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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Low-Taper Intercutaneous Wedges: A Model for Opposing Shear Senses on Coeval, Subparallel Shears
Jacqueline Windh
CSPG Bulletin
.... (September) Recent interpretations of the eastern part of the triangle zone, at the front of the Canadian Rocky Mountain thrust belt, as a low-taper...
Trishear: A Review of Kinematics, Mechanics, and Applications
Stuart Hardy, Richard W. Allmendinger
AAPG Special Volumes
... of trishear in this context was that undertaken by Champion et al. (2001) with respect to the Reelfoot blind thrust in the New Madrid seismic zone...
Detailed Analysis from Seismic Data of the Structure within the Aure Fold and Thrust Belt, Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea
Khib A. Kugler
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... underlain by a blind thrust to the SW (Fig. 5: SP -30150). West of this front is the stable platform of the Papuan Foreland. This location...
Durophagous fish predation traces versus tumbling-induced shell damage-a paleobiological perspective
Mariusz A. Salamon, Tomasz Brachaniec, Przemys?aw Gorzelak
... and patterns of shell damage resulting from the tumbling within the surf zone, 12 similarly sized specimens of gastropods (~ 0.4–0.6 cm) and 12...
Are Horizontal Wells Right For Development Of Groundwater Resources In The Garber-Wellington Aquifer?
James W. Roberts
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... the subsurface at an angle, because in most cases the depth of the targeted groundwater zone(s) is too shallow to permit the borehole to be taken from...
A Comparison of Fold-Thrust Belts in Eastern Sundaland: Structural Commonalities and Differences on the Circum-Borneo Margin
John Jong, Steven M. Barker, Franz L. Kessler
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... a thick zone of over-pressured shale of Miocene age. Due to the limitation of the seismic and the vast thickness of the Plio-Pleistocene sediments...
Passive-Roof Duplexes Under the Rocky Mountain Foreland Basin, Alberta (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... the existence of thrust faulting northeast of the triangle zone, but neither the magnitude nor the direction of the displacement across this blind fault...
Environmental influence on burrow system features of a colonial and fossorial rodent: implications for interpreting fossil tetrapod burrows
M. Cristina Cardonatto, Ricardo Nestor Melchor
... of tunnels into two or three tunnels of similar diameter including bifurcation (Rb) and trifurcation (Rt). Blind tunnel (Tb).—Short lateral tunnel not related...
Geologic Excursions in Southwestern California
George Dunne, John Cooper
Pacific Section SEPM
.... is suggested (Ponti, D., personal communication to E.S., 2000). Understanding the rate of uplift is important in that it sheds light on the recent structural...
Colorado Plateau Tectonostratigraphic Unit
M. C. Erskine
Pacific Section of AAPG
... the hypothesis that the Colorado Plateau is a major regional blind thrust plate. The abundance of tectonically displaced salt along Plateau margins...
Evaluation of Empirical Correlations and Time Series Models for the Prediction and Forecast of Unconventional Wells Production in Wolfcamp A Formation
Aimen Laalam, Houdaifa Khalifa, Habib Ouadi, Mouna Keltoum Benabid, Olusegun Stanley Tomomewo, Mouad Al Krmagi
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...) models are designed, preprocessed, and trained. Their effectiveness is tested through a blind trial on three new wells. If these ML models fail...
Neogene Tectonics of the East Ventura and San Fernando Basins, California: An Overview
Robert S. Yeats
Pacific Section of AAPG
... Northridge blind thrust earthquakes and other nearby structures: Bull. Seismol. Soc. America, v. 90, p. 629-642 Bohannon, R.G., 1975, Mid-Tertiary...
Complex tetrapod burrows from Middle Triassic red beds of the Argana Basin (western High Atlas, Morocco)
Sebastian Voigt, Jörg W. Schneider, Hafid Saber, Abdelkbir Hminna, Abdelouahed Lagnaoui, Hendrik Klein, Andreas Brosig, Jan Fischer
... southern slope an approximately 80-m-thick section of arid-zone fluvio-lacustrine red-beds that we refer to the middle part of the Aglegal Member (T4...
