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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,317 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Update 2010: Airborne Transient Pulse Surveys for Hydrocarbon ExplorationMajor Recent Improvements; #40686 (2011)
Leonard A. LeSchack, John R. Jackson, James K. Dirstein, William B. Ghazar, Natalya Ionkina
Search and Discovery.com
... (2) Blind Airborne Transient-Pulse-Survey P-TEM line, also flown in 2002, chanced to fly over the Ground- Magnetic HG’ Survey of author LeSchack...
Stratigraphic Controls on Mississippian Limestone Reservoir Quality through Integrated Electrofacies Classification and Seismic Constrained Spatial Statistics, Barber County, Kansas; #41924 (2016)
Niles W. Wethington, Matthew J. Pranter
Search and Discovery.com
... 20x V.E. Petrophysical modeling reveals a highly porous zone near the top of the Mississippian section in Hardtner Field. This zone, often referred...
Time-Dependent Performance Evaluation of Cyclic Injection of Gas Mixtures into Hydraulically-Fractured Wells in Appalachian Sandstones; #11009 (2017)
Emre Artun
Search and Discovery.com
... the efficiency. This model was validated with 500 blind cases, with a correlation coefficient of 0.95. Analysis of this model confirmed previous...
Rock Typing and Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs: A Case Study from South East Kuwait, #51542 (2018).
Shaikha F. Turkey, Jasem M. Al-Kanderi, Prasanta Kumar Mishra, Ghaliah Al-Alawi, Salim Al-Hashmi, Abdulrahman Al-Harthy, Muatasam Al-Raisi
Search and Discovery.com
... use the RRT classification and differentiation. Rock Quality Indicator (RQI) and Flow Zone Indicator (FZI) were computed for the MICP samples data...
Determining the age and depositional model of the Doig Phosphate Zone in northeastern British Columbia using conodont biostratigraphy
M. L. Golding, M. J. Orchard, J.-P. Zonneveld, N. S. F. Wilson
CSPG Bulletin
...Determining the age and depositional model of the Doig Phosphate Zone in northeastern British Columbia using conodont biostratigraphy M. L. Golding...
Machine-Learning Assisted Production Allocation Using a 3-D Full Field Geochemical Model of Produced Oils in the Eagle Ford and Austin Chalk of South Texas
Jason Jweda, Hui Long, Eric Michael
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... zone were backcalculated and matched to contributions by layer in each oil mixture that were known a priori from previously core-calibrated allocations...
Chapter 3: Visual Metaphors in Structural Geology: A Means for Enhancing 3-D Visualization
George H. Davis, David Fischer
AAPG Special Volumes
... with permission of John Wiley & Sons). Another example illustrates blind thrust faults. Blind thrusts came to the broader attention of the geology...
High-Frequency Detrital Signals in Eocene Fan-Delta Sandstones of Mixed Parentage (South-Central Pyrenees, Spain): A Reconstruction of Chemical Weathering in Transit
G. J. Weltje, S. O. K. J. Van Ansenwoude, P. L. De Boer
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., The Netherlands, Reidel, p. 1-18. BELT, E.S., AND LYONS, P.C., 1989, A thrust-ridge paleodepositional model for the Upper Freeport coal bed and associated...
Evolution of the Cretaceous Astrid thrust belt in the ultradeep-water Lower Congo Basin, Gabon
Martin P. A. Jackson, Michael R. Hudec, David C. Jennette, Richard E. Kilby
AAPG Bulletin
...; Jackson et al., 2004; Kilby et al., 2004).The study area lies north of the Congo Canyon and seaward of the Atlantic hinge zone (Figure 2), a major flexure...
Three-dimensional fault geometries and interactions within experimental models of multiphase extension
Martha Oliver Withjack, Alissa A. Henza, and Roy W. Schlische
AAPG Bulletin
... from tips of reactivated, blind, first-phase faults. These hybrid faults have deep segments that strike subperpendicular to the first-phase extension...
Late Cenozoic Fold and Thrust Belt of the Southern Coast Ranges and Santa Maria Basin, California (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... resulting from thrust ramps off thrust flat and a regional detachment at 11-14 km depth. Most of the thrust faults do not reach the surface (blind...
CO2 Plume Imaging with Accelerated Deep Learning-based Data Assimilation Using Distributed Pressure and Temperature Measurements at the Illinois Basin-Decatur Carbon Sequestration Project
Takuto Sakai, Masahiro Nagao, Chin Hsiang Chan, Akhil Datta-Gupta
Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)
...s, and core analysis (Wade Zaluski 2021). As shown in Figure 6, the static model composed of eleven zones, and the main injection zone is Mt. Simo...
