Beauchamp

CSPG Special Publications

...). Biostratigraphic correlation indicates diachronous deposition along the base of the Mount Bayley Formation, with most of the formation restricted...


Defining Pre-Tertiary Petroleum System of Langkat Area, North Sumatera Basin, Indonesia

Aliftama F. Wicaksono, Hitler Sijabat, Totong K. Usman, Dina N. Susanti, Helmi Indrajaya, Sugiri, M. Wahyudin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to the outcrops. From existing well data, lithology analysis is performed to find Pre-Tertiary layers, and biostratigraphic correlation to determine...


Cretaceous Paleogeography and Sedimentation in the Upper Magdalena and Putumayo Basins, Southwestern Colombia; #50246 (2010)

Alejandro Mora, Martin Mantilla, and Mario de Freitas

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..., surface geology, and biostratigraphic data from the Cretaceous section of the Upper Magdalena Valley (UMV) and Putumayo basins of southwestern Colombia...


Control of Depositional Environments Eustacy, and Gravity and Salt Tectonics on Sandstone Distribution in an Unstable Shelf Edge Delta, Eocene Yegua Formation, Texas and Louisiana

Marc B. Edwards

GCAGS Transactions

... for this purpose, well log, seismic and biostratigraphic data were integrated over a distance of about 350 miles along strike. The resulting correlation...


Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Coastal Depositional Systems and Regional Depositional Process Regimes: Campanian Western Interior Seaway, U.S.A.

Marijn Van Cappelle,, Gary J. Hampson, Howard D. Johnson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in correlation between Laramide basins at temporal scales below the age resolution of the ammonite biostratigraphic framework. Consequently, each timeslice...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: South Texas Sub-Regional Evaluation: Area-Wide Integrated Structural and Stratigraphic Framework of the Frio and Vicksburg Yields New Plays and Leads

Edward Feragen, Douglas Millman, Howard Feldman, Robert Bierley, Shirley Perkins

GCAGS Transactions

... through integrated interpretation of extensive well, 2D and 3D seismic, and biostratigraphic data. Due to the influence of growth faults during a time...


Abstract: A Reappraisal of the Stratigraphy of Eastern Sabah

Ben M. Clennell

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... as the primary age-determining group, because these fossils are easily reworked into younger sediments. There was also the problem of the same rock unit acquiring...


Abstract: Biostratigraphy for Understanding Stratal Surfaces and Facies Variability in the Eagle Ford Group of South and West Texas; #90285 (2016)

T. Scott Staerker, Jim Pospichal, Bronwyn Moore, Matthew Wehner, Matthew J. Corbett, Christopher M. Lowery, Michael C. Pope, Arthur D. Donovan

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... interests have promoted geologic study of the Eagle Ford Group, biostratigraphic data and interpretations have improved to provide constraints...


Abstract: Dakota Group Fluvial Systems of the Colorado Front Range: Provenance, Geochronology, and Paleogeographic Significance; #91201 (2022)

Mike Blum, Caroline Nazworth Doerger, and Abdullah Wahbi

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... are Barremian through early Albian in age from biostratigraphic data, a time period that corresponds to a magmatic lull, hence syndepositional zircons...


Graptolite Species Succession Across the Base of the Undulograptus austrodentatus Zone at Hunagnitang, South-Central China, and Its Prospects for Use as a Global Stage Stratotype

Chen Xu, Charles E. Mitchell, Zhang Yuan-dong, Stig M. Bergström, Donald Winston, Wang Zhi-hao, Jörg Maletz

Pacific Section SEPM

...). In several regions, graptolites of the U. austrodentatus Zone are associated with conodonts that permit a correlation with shelly-fossil assemblages...


Regional Lithostratigraphic Units in the Triassic Montney Formation of Western Canada: GEOLOGICAL NOTE

James Dixon

CSPG Bulletin

..., M.J. and Tozer, E.T. 1997. Triassic conodont biochronology, its calibration with the ammonoid standard, and a biostratigraphic summary for the Western...


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