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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,029 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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Main Directions of Geological Exploration for Oil and Gas in the Ukraine

A. M. Paliy

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... on the Kerchin Peninsula. A pool of light oil was discovered in the Sarat area of the western Black Sea region. In this same region the base...


Hydrocarbon Assessment of the Chattanooga (Devonian) Shale in North Alabama, Northwest Georgia, and South Tennessee: ABSTRACT

Karen F. Rheams, Thornton L. Neathery, Charles W. Copeland, Lawrence J. Rheams

AAPG Bulletin

... of the Chattanooga Shale as recognized in Tennessee. Shale samples of high oil content are typically very dark gray to black, slightly pyritic, and some have...


Regional Stratigraphic Relationships of the Permian “Kaibab” or Black Box Dolomite of the Emery High, Central Utah

John E. Welsh, William Lee Stokes, Bruce R. Wardlaw

Four Corners Geological Society

...Regional Stratigraphic Relationships of the Permian “Kaibab” or Black Box Dolomite of the Emery High, Central Utah John E. Welsh, William Lee Stokes...


Petroleum System of Early Cretaceous Forearc Basin: Sinop Basin, Central Black Sea Onshore - Northern Turkey; #10697 (2014)

Riza Özgür Temel, Sahin Unal, Murat Ceylan

Search and

... analysis, biomarker ratio and oil-source correlation studies indicate that the Ekinveren oil seep is correlatable with Lower Cretaceous black shales...


Abstract: Microfauna of the mid-Cretaceous turbiditic systems of the Black Sea (off Romania): occurrence interpretations, fluctuations related to sedimentary regime and correlations at an oil-field scale

Dan Georgescu

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Microfauna of the mid-Cretaceous turbiditic systems of the Black Sea (off Romania): occurrence interpretations, fluctuations related...


The Mirando Oil Company Well, Zapata County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

W. E. Wrather

AAPG Bulletin

.... The Fayette formation had also shown some heavy black oil, notably at Charco Redondo in Zapata County and in the vicinity of Piedras Pintas in Duval County...


Shelf Principle of Oil Origin, Migration and Accumulation

T. E. Weirich

Tulsa Geological Society

... as the hinge line. Oil pools producing from Atoka sand (named the Gilcrease and Dutcher by drillers) are shown in black. Sites of these pools are limited...


Field Summary: Adena Field and Water Injection Performance

A.T. Sayre

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...Field Summary: Adena Field and Water Injection Performance A.T. Sayre - - - R.M.A.G. Oil & Gas Field Volume, Colorado-Nebraska-1961 Prepareid...


The Early Oil Industry of Southeast Kansas Illustrated on Postcards

Jeff A. Spencer

Petroleum History Institute

..., ed., Petroleum History Institute, Oil City, PA, 54 p. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jeff Spencer is a geologist/partner with Black Pool...


Petersburg Oil Pool, Hale County, Texas

R. W. Mallory

AAPG Bulletin

... reservoir and to presence of anticlinal structure. Source of the oil may have been either the limestone in which it is found or the black shales...


Jurassic Sediments of the Western Black Sea Onshore and Kerchen Peninsula - New Exploration Targets

R. V. Palinskiy, L. G. Plakhotnyy

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...Jurassic Sediments of the Western Black Sea Onshore and Kerchen Peninsula - New Exploration Targets R. V. Palinskiy, L. G. Plakhotnyy 1985 552 553...


Editorial and PHI Symposium Report - Bradford Pennsylvania, June 19-21, 2014

Rasoul Sorkhabi

Petroleum History Institute

... for Melissa Mann (left). PHI awards banquet on June 20, 2014, Bradford. Marilyn Black of Oil Region Alliance, who introduced the awardee, is seen...


The Winning of Romanian Oil

M. Quentin Morton

GEO ExPro Magazine

... would pass before production regained its pre-war levels. Alamy Great Power Rivalry (1920–1939) ‘Imagine hundreds of gigantic oil derricks, black...


Drilling of the Meridian, Hayden Creek and Summit Springs Structures

G. S. McJannett, E. W. Clark

Utah Geological Association

... by predominantly gray to black, hard, dense limestone with minor amounts of dark gray dolomite. Only minor porosity and only traces of oil and gas were logged from...


Oil 150: Commemorating 150 Years Since Drake Well

Melissa L. Mann

Petroleum History Institute

... original Oil Well Supply Company molds. (Photo by Marilyn Black). Specifically, Oil 150 worked with the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC...


Discovery of organic-rich black shale xenolith from kimberlite on the Hall Peninsula, Nunavut and its implication for petroleum potential in Cumberland Sound

Shunxin Zhang, Robert A. Creaser, Jennifer Pell

CSPG Bulletin

... been buried deeply enough in the succession in these areas to produce oil. However, in view of the regional geology and the black shale xenolith...


The Bearing of Geologic Features in South Dakota upon Oil Possibilities

Roy A. Wilson

AAPG Bulletin

.... These formations are oil-bearing in Wyoming and have shown traces of oil in the Black Hills region. The problem as to their possible productivity centers on two...


Turbidites and Slope Facies Association, Upper Cretaceous Holz Shale Member of the Ladd Formation, Santa Ana Mountains, California

Martin H. Link, David J. Bottjer

Pacific Section SEPM

..., this volume) environments. In Silverado Canyon the central portion of the Holz Shale is predominantly mudstone, while to the northwest in Black Star...




Williston Basin Symposium

.... One well is producing over 100 barrels of oil per day from this basal sand on the southwest flank of the Black Hills...



J. C. Thompson

Montana Geological Society

... by the reversal at the south end of West Butte and by lenticular sand pinchout. The source of the oil is in the adjacent black...


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