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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,014 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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ABSTRACT Integrated Characterization of Utica and Marcellus Black Shale Gas Plays, New York State, #90104 (2010)

Smith Langhorne B.; Leone James

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...ABSTRACT Integrated Characterization of Utica and Marcellus Black Shale Gas Plays, New York State, #90104 (2010) Smith Langhorne B.; Leone James...


Williston Basin in South Dakota, an Oil Frontier: ABSTRACT

Frank W. Foster

AAPG Bulletin

...Williston Basin in South Dakota, an Oil Frontier: ABSTRACT Frank W. Foster 1954 946 947 38 5. (May) No oil in commercial quantities has been found...


Migration and Entrapment of Petroleum--Examples from Utah Oil-Impregnated Sandstone Deposits: ABSTRACT

Howard R. Ritzma

AAPG Bulletin

...Migration and Entrapment of Petroleum--Examples from Utah Oil-Impregnated Sandstone Deposits: ABSTRACT Howard R. Ritzma 1980 774 774 64 5. (May) Utah...


The Jurassic as a Source of Oil in Western Cuba: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Albert Wright, Jr., P. W. K. Sweet

AAPG Bulletin

...The Jurassic as a Source of Oil in Western Cuba: GEOLOGICAL NOTES Albert Wright, Jr., P. W. K. Sweet 1924 516 519 8 4. (July-August) The occurrence...


Pseudo Evidences of Oil and Gas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Ralph Arnold

AAPG Bulletin

... (black, brown, purple, and other colors) which simulate oil sands including sandstone "dikes" and "veins," limited lenses, and small inclusions of oil...


Western Coal--Clean Black Ace in the Hole: ABSTRACT

John Wold

AAPG Bulletin

...Western Coal--Clean Black Ace in the Hole: ABSTRACT John Wold 1974 911 912 58 5. (May) In 1973 oil and gas supplied 77% of America's energy, 19% came...


Oil and Metals in Ordovician and Devonian Kerogenous Marine Strata of Central Nevada: ABSTRACT

Forrest G. Poole, George A. Desborough

AAPG Bulletin

... deformed eugeosynclinal Paleozoic marine rocks of the Roberts Mountains allochthon. Many fresh black rocks are low-grade oil shales which, upon...


The Petroleum System of Ontario: an Overview in Core

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... Talisman Energy actively pursues in Ontario. Trenton-Black River reservoirs in Ontario have produced over 15 Mmstb oil and 10 Bcf gas. Strike-slip...


The Petroleum System of Ontario: an Overview in Core

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... Talisman Energy actively pursues in Ontario. Trenton-Black River reservoirs in Ontario have produced over 15 Mmstb oil and 10 Bcf gas. Strike-slip...


Petroleum Geology, Volume 23 Issue 3/4; Frontmatter

James W. Clarke, Grace Carrington

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of the tectonic of the Black Sea region determining its oil-gas potential p. 138 14. Role of faults and mud volcanism in the formation of oil-gas...


Peters Point Field, Carbon County, Utah

Don Preston

Utah Geological Association

... Peters Point Unit was drilled in 1953. Five wells have been completed as gas producers and one as a small oil well. The field is shut in pending pipe...


Stratigraphy and Petroleum Geology of Black Warrior Basin, Mississippi and Alabama: ABSTRACT

F. F. Mellen

AAPG Bulletin

...Stratigraphy and Petroleum Geology of Black Warrior Basin, Mississippi and Alabama: ABSTRACT F. F. Mellen 1946 1963 1963 30 11. (November) A great...


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Abstract: Update of New Albany Shale Potential in Illinois

Beverly Seyler and Joan E. Crockett

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... Survey, 615 East Peabody Dr., Champaign, IL 61820, [email protected] To date there is no known commercial production of oil or gas from the New Albany...


ABSTRACT: Organic Geochemical Evidence of Source Rock and Its Depositional Environment, the Nonmarine Santanghu Basin, Northwest China; #90013 (2003)

Qiao Feng, Yiqun Liu, Wan Yang

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... biota. The results suggest that Upper Permian black shales were deposited in a highly reducing hypersaline lake and are more oil-prone than carbonaceous...


Abstract: Upper Ordovician Shale Gas and Oil in Quebec: Sedimentological, Geochemical and Thermal Frameworks; #90174 (2014)

Denis Lavoie and Robert Theriault

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...Abstract: Upper Ordovician Shale Gas and Oil in Quebec: Sedimentological, Geochemical and Thermal Frameworks; #90174 (2014) Denis Lavoie and Robert...


ABSTRACT: Return to the Oil Capital: An Introduction to Tulsa and it's Petroleum History

Raymond P. Sorenson

Petroleum History Institute

...ABSTRACT: Return to the Oil Capital: An Introduction to Tulsa and it's Petroleum History Raymond P. Sorenson Copyright © 2016 Petroleum History...


Potential of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy for Characterizing Devonian Black Shales

Teivardashni Gunasergaran, Eswaran Padmanabhan, Ibad Mahmoodi, Yang Wang Chuan, Zaky Ahmad Riyadi

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Potential of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy for Characterizing Devonian Black Shales Teivardashni Gunasergaran, Eswaran Padmanabhan, Ibad...


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