Modern Thecamoebinids (Arcellinida) from the Balize Delta, Louisiana
Drew Haman
GCAGS Transactions
... on the eastern margin of the delta was in Blind Bay (localities 021-023, 059-061, 064-067). The ranges exhibited by the measured environmental parameters...
Outlier Analysis: A Systematic Method for Distinguishing Between Sub-surface and Engineering Influence on Well Performance in the Montney
Felix Todea, Ben Stephenson, Alexa Tomlinson, Heidi Pratt, Will Williams, Luis Acosta, Irma Eggenkamp, Brad Speidel
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... is not the sweet-spot, as illustrated by the well performance bubble plot superimposed on the HCIIP map (figure 2). Stratigraphic lobe Landing Zone...
Tectonics and Sedimentology of Uinta Arch, Western Uinta Mountains, and Uinta Basin: Part III. Middle Rocky Mountains
R. L. Bruhn, M. D. Picard, J. S. Isby
AAPG Special Volumes
.... S. Isby 1986 333 352 M 41: Paleotectonics and Sedimentation in the Rocky Mountain Region, United States The Wasatch Mountains mark a major zone...
Notes on Textural and Reservoir Variations of Ordovician Micro-Dolomites, Lake Alma - Beaubier oil producing area, southern Saskatchewan
G. E. Thomas
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... matrix porosity. Blind solution vug and fracture porosity contribute mainly to the large rises of salt water obtained on drill stem tests. The irregular...
NATS on WATS seismic imaging, rock property modeling and interpretation using machine-learning techniques to inform reservoir quality and deliverability in the Gulf of Mexico
Peter Lanzarone, Shenghui Li, Kang Fu, Kenny Gullette, Jeff Thompson, Gabriel Ritter
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... datasets. Additionally, a poor data zone exists to the north of the field due to a salt overhang. We performed an extensive post-migration gather...
Induction-Electrical Logging in Oklahoma
H. W. True
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... or "blind zone" of the lateral, hence the lateral is reading much too low a value of resistivity. The short and long normals are reading too high because...
W. Edward Osborne
Alabama Geological Society
... by the Gumsuck Branch anticline, to which displacement on the fault is transferred as the fault apparently goes blind. The Hogpen Branch fault has an unusual...
Deep learning Laplace-Fourier full-waveform inversion with virtual supershot gathers
Lei Fu, Daniele Colombo, Weichang Li, Ernesto Sandoval-Curiel, Ersan Turkoglu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...quation (4) are listed in Table 1. The locations of the anomalous bodies are outlined with white dash lines. The ANN performs the best in this bli...
ABSTRACT: Bow Wave Model for Deformation and Foredeep Development since 10 MA, Eastern venezuela and Trinidad
James Pindell and Lorcan Kennan
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
... Caribbean plate boundary zone (SCPBZ), and then consider the geological history. Aspect 1: reviewing gravity, GPS, and seismic data, we show...
Integrated 3D seismic and petrophysical workflow to predict elastic and geomechanical properties in the Wolfcamp Formation: A case study from the Midland Basin, Texas
Reinaldo Sabbagh, Shuvajit Bhattacharya
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... data from 36 stages for each well. Based on the survey data, 3D geomodels, and landing zone analysis, the Suggs A-171 6SU well entered the Wolfcamp B...
Tectonics of the Chelekeno-Gubkin Uplift
V. A. Kornev
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... closest to the crest of the uplift is the −1300 m, and the −1200 m contour disappears into a blind zone. Consequently, closure of the Zhdanova brachy...
A Comparison of the Cenozoic Cover - Basement Tectonics of the Central and Eastern Cordillera of Northern Colombia
Andreas Kammer
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... it separates volcanic rocks from metamorphic basement, a phyllonitic zone may be present on either side of the contact. In some places the fault is intruded...