Ecosystem engineering by bioturbating polychaetes in event bed microcosms
Liam G. Herringshaw, Owen A. Sherwood, Duncan McIlroy
... deposit feeding (ddf) in mud- and feces-filled burrows; sediment depth is 70 mm. E) Mucus-lined, blind-ended, open burrow produced during...
Kikori Integrated Conservation and Development Project: Sustaining the Environment and Promoting Conservation and Sustainable Development Alongside the Kutubu Joint Venture Petroleum Development
T. Leary, R. Naug, J. Price
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... recognised this area’s biodiversity importance. The G overn m en t en co u ra g es p rojects that in v o lv e cu stom ary la n d o w n ers in order to bring...
Recent Advances in Steamflood Technology
K. C. Hong
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... the pattern boundary, oil in the blind spot (as well as in the sands below the steam gravity override zone that are bypassed by steam) can be captured. Also...
Basement Thrusting in North-Central Utah: A Model for the Development of the Northern Utah Highland
Tad W. Schirmer
Utah Geological Association
..., no. 9, pp. 1160–1178. Zoback, M. L., 1983, Structure and Cenozoic tectonism along the Wasatch Fault zone, Utah, in Tectonic and stratigraphic studies...
Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of the Western Margin of the Colorado Plateau During the Latest Cenomanian and Early Turonian
Jiri Laurin, Bradley B. Sageman
Pacific Section of AAPG
... by basinward approach of the thrust front in an in-sequence mode (emplacement of a blind thrust beneath the western part of the area of study), and possible...
Quantitative and Comparative Mineralogy Analysis From Cores, Cuttings and Logs in Vaca Muerta Shale Play
Laurent E. Mosse, Luz Rodriguez, Enrique R. Chiapello, Marcelo J. Sanchez, Laurent Lambert, Jean-Pierre Leduc
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... on extensive comparison with the reference results obtained from TOTAL CSTJF laboratory in Pau, France. All the measurements done by AML followed a “Blind...
Late Paleozoic Syn- and Post-Rift Sequences on Grinnell Peninsula, Canadian Arctic (Sverdrup Basin): Evidence for Basin Margin Tectonic Disturbances Associated with Sequence Boundaries
Benoit Beauchamp, Pierre Theriault
CSPG Special Publications
.... Tozer, E.T. 1963. Blind Fiord. In: Geology of north-central part of the arctic Archipelago, Northwest Territories (Operation Franklin) Fortier et al...
Vegetation of the Uinta Mountains and its Relationship with Geology and Geomorphology
Sherel Goodrich
Utah Geological Association
... zone of the Colorado Front Range: Geografiska Annaler, v. 60: 181–187. Tomaselli, M., 1991, The snow-bed vegetation in the Northern Apennies...
Petroleum Geology of Ashley Valley Oil Field and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Surrounding Area, Uintah County, Utah
Thomas C. Chidsey Jr., Douglas A. Sprinkel
Utah Geological Association
... the Laramide orogeny and are associated with blind, basement-involved thrust faults trending marginal to the Uinta Basin. Nearby field-scale outcrops serve...
Fault-Related Ground-Water Compartmentalization in the East Tintic Mining District, Utah
Sandra Hamaker, Ron Harris
Utah Geological Association
...; Gudmundsson and others, 2001). The purpose of this investigation is to examine an extensively documented, mostly blind fault zone, and the ground-water...
New Applications of Computer-Based Section Construction: Strain Analysis, Local Balancing, and Subsurface Fault Prediction
J. Geiser, P.A. Geiser, Roy Kligfield, R. Ratliff, M. Rowan
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... that an anticline is present above a blind splay of the Absaroka thrust. At the level of the Jurassic Twin Creek limestone and Nugget sandstone, the structure...
Tectonic Significance of Paleocene Alluvial Sequence, Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming-Montana
Scott J. Johnson, Larry T. Middleton
Wyoming Geological Association
... sequences during Clarkforkian time. Middle Clarkforkian fluvial units depositionally thin against the blind thrust culmination structure of the Line...
The Control of Mechanical Stratigraphy on the Formation of Triangle Zones
Brent A. Couzens, David V. Wiltschko
CSPG Bulletin
... at the deformation front. The synorogenic deposits often provide the weak shale-rich rocks for the cover sequence to the triangle zone, which is thrust...