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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
AAPG Archie Series, No. 1, Chapter 13: Summary and Recommendations
Q. R. Passey, K. E. Dahlberg, K. B. Sullivan, H. Yin, R. A. Brackett, Y. H. Xiao, and A. G. Guzmán-Garcia
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Therefore there is significant uncertainty in the solution, especially when bed thicknesses are less than the blind frequency of the resistivity log. End...
Tom Davis, Steve Roche, and Susie Mastoris
Fort Worth Geological Society
...", "halo"). There are two main components to be considered in computing the required aperture, dip effect and fresnel zone width. The dip effect...
Control of Alluvial Sedimentation at Foreland-Basin Active Margins: A Case Study from the Northeastern Ebro Basin (Southeastern Pyrenees, Spain)
Laurie Barrier, Jean-Noel Proust, Thierry Nalpas, Cecile Robin, Francois Guillocheau
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... extensively studied in relation to mountain-emergent thrust fronts. However, how an entire mountain front (from emergent to blind thrusts) controls...
The Formation of a Foreland Dipping Duplex at Eagle Rock Gap, Virginia
Philip Pearce
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
... rocks are brought to the surface by thrust faults. West of the Great Valley of Virginia is the Valley and Ridge Province which is characterized by blind...
Geometry of Supra-prism Basins of Southern Barbados Wedge
Huyghe, P., Morette, L., Griboulard, R Faugeres J. C. and Mugnier, J.L.
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
..., at a kilometric scale : blind thrusts corresponding to frontal propagation develop seaward under abyssal plain whereas reactivating of thrusts occurs...
Microseeps: The Only Real DHI?
Jane Whaley
GEO ExPro Magazine
... or the transition zone, shallow or deepwater; in hot or cold climates. In onshore application, it works in a huge range of soils, from water saturated...
Ibex (Caddo) Field Musselman Caddo Field
A. V. Jones, Jr., Buford Salters
Abilene Geological Society
... oil men) Fee: Poindexter #2 Location: Northeast corner of Section 29, Blind Asylums Survey Completion Date: February 8, 1921 Total Depth: 3564...
Common Fallacies in Electric Log Interpretation
R. G. Hamilton
Tulsa Geological Society
... resistivity gradient slope. It is impossible to interpret fluid content in the "blind" zone beneath a thin resistive bed for a Lateral curve. Near oil...
Pliocene lake Livada and the discovery of a valuable super-brine complex in railroad valley, Nevada
Vincent Ramirez, Karen Loomis
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... of lake filling and evaporation are identified within the last 3 million years. Figure 1. Net pay map of the upper zone of the super-brine complex...
Memorial: Louis August Scholl, Jr. (1887-1953)
Roy L. Lay
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... in a duck blind in the early morning when the mallards and pintails were coming in to the decoys, and it was my pleasure to accompany him on some...
Sparse time-frequency representation based on Unet with domain adaptation
Yuxin Zhang, Naihao Liu, Yang Yang, Zhiguo Wang, Jinghuai Gao, Xiudi Jiang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... be noted that the learning rate is getting smaller to avoid the local minimum. After training the STFR-UDA model, we apply it to the blind testing...
Around the World in 59 Stages
Richard Tyson, Amanda Galsworthy, Getech
GEO ExPro Magazine
... be refined in order to produce a convergence between predictions and observations. Algorithms based on modern data analogs provide an initial ‘blind test...
ABSTRACT: The "Oil Break" - A 200-Year Saga of West Virginia Oil and Gas Activities
Larry D. Woodfork, William A. Heck, Patricia J. Johns
Petroleum History Institute
... Anticline forming the western boundary underlain by a “blind thrust fault” in the mid 1980s Recent interest in “unconventional shale gas reservoirs...
A New Wave in Seismic
Rick Dunlop, Brian Taylor
GEO ExPro Magazine
... Achieved Over the past decade, we have seen widespread acceptance of what is perceived as ‘blind’ recording, both on and offshore. Broadly speaking, most...
Sunrise Iron Mine, Wyoming
David A. Carter
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... to underground block caving with some sublevel caving. Production from the Chicago Mine was from a small open pit. The Central Ore Body was a blind deposit...
Static-Dynamic Reconciliation Applied on Reservoir Modeling: A Case Study in Handil Deep Reservoir, Kutai Basin
Gatot Dwi Jayanto, Supriady, Yeky Gamez
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of the efforts to fight gas production decline in the Mahakam PSC of Kutai Basin, include the redevelopment of the Handil Field Deep Zone interval...
Seismic Foldout: Characterising CCUS sites: Legacy data. Powered by machine learning
Mike Powney, Jeniffer Masi, Dan Austin, Theresia Citraningtyas, Monika Dyrendahl, Behzad Alaei, Anastasiia Jacobsen, Sharon Cornelius, Felix Dias, Pete Emmet, Geoex MCG, Earth Science Analytics
GEO ExPro Magazine
... process is supervised, ML metrics as well as blind testing are used to verify the performance of the models in addition to a geological sense check...
Surface Expression of Concentric Folds and Apparent Detachment Zone (Decollement) Near Cokeville, Wyoming
J. F. Conrad
Wyoming Geological Association
...Surface Expression of Concentric Folds and Apparent Detachment Zone (Decollement) Near Cokeville, Wyoming J. F. Conrad 1977 385 390 Armstrong, F.C....
A Preliminary Geochemical Evaluation of the Arctic Islands
Diego Henao-Londono
CSPG Bulletin
... 0.5 and 2.0 per cent, approximately defining a favourable belt for oil generation; 2) an eometamorphic gas zone in the axial part of the geosyncline...
Structural Relationship of the Northern Urals and Adjacent Basins
Konstantin O. Sobornov
CSPG Special Publications
... in the Urals-West Siberia transition zone provide evidence for Tertiary reactivation of the older faults along the Urals. Estimates of horizontal...
Adding uncertainty to the estimation of log data using a gradient-boosted tree approach
Marianne Rauch, Keyla Gonzalez
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... to be the most effective in improving the quality of the ML inference results. When estimations are compared to blind data, the data fit is very good if the input...
Memorial: Roland Frank Beers, Sr. (1899-1985)
Barbara Beers L. Trafford
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... to him daily, as he was nearly blind. Every week, the Oil & Gas Journal had to be read because he wanted to keep up with what was going on. His interests...
Memorial: Francis Parker Shepard (1897-1985)
K. O. Emery, R. S. Dietz, G. G. Kuhn, R. E. Stevenson, J. R. Curray
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... and not faulting; (2) the pattern of shelf sedimentation is complex, and beyond the surf zone, there is no general gradation of sediments from coarse to fine across...
Front Matter
AAPG Special Volumes
...; however, inadvertently and certainly unintentionally, a giant field was discovered. Call it blind luck if you wish. I am sure that the operator did...
Analysis of Artificially Matured Shales With Confocal Laser Scanning Raman Microscopy: Applications to Organic Matter Characterization
Grant A. Myers, Kelsey Kehoe, Paul Hackley
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... confocal laser-scanning Raman microscopy and reflectance. The maturation series from the Bakken was randomized for the Phase-I single-blind study...